Making a Cushion out of Own Hair

Ever since the lockdowns I've been too chicken to go to a hair dresser. Been cutting my own hair ever since. I lay out a garbage bag to catch my hair and I've been saving it. I now have enough to stuff into a small cushion. I was cutting my hair last night and was toying with the idea.

Is it gross to make a cushion out of my own hair?

PS: It's a shame to waste it and it's quite soft and nice.

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  • 431
  • 88


  • +23

    That's gross. I've never seen a human hair pillow but it sounds like it's going to make a ruffling sound in your ear every time you put your head on it. Plus individual strands might poke your face through the pillow bag! haha

    • +8

      Next , OP should do the lampshade.

    • -5

      What do you think the Germans in WWII were doing with the hair when they shaved the heads of the jews?

    • I am beginning to wonder if OP has been saving hair from other parts of the body as well, just to add to the “Loft” of the cushion.
      I would be wary from now on, if anyone tells me "I have made my own cusion". OP has killed it for me! Thanks!!

  • +17

    organic, head-to-chair hand-made artisanal crafts

  • +21

    Ignoring the obvious response to this horrific suggestion, can you imagine those hairs poking through the cushion stabbing into your skin? Have you ever had a hair embed itself into your skin?

    What an awful thing to make people read OP

  • +17

    It may be too late but see if you can donate it to make wigs for chemo patients.


    Edit: looks like they dont take it but they offer a link and info for organisations that do.

  • +3

    Mr Onion is that you?

    A cat hairball is a collection of dead hair and digestive juices that have formed in your cat's stomach.

    Eatslikeacat checks out…

  • +22

    You should save up all of your dead skin, toenails and any scabs that fall off too and include those in the cushion.

    • +32

      if you crush them up into powder you can make a dough and bake your own bread or pizza

      • +2

        With bonus sourdough starter

      • +9

        I just wanted you to know it was this comment that made me gag and get out of ozbargain completely. Well done!

    • +4

      Save nail clippings for making jewelry

    • I bet OP has a special box to store their special items

    • They could save their poops and make a cushion I mean a fertiliser.

  • +5


    • +1

      Drugs are bad, folks.

  • +38

    I'm calling the police.

    • +3
      • +8


  • +13

    Making your own hair pillow has a vibe of 'It rubs the lotion on its skin. It does this whenever it is told' all over it.

  • +15

    Had a female friend ask me once what I do with my beard trimmings. I said they go in the bin with a little bit down the sink from cleaning up. She went "oh" and proceeded to tell me how her dad kept all his beard trimmings in a box and had done so for years.

    Anyway, I can now go tell her her dad is not the only weirdo in the world.

    Just throw it in the bin and buy some proper pillow stuffing if you want to make your own. It's cheaper and a lot cleaner, plus you won't weird people out when you tell them you have a human hair pillow.

    All that aside, thanks for the entertainment this morning. I love the OzBargain forums, makes me feel normal.

    • +8

      Now that you mention it…
      I could grow a beard from a young age, and when I was in my late teens I had a friend who was insistent that my beard was the source of my power.
      For his birthday, I trimmed most of my beard off and put it in a jewellery box for him as a gift.

      Thank you for reminding me of this.

  • Well they did use slave hair as "filling" for furniture..

    • What about slave leather?

      • +2

        That's taking the term " shirt off his back" to that NEXT level…

      • Ed Gein’s lampshade emporium

  • +39

    I shaved down below and used the trimmings as a pot scourer. I'm a true Ozbargainer.

    • +9

      I've never had a comment make me physically gag like this one did. Well played sir!

      • +20

        I'll have another one in about 6 weeks if you're interested.

        • +3

          If OzB were a game of NBA Jam… he's on fire!!

        • +4

          Post it as a deal!

      • +1

        just wait till you hear his recipe for chocolate sauce..

    • +2

      This comment has me rolling.

      • +2

        Had me scratchin..

    • +3

      Scotty, how do I delete someone else's comment?

  • +1

    I remember Lisa Edelstein's character doing this in an episode of Frasier. Frasier couldn't nope out of that relationship fast enough.

  • +1
  • You can sell human hair. Not just for hair extensions but for jewellery. Plenty of Aussie jewellers out there who will do it. Also, people still make hair art. You may have needed to have kept it banded first though.

    • +2

      The Victorians had a big thing about making mourning jewellery from a deceased loved ones hair.

      • +3

        Not just dead ones.
        My mother has a locket where the necklace is made out of my great-grandfather's baby hair.
        She calls it her 'hair-loom'.

