This was posted 2 years 7 months 12 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PC] Free to Play: Star Citizen (July 7th - July 15th) @ RSI


This game is a huge mess in its current state where it still lacks content after years of development with no release date planned but might be interesting to try at least once for free.

Throughout the free to play event, you'll have access to 6 different ships to try.

  • Cutlass Black
  • Dragonfly Black
  • Prospector
  • Mercury
  • Arrow
  • Avenger Titan

If you do decide to play this game, the game is very demanding with the recommended specs being:

  • 32GB RAM (16GB is doable)
  • Good GPU
  • SSD
  • 6+ core CPU

Referral Links

Referral: random (30)

5,000 UEC (United Earth Credits) for the referee. If the referee buys a Game Package (with minimum value of $40 USD), referrer earns 1 Recruitment Point (RP)

Related Stores

Roberts Space Industries
Roberts Space Industries

closed Comments

  • +28

    I find the approach to buying the in game ships with real money sickening. I get the business model of P2W but this game is a whole other level.

    • -1

      Then don't? It's easy enough to earn money ingame to afford pretty much all the ships and you keep your money after each 'wipe' when they update to the latest version every few months.

      Do some missions ingame, buy a prospector ingame, go mining, refine/sell minerals and repeat.

      • You actually HAVE to buy a ship package to play the game, even if that person spent 1k purchasing a ship back in 2016, hence the "play for free between …."

        • You buy a starter package that gives you the code to play the game. That starter package includes a ship and there's different ones available.

        • +1

          What do you mean? All the Kickstarter ship packages included the game? I backed the $60 tier and I didn't have to buy any other ship packages to play.

          • @Agret: What do you mean? I said a ship package (or pledge as RSI calls it) must be purchased to play the game, you've bought a ship package through Kickstarter so I fail to understand why you believe you'd need to purchase another.

            If you're unsure best to check the Pledge FAQ's which clearly show exactly what's required to play the game atm.

    • +9

      Honestly given the amount of real world money veteran players have poured into this I'm more than a bit put off in ever wanting to play this.

    • They're crowdfunded, so selling in-game items was one of the ways they raised money.

      It would bug me much more if it was a regular game, funded upfront by a publisher.

      • +4

        Maybe wouldn't be such an issue if they stuck to their goals and then achieved them within the general timeframe of a normal AAA game. The scope creep and endless money grab is to be frank, disgusting. As someone who actually backed the OG project from the very start, to have it not even released 10 YEARS after I paid money to assist in the development is beyond a joke and a massive slap in the face to those of us that invested with reasonable expectations of having a playable product within 3-5 years. RSI at this stage are practicing fraud, they have taken nearly HALF A BILLION DOLLARS and while some of the technology and content looks to be promising, the timeframes and practices used to achieve that level of funding are downright immoral.

        • +3

          This. I bought one ship early on and been waiting for a proper game for 10 years. Its textbook scope creep and greed.

        • Doesn't help they backed the dead-end CryEngine that none of the industry wanted to license due to how limiting it was, how buggy & hard to optimize games for.

          CryTek are circling bankruptcy and Amazon bailed them out for a bit by buying a basically unlimited usage license to CryEngine which they rebranded as Lumberyard and is still the same crap just with some Amazon Cloud extensions pre-integrated.

          The tech stack behind StarCitizen grows more and more outdated, just look at the huge advancements Unreal Engine are making. They just went with the cheapest option at the time and will be paying for it.

          They have several of the engineers who wrote CryEngine on their team and the game is still unoptimized as anything.

  • +5

    I understand people enjoy this game but for a casual player you really need to commit some longs hours to play this.

  • +29

    I will play this game when its finished, aka never.

  • +13

    Its amazing that it still hasn't got past Alpha, and i think Chris Roberts has grand ambitions, well beyond the computing power of most gaming machines. At least during the development a lot of that has caught up. But what have they raised - >$400m for what….an Alpha release?

    • +2

      I actually think that was good forethought (or dumb luck?). Massively blowing out poly budgets for the time period when they started, so now that it's a semi-game, or when (if?) it ever becomes a full game, the graphics are actually going to be still fairly decent. The lighting and textures+maps can fairly easily be retrofitted if required too, but polys can't.

      • +2

        Part of the problem is they are using CryEngine which is basically a dead end engine. Nobody uses it and it has a lot of issues. To modernize the game will be a big challenge. I think it's always going to run poorly.

        Back when it started the graphics looked good but ran terrible, now we have better GPUs throwing raw power at it the game runs poorly but not terrible. Unfortunately it doesn't look all that good compared to modern games on Frostbite/Unreal4 and with Unreal5 coming in with infinite LOD technology it's going to look severely dated compared to future titles.

