Hoping for some advice. We are currently using Aussie Broadband and getting speed tests of 104mbps, except for my son's PS5 which is only getting speeds of approximately 20mbps.
I chose our plan as it was supposed to be good for gaming.
Our modem is based downstairs, and his PS5 is upstairs. We love in a townhouse so not a huge property.
Spoke to customer support and all they could suggest was to buy a wifi extender and plug the PS5 directly into it as we can't move the modem upstairs.
Question is has anyone fixed this issue by doing that and if yes, is there a particular wifi extender I should buy?
Son's PS5 Is Lagging

Last edited 10/07/2022 - 10:21 by 1 other user
Poll Options
- 19A wifi extender will work
- 8Tell my son to suck it up
- 3Don't know. Don't care
- 1You have been palmed you off with sh*t advice
The longer he is occupied with gaming the longer they can… Play games
Could be it’s slow when he is on PS5, the adults use up all the bandwidth with streaming…
Jut setting out the root causes of the issue
Almost went for the seXbox X
wifi extender or mesh system. a wifi extender fixed my issues, though i can't recommend the one i got as the receptor for the 5ghz signal appears to be faulty, but it can still broadcast 5ghz and 2.4 ghz, as well as receive 2.4ghz without issue.
just look up wifi extenders and choose the one with the best positive to negative ratio
Purchase a mesh Wi-Fi 2 pack bundle or upgrade the router. Are you using the NetComm modem from Aussie BB? If so is it the NetComm NF20MESH, NF18ACV or NF18MESH?
Do you have FTTN, FTTB, FTTC, FTTP, HFC?
Connect it up with Ethernet cable. Wifi signals have delays and are laggy. The wifi signal spreads out like a plate from the router. Best solution is to run a cable to the PS5. If that’s not possible then install a wired access point on the second floor. Thirdly if this isn’t possible then those mesh things are available. The mesh solutions will probably boost your signal but may introduce more signal delay. Wifi is great for portable devices that you want to move around your house but not for low latency devices like gaming consoles.
^ this 100%.
Just get a POE network kit next best thing to a network cable
if you own the house, wire ethernet cable to upstairs and be done with it. Other solutions are a compromise that he may or may not be happy with.
Also, most likely not the mbps but the high latency that concerns your son. Nothing worse than constantly losing games because your internet sucks.
If you can afford it, Ethernet. Though you could probably manage it yourself. Most wireless extenders suck. What modem are you using? The other option is a power line adapter.…
Get one like this, pretty cheap, see if it works for you. Could be an issue if there they aren’t on the same circuit however, it may not work.
What's wrong with 20mbps?
Apart from things taking five times as long to download as they might otherwise take? No fun grabbing a game off the PS5 store and then saying "I guess I'll play it in a day or two when it's downloaded."
Are those test speeds on something connected by ethernet, or wi-fi?
If wi-fi, move the thing that's getting the awesome test speeds upstairs. Still getting awesome speeds? Then it's prob not wi-fi access. (If the PS5 is inside a cabinet, move the test device in there as well).
If the test device gets a great signal upstairs but not in the PS5 cabinet, move the PS5 out of the cabinet.
Finally, move PS5 downstairs. Plug it into a monitor if you don't have a TV handy. If bringing it closer to the modem fixes the issue, then wi-fi strength is the problem and an extender will fix it.
If it doesn't, it's something else.
You can also try switching between 2.4 and 5 GHz.
Switch over to powerline networking where the electrical cables in the house are used to transfer data. You just need powerline adapters such as…
There are plenty of cheap and expensive powerline adapters to choose from.
The WiFi is capping out at 20mbps then it sounds like you're on the slower WiFi standard. Switch to the faster WiFi standard if your wireless router supports that standard.
Also it seems like QoS issue where your gaming traffic is not prioritised by your router. You can turn QoS setting off on your router and see your son’s PS5 is receiving better download speeds.
Tell your son to stop using wifi like a noob. Any gamer that cares about lag will be using an ethernet cable to connect to the router.
Try the following, in this order:
Try the other Wifi band on your current router: Does your current router have both a 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz band? If it was bought in the last 5 years, the answer is probably yes. Make sure the SSIDs are named differently on the two bands (or the PS5 will arbitrarily connect to one or the other) and try connecting to the other, you may be surprised. I've heard time and time again 2.4Ghz is better for distance, but in my own personal experience that's rubbish. (If this step doesn't make any sense to you, reach out to your token IT friend or family member).
Wifi extenders can help, but not always. It comes down to many factors and it's hard to know unless you try. Find a wifi extender on the JB Hifi website, go into the store and give them this spiel: "I've been told to come grab this extender, but I'm not sure if it's the right one. If I try it, and it's not, will I be able to return it for a refund?". The answer will almost be "Yes, if it's in a resellable condition". Then, take it home and give it a try - but go out of your way to make sure you can re-package it in the way you opened it, in case it doesn't make a difference.
Look into Powerline adaptors. They cost around the same as wifi extenders, and will attempt to carry an ethernet signal over power. Again, how well they will work will depend on many factors. I personally haven't used one of these in over 10 years. Back then, the one's I tried weren't that great - I'd get occasional dropouts for some reason. That might have been more to do with my house than with the adaptors, but either way, they're not always going to work perfectly. Maybe they've come a long way since when I used them?
You could buy a better router, but that could cost a lot for what may result in a marginal difference. Same kind of challenges as point no. 2.
If none of the above have worked - or you want to jump straight to the best/costliest solution - the sure fire way to fix this is to get an electrician to install ethernet ports near the walls between the router (downstairs) and PS5 (upstairs). It's the costliest option, but it'll give you the best result.
Before the internet there was this thing called a book. Children may not recognise what one looks like. Explain that it has an always on display and you can navigate by turning the pages forward and backwards. Zero WiFi. Ahhh, the good old days when kids would play with a loop and stick.
Go the Wifi extender. "Up a floor" doesn't sound like much but there's a ton of stuff between the 1st floor ceiling and the 2nd floor floor that would weaken the signal probably.
The bad news is that it'll probably fix the lag issue, so if your son was using the lag issue as an alibi for why that guy totes didn't 365-no-scope him in that last COD game, then he's sh.t out of luck now.
I tried powerline adapter method once, it sorta work but it was a pain to get the thing to sync up. Is moving the modem upstairs out of option?
Powerline will be better than wifi extender, wifi for gaming is just out of the questions really, it's just crap!
I would recommend looking into wifi mesh system that you can plug ethernet into the satellite box, it will give good performance and you will also extend the range of the wifi upstairs better than any wifi extender.
Use ethernet cable not Wifi.
I would go hard wired path than buying wifi extender. Your speed drop by half if you use extender.I've had a similar issue before, my problem wasn't Wi-Fi range related though.
It was due to the fact that all traffic with the games I was playing was going directly to Japan, whereas it's actually meant to go to Sydney so the latency is barable.
I solved this issue by blocking the JP servers IP it was connecting to on my firewall so the traffic would automatically re-route to Sydney.Mind you this was yeeeaaars ago so might be barking up the wrong tree, the symptoms just sound very similar.
What does your sex life have to do with your son's PS5 speed issues?