This was posted 2 years 8 months 11 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

John West Tuna Tempters Varieties (Olive Oil + More) 95g, (6 x 4 Packs) $27.60 + Delivery ($0 Prime/$39 Spend) @ Amazon AU

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Ever went to ColesWorth having to scan these individually one by one? Ever got those annoying unexpected item in the bagging area errors? Well now you can get it delivered straight to your door, in bulk quantities, free if you have Prime

Works out to be $1.15 / can

John West Olive Oil Blend Tuna Tempters

John West Lemon & Cracked Pepper Canned Tuna Tempters

John West Canned Tuna in Springwater

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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closed Comments

  • +27

    1.15 each isn't an extraordinary price
    Same price as Coles worth when on special regularly enough. But more variety and options there.
    I'd buy the bulk pack if I was saving more.
    Your convenience factor isn't an issue

    • +14

      I've seen people post worse deals. Not everyone lives near Coles.

      • +2

        Where do you live that has no super market?

      • +2

        I've seen the $1.15 per unit price come on special regularly, not just at Coles, but also Woolworths and IGA.
        99% or so of the population would live near these supermarkets.

      • +1

        Extremely first world problem that a supermarket isn't 20 metres away?

    • +2

      It's almost as cheap as the ALDI every day price for the same thing in different packaging

      • +8

        welll, aldi has 2 ranges of tuna one is yellow fin tuna, john west is the cheaper skipjack i think, which is the aldi cheaper range … per $ aldi gives you yellow fin which is same fish sirienna use, yes sirienna costs more because it’s yellow fin tuna ….. so i guess you could say john west uses the tuna aldi rejects …. problem with aldi is they don’t have the variety that john west have in tuna cans.

        i love reading labels for what is in the can but also % of fish vs water or oil …..which also varies with can sizes …..

    • $1:15 is also the same unit price when it's regularly on special at Woolworths.
      If you don't have a Prime account, you'll be paying more per unit when you add in delivery.
      I'll stick to paying $1.15 a can when they come on special at Coles and Woolworths, which seems to happen every month or so. Also I can choose the varieties and quantities that suit my needs by shopping at Coles and Woolworths.

    • Yeah I much rather have the range of flavours. These flavours are pretty much the bland ones.

  • -2

    That’s a bit fishy!

  • +14

    Not to bag the deal but… I prefer the Woolies brand yellowfin @ $1:30 per 95g, or $2 for 185g, the chilli variety is my fav when available.. (it's not as catfoody as a lot of the John West & Greenseas)…

    • Does "not as catfoody" imply "still somewhat catfoody"? This is my issue with tuna.

      • +9

        No, I wasn't implying that, the Woolies Yellowfin is generally a fairly solid lump of tuna in the can, most the John West & Greenseas varieties are often a shredded mush…

        • +2

          To my surprise, Coles homebrand 95g tuna in olive oil is a fairly solid lump in the small can

          • @Fobsessive: check the % of olive oil

            • +2

              @esq: The Woolies Yellowfin is much the same, 15% sunflower, 3.5% olive, I find it makes a fairly decent dressing on a salad.. The springwater variety is an option for people that aren't happy with that..

            • @esq: It says "oil (olive, sunflower)" or something like that.
              I assume all the oil used is the cheapest and nastiest variant possible.

              • +1

                @Fobsessive: As FLICKIT replied, it's about a 1:5 ratio of olive oil to seed oil. Springwater and then the tiniest dab of your own 100% olive oil is generally the better tasting and healthier way.

                Personally I've gotten to the point I just drain the springwater and eat it as is, or I use other condiments on the rice that goes with it.

                • @esq: What are your favourite condiments for rice with springwater tuna?
                  I have not tried the combo - afraid the tuna would be dry and papery.

                  My idea is Nandos hot sauce

                  • +1

                    @Fobsessive: As I usually have it straight I have very light tastes now, doesn't actually taste dry to me at all but to help that I also poach an egg, or make asian-style half-boiled egg.

                    Sauces: thinner low viscosity sauces eg soy sauce, teriyaki.
                    When "bulking" I've done things like fry the rice in a pan with onions, adding thicker sauces like Sriracha or ABC sauce and it's decent.

                    My wife loves Furikake rice so that's what I make for her - Kikkoman soy sauce + japanese mayo + furikake seasoning.