        • They migrated to lumberyard a few years back I think. Not sure how developed that is either, but I think it's still technically in development?

          • +2

            @incipient: It's the exact same engine. Amazon bought rights and SC exploited a contract loophole which let them drop their agreement with Cryengine for a cheaper Amazon deal.
            It went through court and Cryengine lost.

            Either way it's outdated and unmaintained and the snail pace of SC developers isn't keeping up.

            They will probably swap to Unreal once they have stopped selling ships since it is commission based.

          • +1

            @incipient: As joelmuzz says it is exactly the same engine. CryTek were about to go bankrupt so they sold an unlimited usage license to Amazon as a cash fund deal. Amazon have the rights to resell licenses of the engine as Lumberyard and it's just CryEngine with some plugins for Amazon services pre-integrated in. There is limited development of the engine to support New World but the developers for that say the engine is terrible and has so many issues that severely limited what they could accomplish with New World. Amazon would've been better off just licensing Unreal to develop the game.

            • @Agret: Yeah I was aware it was a fork, I just figured it may still be actively developed. Which it's not haha.

              Seems Amazon moved on:

              Having said that cryengine is still very capable compared to UE4, possibly even better, visually? But it is more complex.

              UE5 is of course better - we're working with some studio that's using it and nanite seems amazing! But yeah that's new tech of course.

    • +6

      Private islands and mistresses don't come cheap mate, cut the guy some slack eh.

    • It literally has like the most basic of gameplay loops and a rickety engine created by just making the models too high def on purpose.

  • +7

    They made a communal decision some time ago to never release this game, but to continue to add ships and lore. It seems that's what gets the fans of this project going. I am glad I didn't back it under the pretense that it would ever be a released product.

  • +13

    Biggest (profanity) grift in PC gaming, ever.

  • +5

    Really good game if you can have patience with the bugs, I at least recommend everyone to try the game because it is free currently. If you do plan to buy it, a referral link will give you and the referer a dragon fly. I 100% do not think it deserves the hate it gets. The people who "p2w" are just ruining the content for themselves.

    • +2

      I 100% do not think it deserves the hate it gets.

      10 years to develop and still no where near finished?

      • I don't really care about the past. For me personally, the game is worth at least $45 USD now, especially with the state gaming is currently.

        • I'd say it's worth about ten dollars aud. There are much better finished games for ten dollars that will be better gameplay wise than star citizen ever will be.

          • @RI4V4N: well yeah of course there are better value things. Some of the valve games are only a few $.

  • +1

    Is there actually a game you can play? I thought it was more like a Alpha stage demo.

    • +1

      Its very playable the only thing is that they are trying to simulate life in space like we dreamed of with every single interaction possible thats why its taken many years to get to that point but at this point its still very playable.

      • So it’s a fully playable space MMO?

        • +2


          It's $45? USD to play, and I think that is worth it because you get years of development, updates, wipes, and other cool stuff. You don't a $500 ship to make lots of money. I highly recommend joining an organisation as that makes the gameplay experience 10x better with people.

      • Not what it was promised to be from the outset.

        Plus a playable buggy semi-game after 10 years.

      • It's somewhat playable. Crashes land is aggy. Only a few gameplay loops. Ai of ships and enemy foot soldiers may as well not exist.

    • +2

      It's still labelled Alpha so they can get a pass on their zero efforts at optimizations and the dodgy collision model making you fall through the floor and die while running around on foot.

      Otherwise the game has a decent amount of content to be at a Beta level. It's funny how far Elite Dangerous & No Man's Sky came despite both starting development years after Star Citizen.

      They have no incentive to actually finish & release SC because they're making tons of money selling founders packages which would be lost if they ever finish it up.

      If you look over the development logs they spend a lot of time working on pointless features that add essentially nothing to the gameplay. Just padding so they can put out big changelogs and pretend to be developing the core game.

      I would hold off for Starfield, should be a way more complete game and the mod community will probably port over ship models from Elite & Star Citizen too. Probably get a lot of Star Wars & Star Trek ships as well, will be good fun.

  • +1

    I am holding out for Starfield. I like the RPG, FPS perspective and single player content of Starfield more than the in game purchase multiplayer of Star Citizen.

    • +2

      Almost every ship is buyable with in game currency which is pretty easy to earn doing missions. I play star citizen, and will also play starfield. IMO the more space games the better. If you're remotely interested in the game there are multiple free fly's every year, and you can regularly check in and see the progress (or lack there of some quarters) without spending a dime. You can also get any game package or ship you purchase with real money refunded within 30 days if you think the game is broken garbage.

