This was posted 2 years 8 months 22 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PC] Square Enix games 75-89% off e.g. Kane & Lynch (A$2.49), Sleeping Dogs, Just Cause, Deus Ex, Thief, Tomb Raider etc. @ GOG


'Kane & Lynch: Dead Men' and 'Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days - Complete Edition' have made their debuts on GOG, as part of a special promo where a number of Square Enix published games (e.g. Just Cause, Deus Ex, Thief, Tomb Raider, Supreme Commander, Dungeon Siege, Legacy of Kain, Sleeping Dogs, Anachronox etc.) have been discounted 75-89% off.

Square Enix Summer Sale (2022) promo sale ends Saturday July 16th 08:00AM AEST.
Game Content GOG Sale Price (A$) GOG Normal Price (A$) ITAD All-Time Low Price (Any Store - When)
Kane & Lynch: Dead Men $2.49 $9.95 $0.70 (Square Enix Store - Aug 2019)
Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days - Complete Edition includes: base game, The Doggie Bag DLC, Alliance Weapon Pack DLC, Multiplayer Masks Pack DLC $7.49 $29.95 $7.49 (GOG - July 2022)
Anachronox $1.39 $9.95 $1.03 (GreenManGaming - Mar 2021)
Conflict: Desert Storm $1.39 $9.95 $0.97 (Steam - June 2018)
Daikatana $1.39 $9.95 $1.01 (GreenManGaming - Nov 2021)
Deathtrap Dungeon $1.39 $9.95 $0.97 (Steam - June 2018)
Deus Ex GOTY Edition GOG has a free DLC (Deus Ex: Revision unofficial mod) $1.39 $9.95 $0.45 (Square Enix Store - Aug 2016)
Deus Ex 2: Invisible War $1.39 $9.95 $0.70 (Square Enix Store - Aug 2019)
Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Director’s Cut "The Director's Cut includes all Deus Ex: Human Revolution DLC but does not include the Augmented Edition's non-game extras (art book, motion comic, etc.)" $4.39 $28.95 $3.14 (GreenManGaming - July 2021)
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided does not include the in-game Shop, access to Square Enix account, and the Breach-mode (Multiplayer) $6.79 $44.99 $3.00 (Square Enix Store - Aug 2019)
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - Digital Deluxe Edition includes all the DLC for the game: the Season Pass, the “Desperate Measures” extra in-game mission, the Covert Agent Pack (Intruder Gear, Enforcer Gear and Classic Gear) $9.49 $62.89 $5.40 (Square Enix Store - Aug 2018)
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided™ DLC - Season Pass includes two new story DLCs: “System Rift”, “A Criminal Past”; and the “Assault” and “Tactical” packs, which include various weapons $3.60 $17.99 $2.69 (GOG - Apr 2020)
Dungeon Siege Collection includes: Dungeon Siege, Dungeon Siege II, Dungeon Siege III, Dungeon Siege III: Treasures of the Sun $7.29 $28.95 $2.99 (Steam - Mar 2021)
Gangsters: Organized Crime $2.19 $8.50 $1.60 (GOG - Apr 2014)
Gex $2.19 $8.50 $1.89 (GOG - Aug 2017)
Just Cause $2.49 $9.95 $1.10 (GreenManGaming - Mar 2021)
Just Cause 2 includes: base game, and all DLCs: Black Market Aerial Pack, Black Market Boom Pack, Bull’s Eye Assault Rifle, Rico’s Signature Gun, Chevalier Classic, Agency Hovercraft, Monster Truck. NOTE: Multiplayer mod (Steam-only) is not included $7.49 $29.95 base game $1.00 (Square Enix Store - Aug 2019), DLC Collection $1.44 (Steam - Dec 2015)
Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain $6.99 $9.95 $6.99 (GOG - July 2022)
Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 2 $1.39 $9.95 $0.70 (Square Enix Store - Aug 2019)
Legacy of Kain: Blood Omen 2 $1.39 $9.95 $0.98 (Steam - June 2018)
Legacy of Kain: Defiance $1.39 $9.95 $0.98 (Steam - June 2018)
Omikron: The Nomad Soul $1.99 $13.95 $1.58 (GreenManGaming - Mar 2021)
Pandemonium! $1.39 $9.95 $0.84 (Square Enix Store - Feb 2019)
Pandemonium 2 $2.19 $8.50 $1.19 (GOG - June 2021)
Project Eden $2.19 $8.50 $1.60 (GOG - Apr 2014)
Revenant $2.19 $8.50 $1.50 (GOG - Feb 2018)
Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition includes all DLC, aside from the Gold Top Dog DLC and Silver Top Dog DLC, all fully integrated into the base game $4.09 $26.95 $2.69 (Steam - June 2019)
Supreme Commander Gold Edition includes base game and standalone Forged Alliance expansion pack. Multiplayer only available via LAN; both GOG and Steam versions do not come with online multiplayer support $5.79 $28.95 $3.99 (Steam - May 2018)
Supreme Commander 2 Multiplayer unavailable $4.69 $18.50 $2.46 (Nuuvem - July 2014)
Supreme Commander 2: Infinite War Battle Pack new maps, units, experimentals, tech tree upgrades, and boosts $1.49 $5.90 $1.19 (GOG - June 2021)
Thief Gold includes 3 extra missions, bug fixes, and some other enhancements $1.39 $9.95 $0.98 (Steam - June 2018)
Thief 2: The Metal Age $1.39 $9.95 $0.98 (Square Enix Store - Feb 2019)
Thief: Deadly Shadows $1.49 $12.95 $0.77 (Square Enix Store - Aug 2019)
THIEF: Definitive Edition includes base game and bonus content: The Bank Heist bonus mission, The Forsaken challenge map, Booster Pack DLC - Opportunist, Booster Pack DLC - Predator, Booster Pack DLC - Ghost, Thief: Tales From The City digital comic (EN/FR) & OST $8.39 $33.49 $8.39 (GOG - June 2021)
Tomb Raider 1+2+3 the first three games of the Tomb Raider franchise $2.79 $13.95 $1.99 (GOG - June 2021)
Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation + Chronicles The Last Revelation GOG version is a complete edition. "The Times - Exclusive Tomb Raider Level is part of the bonus content downloads. The level was later released as freeware for those whom own the base game, so Steam users aren't completely out of luck." $1.99 $13.95 TR:TLR - $0.69 (Steam - July 2013), TR:C - $0.69 (Steam - July 2013)
Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness $1.39 $9.95 $0.69 (Steam - July 2013)
Tomb Raider: Legend $1.39 $9.95 $0.69 (Square Enix Store - Aug 2018)
Tomb Raider: Anniversary $1.49 $12.95 $0.77 (Square Enix Store - Aug 2019)
Tomb Raider: Underworld $1.49 $12.95 $0.77 (Square Enix Store - Aug 2019)
Tomb Raider GOTY "TOMB RAIDER GOTY on GOG is a single player-only experience. No Multiplayer content or functionality is included"; otherwise, includes the same DLCs as found on the Steam store listing $5.99 $29.99 $4.49 (Steam - June 2018)
Total Overdose: A Gunslinger's Tale in Mexico $2.19 $8.50 $1.83 (GOG - Dec 2014)