        • +1

          serena and the also premium cans have the biggest chunks ….. but another issue is these small cans you can only fit the mush in, when you look at a can size and then % of tuna you can only dispense mush via a piping bag at that volume ….get the 200g cans of yellow fin …less mush and use over 2 days if a supermodel on a diet …. sirena manage to fit chunks into small cans but they’re charge a premium for the effort …..

          • @garage sale: I think mercury risk from Yellowfin outweighs the relatively low KJ

        • +2

          Agreed. Recently tried aldi tuna and even that's much better. John west and greenseas have gotten more shredded and mushy over the last year or so imo. Hard to drain of oil or water, without loosing half the tuna and just stays really wet.

      • +5

        to be fair… how many wild cats actually ever tasted fishes, let alone a Tuna ?

        • +1

          You've never opened a can of tuna and thought, "this seems like cat food" ? lol

    • +2

      I'll have to give it a try. Probably $0.15 more because they are more endangered.

    • +3

      I'll buy a few on my next visit next time to try it out. Thanks

      • -2

        I smell fishies!

    • You gotta have sirena or calippo my man , could never go back to the Woolies catfood

      • +1

        yeah siriena is the best, but rarely on special for 1/2 price …..

    • +3

      Woolies had Yellowfin tuna with chilli and lemongrass for $.95 not too long ago

      • Grabbed some yesterday to try.

    • +2

      john west isnt the best tuna, you want yellow fin not skipjack ….. i haven’t bought woolies tuna but if it’s yellow fin then it’s better tuna …..hate the brands that use skipjack, it’s like the little left over bits rather than big chunks, skipjack is a smaller fish …… next grade down is cat food …..

      • Some el cheapo Colesworth varieties have skipjack tuna chunks

    • +2

      +1 for me. The coles/woolies tuna chunks are seriously slept on. Easily the best bang for buck tuna that resembles actual meat.

  • +2

    ColesWorth cashier, or ask the self serve person to put in a bulk entry

  • +4

    Currently this price per can in Woolworths

  • +4

    I tell you woman - Give me tomato and onion or give me death!

    • +1

      Used to love tomato and onion, it would be the only canned tuna flavour I would eat, now I just want the regular, in oil. Nothing more.

    • +1

      Ok, death it is.

  • +2

    Thanks OP
    My dogs love this tuna.
    the wollies 185g is better value and not as shredded as this.

    • +1

      i buy the 185/200g type sizes as less mush ….. but less varieties, depends if you want tuna chunks or mush and fillers in 95g cans ….. i get buying small ones for varieties, but if you just want tuna in oil or spring water, go bigger cans and get chunks.

  • -8

    Anyone still supporting the exploitation and abuse of the oceans in 2022 must be completely morally debased.

    • +10

      All food has a negative impact on the planet..

      I always wonder why vegans never complain about the extreme mass murder of native animals that goes on to protect the grains and vegies they eat…

    • Do you even realise the fact that how massive the planet earth is and the vast majority of it is consisted of massively, endless, deepless, undiscovered oceans, waters?

      • not actually endless, not deepless as it has all been mapped , or undiscovered ….problem is the protein we like, aka seafood only grows in a very limited range in the ocean …..

  • +1

    Shame the tuna, corn and mayo one isn't there, yet!

  • +3

    used to have john west all the time, but ever since shopping more at aldi, Ive completely switched over to the aldi tuna. From memory its 95c per can, not as mushy and shredded, taste just as good if youre into olive oil flavour

  • +1

    Jeez I never realised..all this time. I just believed the hype from back in the day and I guess the adverts that John west tuna was one of the best. Didn't realise sirenna was better. I also didn't realise greenseas is also.lower quality.

    • I love Sirenna. I wonder what's better than Sirenna

    • +1

      john west used to be a premium product in tuna 20 years ago , but they have cut corners to keep prices lower since then ….. in supermarket sirena tuan is the best until you get into tuna slices in those rectangular cans , but they cost more.

      • ah ok that explains it because thats when i was told / i believed it was a high end product, it would have been 20-25 years ago when i used to go through a lot more canned tuna. Sad to hear they have gone downhill. Is it a different owner now?

  • I thought this was salmon for a sec there…got all excited for nothing.

  • Don’t forget that you get reward points at supermarkets which can be redeemed later on to reduce $$$

  • +2

    Why would you ever use the self checkout in ColesWorth?

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