    • Yeah i was more interested in Star Citizen for the Squadron 42 part.

      Love Freelancer back in the day for the single player. Doesn't look like S42 is coming anytime soon though:…

  • +18

    Played this during one of these free weekends a while ago. In 4 hours I got to the dock, interacted with the ship components I could click on. Then picked up a mission to deliver cargo (which was a box I carried from the collection point to the ship) took off, flew to whatever station to deliver it, carried it off the ship all the way to the drop off point. Dropped it into the shoot. Box clipped through the drop machine and didn't count as delivered. Wasn't able to pick it up again but could clip through the machine and see it. Closed the game and uninstalled. Had a splendid time /s would not recommend spending a cent on this. 0/10

    • +4

      I had similar fun. Took also a really long time to get to the ship and launch and then headed off to some distant planet. Flying, flying , flying…for ages, getting bored. Pressed a key by mistake, might have been H or J something innocent and got ejected into space. Had no way of getting back into my 1 and only ship. alt-f4

      • +4

        At least you got into space - when I finally figured out where to even get to a ship, I made the same mistake and hit the ejection seat button whilst still in the hangar. Unable to find out how to reset it, so stuck with a seatless ship and no way to launch.

  • +4

    Should be a good game in 2030

    • +3

      Honestly, this is wishful thingking

  • +9

    This game made $400+m from public donors without having to release a completed product. Genius.

  • +5

    The embodiment of feature creep.

    Mandalore's video on this game is fantastic for those who are out of the loop:

    • +1

      Crazy to think this video is that old too!

  • Is there there a good tutorial to hold you hand at the start to get you started? Want to like this but it feels empty at the start for a newbie.

    • Not really, but the community is pretty helpful (there's a server chat function)

  • -1

    Definitely worth trying out for free, and in my probably controversial opinion worth buying the cheapest starter pack due to the pros of the game. Cons: Unfinished, very buggy, no solid gameplay loop, not the MMO it wants to be yet, most of the fun comes out of making your own fun. Pros: absolute cutting edge technology showcased in a game, most active development you might see in a game (170+ employees are constantly working on this game/SQ42), 95% of ships purchasable in game, managed to buy equivalent of USD$500 worth of ships this wipe (the game's DB is wiping soon with the next update), if you have interests in either space or technology parts of this game will mesmerize you. And you'll see this game develop over the next 10 years, which is fair enough if that's a con to you as obviously a finished game is better but as someone that enjoys new content updates in games such as minecraft or satisfactory I find it very cool to see it take shape.

    Don't want to defend the initial mess that this game was, but many of the opinions of this game were made in 2016 and I consider this game in 2022 worth the price (of $45, cheapest starter pack).

    favourite video of the game:

    • +4

      Wait so not only is it P2W and extremely buggy but they wipe the game as well?

      Is this some meta version of Dark Souls? Instead of grinding through the game itself you get to grind through the development of the game…

  • Or play Battlecruiser 3000AD instead.

  • +9

    I really don't think anyone should be playing or downloading this game. 10 years in development, massively buggy, a cult like community and extremally money hungry and an uninterested support. Why is this even advertised and to Australians also? I don't think this is right boys, sorry. This is not a Bargain but an actual trap from which most people can't get their money back from. Worst part is their ships have insurance, if your ship gets destroyed in the final game (whenever that will be released) then it's lost forever. People fight over LTI tokens and constantly upgrading their ships as newer ones are more finished than older ones which they seldomly address or fix despite the huge budget. That and the numerous issues with their servers and false promises. With the best computer you will struggle to get any meaningful frame rates as this game has some of the worst most unfinished coding ever.

    I'm calling it what it is, a trap and a real danger to any potential new buyer. This game should be investigated by the ACCC so they can give Australians the rights to get back their money as this game is not out and overpromised features which never transpired for 10 years!

    • +6

      I'm with this guy.. sunk a bunch of money into this 10 years ago. Promises and milestones havent been met. Biggest scam in history of PC gaming. Dont give them any more money.

      • If you're new please be WARNED, do your research on Star Citizen it's a money scheme. There are many people who backed for this game and couldn't get a refund or get out. So many issues with Star Citizen from day 1. Many games started around the time that this game started and are already out and playable, yet this game is in alpha and the development is slower than any title ever. They have millions of dollars from foolish backers who are now invested and can't leave, so they blindly follow the developers and their word. Basically all this game has produced is YouTube content with people waving their hands talking about "features which will never transpire". Kingdom Come Deliverance, Elite and Dangerous and many more games started around the same time or after and are fully out.