  • Righto then..

  • +1

    Donate it to Peter Dutton.

    • -1

      he has alopecia, you might not like the man but stick to his politics

      • -4

        His politics and party is about insulting opponents despite conditions/skin/etc. Hes fair game.

        I think he has voldemortis, hair could cure it..

        • I think duck is fair game. And fkn tasty too!

      • +2

        Man that's the same excuse Will Smith's wife used, soon all bald people are going to same the same thing /s

        • Male pattern baldness is clinically a type of alopecia, sooooo

  • +13

    Is it gross to make a cushion out of my own hair?

    Yes. At least be a classy psychopath and use your victims' hair instead. Geezus, OP.

  • You shouldn't be collecting your hair in the first place.

  • +3

    May I enquire about your spoons?

    • I too like rusty spoons….I like to touch them

  • +2

    This screams psycho so much.

  • +4

    And you can make the cover out of your skin or someone else's.

    • Part of the "Ed Gein ™" collection…

  • What about preserving the poo just in case? May be as a set up for organic no chemical fertilisers farm?

  • +1

    and I've been saving it.

    What sort of a psychopath are you

    Is it gross to make a cushion out of my own hair?

    If you have to ask an internet forum if this is gross then I fear for those close to you.

  • +1

    Merkin power

  • +1

    take 500 years of growth for me to make a cushion from my natural hair

    and the idea is gross

  • I am getting the Ed Gien vibe

  • +1

    Great idea. This is the kind of disgusting that ends up on display at an art museum.

  • +1

    Depends on what part(s) of your body the hair is from?

  • +3

    Make sure you wash the hair in thickening shampoo. Will give the pillow extra volume.

    Ya weirdo lol.

  • +1


  • +1

    That is gross, yuch

  • +2

    The Nazis used human hair to make blankets and other textiles. Having been to Auschwitz and seen the piles of hair and a few blankets made from it, I'd be too grossed out by it. Not to mention it's just gross in its own right.

    Not as bad obviously but has the same vibe as consensual cannibalization.

  • +19

    I like to learn something new every day. From the feedback today I have learnt that I'm a monster. rubs lotion sadly onto skin and sprays hose on self

    • +1

      If you ever bring a woman home, you can impress her with "you like this pillow? it's stuffed with human hair".

      • What made you think op is into women?

        • +4

          They have more hair.

  • +1


  • it's only weird once you start storing your own pee howard hughes style

  • +3

    I once made a playful wig out of my pubis hairs. Nothing wrong with it. You do you!

  • +7

    Just when I thought I'd seen it all on here, this thread appears straight from the depths of hell.

  • +1

    While you're at it why not save your poo as well? I'm sure you will put it to good use, especially given how soft and pillowy the good poos are. May be you could cover the hair with the poo so hair strands don't stick out; win-win.

    That's it, I'm out for the day week. 🤢🤮

    • Depending in the level of your coke habit and fear of retribution from Jimmy Page, you might end up storing your urine in the fridge:…

    • I find it's more convenient just to trim off my butt hairs and place those in a pillow, because they already have a good dose of poo on them and they grow back really fast too.

  • +1

    It puts the cream on its hair

  • +2

    Do it and put it on ebay

  • Well you wouldn't be the first, sort of.

    It's just you and me now lock of hair …

  • +1

    Put it in your compost heap if you have one.

  • This is hair from pubis. Feel the quality.
    I can get 2,000 bags by next Friday.

  • According to one website I read, mice don't like it so you could fill any little holes that mice might try to use to enter your house. ymmv.

    • A what cost though? Sure the mice are repelled, but the weirdos that this will attract…

  • I think it is a great idea. I am going to see if local hair salon will collect the hair from the shop for cushions or even bean bag filling.

  • +2

    That’s enough OZBARGAIN for today

  • Compost it

  • Hair splinters is real and they hurt more than wood splinters imo. Some hairdressers wear gloves for this reason.

    Hair can poke out of fabric, even thick fabric of you move it alot, and that hair will poke you. Not a good feel.

    But imo, that's gross. If it's virgin hair and long enough, donate it to some wig place.

  • I put my hair clippings and hair brush strands in the garden under the leaves sometimes. I was told the worms like it.

  • Happy Monday everyone.

  • +1

    For your next project you could make candles from your earwax….

  • That is a great idea. I'll make you a cushion to go with your couch from the fluff i produce inside my belly button.
    Business partners 🤮

  • A hahahahaha

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