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closed Comments

  • +3

    Record scratch

    Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain is available on GOG now? I've wanted to replay that for a long time but it was a bloody nightmare trying to get the PC version to run on modern PCs as it would run way too fast. I refused to replay the PS1 version because of the loooooong loading times.

    Excuse me while I whip this out wallet get

    • +2

      Yes, the original 1997 classic game was finally, belatedly released on a digital storefront (GOG exclusive), in late September / early October 2021

      • its worth reading the PCGamingWiki entry for the game, as it mentions unofficial wrapper / patch that can provide: "Windowed mode support, FMVs play without interlacing, optional unfiltered scaler, WinXP/7/10 compatibility fix, removed CD check, 60 FPS support like the PS1 version, optional PS1 FMVs support, HQ cutscenes with stereo sound, subtitles and more."
  • +1

    Tomb Raider: GOTY links to Tomb Raider: Underworld

    Thinking about buying Sleeping Dogs again just cause it has cloud saves, I got half way through it on Steam, formatted my computer and was very sad…

    • Tomb Raider GOTY URL link has been corrected, ta!

      Good point you make there, PCGamingWiki confirms what you said about Steam not having save-game cloud-syncing, whereas GOG Galaxy does

  • That third column. OP!
    Have A big fat + from me.

  • Does anyone know the name of that launcher that lets you launch your steam, epic, gog, amazon, ubisoft launcher games, all from the one launcher?

    Is it actually GOG?

    • +1

      GOG Galaxy is the name for their launcher, and otherwise yes - spot on. Still requires the other launchers to be installed/linked, but after that can just stick to Galaxy.

  • +1

    Decent prices, thanks OP. Thief Deadly Shadows is a steal at $1.49.

  • Never played any Deus Ex games, but everyone seems to rave about them.

    Any suggestions where to start? Any to avoid?

    • Deus Ex the original is where you should start I reckon, and the PCGamingWiki entry is a good reference for you to consider installing various patches and mods that provide graphical overhauls, modern operating system compability, bug fixes, QoL improvements etc. on a 20+ year old game that is still regarded as one of the best video games of all time.

      As for what to avoid? See how you get on with your gameplay experiences with Deus Ex first, before considering the other Deus Ex franchise games … that being said:

      • Human Revolution - Director's Cut (2013) has been highly rated, along with the original Deus Ex.
      • Mankind Divided (2016) doesn't score as highly as DE:HR
      • Invisible War (2003) has generally been viewed as being the weakest entry in the franchise - many of them cite the design / implementation choices that differed from the original game (e.g. DE:IW was designed for 2003-era consoles first, so these hardware limitations meant that some elements were cut / weren't carried over from the original into DE:IW, even in the PC version), as contributing factors as to why fans/game reviewers didn't rate DE:IW particularly well.
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