        Chris Roberts and his wife are making a killing on this game just letting it develop without much meaningful development really going on. They can't manage this project and they overpromised features to their backers that never transpired. They even gave deadlines which they broke over and over again. Don't be suckered to buy this game under any circumstance!

  • +2

    Tried the last free week they did. Game ran like absolute shit, even with all settings on low. It was unplayable for me and i have a 10900k + 3080 gaming PC.

  • +2

    It really sucks that this game is in the state it is, because I'd love to get some old school Wing Commander action happening on new systems. Just give me a single player game with a good storyline.

    • +3

      Probably never will happen, RSI making huge profit with current business model. There is literally no reason for them to push the release of single player part.

      • Yeah, but maybe someone else will make what I'd like to play.

    • +1

      There are wing commander stand alone mods using the freespace engine that were released quite a few years ago. Prob a few more kicking around.
      Was even a BSG one too that was released.

    • +2

      Same. That's why I backed it at launch. I just wanted some more wing commander. It was the first game I ever bought with my own money and I loved it to death.

      It's been quite bemusing to see the development saga that's unfolded. Since I backed so long ago I can't get my money back so I just gotta wait. I'm not one for alpha's though. I'll play Squadron 42 if it's ever released. I really don't have high hopes though. They're making so much money now from what they're doing.

      • They are cashing in on developing the game forever, without really doing much development at all.

  • +4

    Dont play this game. The dev is extremely shady on their business model and the development speed is horrible. I would not recommend anyone to even try this game.

  • +7

    This game is basically a scam at this point. Promise game, take money, sell fake pixels, never release final game.

    • -2

      Fake pixels? It's one of the best looking games in existence.

      • Best looking game? No way!! There are far better games. This uses the old CryEngine which is way out of date. Check out some of the Unreal games.

  • +2

    Did not even run regularly on my RTX 3080 from last free to play, do not waste ur time to play it. You can find somewhere else to purchase similar but much cheaper concept arts.

    • -2

      Runs fine on my 2080.

      • Lies dude, the game can't even get proper 60 fps in most landing areas, what are you smoking

      • +1

        Just loaded it up to try on my system (3080, 5800x, 32gb) and it's got an unplayable amount of stutter.

  • +1

    Curious about this game now… Bit mixed on the crowdfunding. When Kickstarter came out, it was assumed you definitely would get what you pledged for. Somehow that got turned into, you might get what you pledged for.

  • I was excited for this game a long time ago and decided to wait for 1.0, like with many Early Access games it feels like it came out when it became publicly available.

    When these games finally come out they feel as if they are re-releasing a remaster of an old game.

  • +2

    By all means check it out while it's free.
    But if buying into the hype beware that it is perpetually 5+ years away, features are constantly 3 months away and then get pushed back.
    Beware that the referral code system leads to a lot of people falsely hyping it.

  • +1

    Sure Grandpa, let's get you back to the development ward

  • +3

    I backed in 2013, dip in every year or 2 to see how the tech is going, then go back to what I'm doing. It's not been a bad way to spend $45.

    For what everyone has complained about here, you gotta admit that the tech is very impressive. I've had some unforgettable times playing with my mates as well.

    This happened a couple years ago.

    A mate was knocked out during an illegal salvage mission and ended up in jail. We organised a jailbreak, where our other friend was the ride and I was backup.

    Only I was held up by a random police search.

    So my friend evades the defensive fire from the prison to land the ship, and other friend barely escapes the prison alive due to a lack of oxygen on the planets surface. He makes it onto the ship.

    Only now a player bounty hunter ship has joined in the fray and starts hitting them with everything, and the defensive cannons are beating them up as well.

    After my search I hit warp 9 and make it there just in time to distract the bounter hunter enough to let the others get away, then bug out myself.

    But now we all have bounty on our heads.

    So we go to this dodgy area of the system to grab these hacking tools to help us hack the government system, then make our way to a community relay to hack in.

    There are guards there, but the AI was pretty useless so we smashed through them and got to hacking.

    Whilst one hacked, the others defended. It took about 20 minutes and we had to defend a couple bounty hunter incursions, but we cleared our name, and decided to call it a day.

    Havent played since then, but look forward to 3.0 next year and will jump on again.

  • +1

    The idea of flying around in space feeling free and doing cool stuff is very appealing. The idea of grinding in world or spending real world money I grind in real life to feed a company creating an excuse of an unfinished world to get my coin is not. I already have a job, thanks.

  • I read you get a bunch of credits and a ground cruiser through referral? Does that work or do I need to use that verse code?

  • +1

    Agreeing with previous commenters, it's a trap, not a deal.

  • Honestly really enjoyed the week.

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