So I've been on a guilty audiophile binge recently and wondered if the OzBargain family wants to hear of audiophile bargains? I'm mainly looking at headphones/DACs/turntables. I realise its not everyone's cup of tea so thought I'd ask.
Audiophile Bargains Acceptable?

Last edited 09/07/2022 - 11:31 by 1 other user
If it's a bargain then just post it. I'll be looking out for them.
Username doesn't check out.
It's my cup of tea please share
whats an audiophile binge look like?
yeah man throw the deals up. bonus points if you can throw up a stack :DWell I bought a new turntable, phono/headphone amp, a separate DAC, desktop speakers and a headphone cuz it's my birthday soon :(
fookin hell lad + happy bday
Definitely, deals on the Hifiman Edition XS, HD800S etc are well received here
Please post. You are going to get neggers on every post, so don't stress and just do it.
Just post. If they're good deals on decent gear, you'll be fine. If you're pushing "they're magic quantum vibranium cables and if you can't hear the difference you're not a true audiophile" stuff, people will let you know what they think about that pretty quickly.
Post it. I'm not interested in it my self but if it's a bargain then even if a few people appreciate it then it's worth sharing.
I've seen other niches like high end cameras posted. They don't get many upvotes and the prices are way higher than most would ever spend on it but I know that camera professionals and enthusiasts would be able to see the value in itI would post things up. My view is if people think itโs not a great deal than can post up a better one and it is a win for the community.
I think that falls apart when the deals are for boutique gear that isn't sold at any other retailer. Then there is no other place to find a 'better deal' and the manufacturer can claim whatever slashed 'RRP' they want.
For those interested in turntables I bought a project debut pro a couple of days ago, it's priced in Australia competitively compared to the US, it's usd $1000 over there vs 1000 AUD here. I wouldn't say it's a bargain, just good value.
Of course audiophile bargains are acceptable but it's a hobby of diminishing returns. I went through an audiophile phase once. Started with the UE IEM's. Then HD800. Then Audeze LCD-3. The Hifiman HE-1000 v1, then HE-1000 v2, etc. A few other ones including the Sony hybrid IEM's and also Sony's ridiculous headphones with claims that their Fibbonaci grill improves sound. The Meze Empyrean looked interesting but now with the war in Ukraine dunno how Meze is doing. I stopped at the Focal Utopia. Was going to buy one but they are so ugly. The Sennheiser HD800 had that shrill high end that would pierce my ears. Not a fan of HD820. Then I needed good amps. So it starts with one and then creeps up to higher models. The increase in price is far greater than the increase in sound quality.
A warning with Hifiman headphones. Their build quality isn't great. Also, for $5,000 or so for a headphone they used pleather earpads instead of genuine leather and my ones deteriorated with very little use. I expect leather for $5,000 headphones. The Focal build quality is top notch.
After a while my audiophile phase faded. I keep an eye on the products and I'm patiently waiting to see if there is going to be a Focal Utopia 2.
Just be careful with the spending because once it's all added up you can spend more than a car.
Post the deals and add some variety since many top posters recycle the same crap weekly to increase their vote average.
I always post eScooters despite them being illegal in the 2 most populous states. ๐
Yes please,
How are the Moondrop Chu's? I have a bunch of KZ earphones so I'm not sure if its worth the buy.
Don't know about the chu, the current hype is on the dioko planar iems
I bought the KZ earphones a while ago that turned out to have the fake drivers, so ill stay away from KZ for a while.
I personally really like the Chu, much more than the Aria that everybody raves about. Some say it can be a bit sibilant on the top end, but I've never experienced that, and I'd say that extra sparkle is what sets it apart from others in the price range. The fit however isn't all that good for me, as there aren't any preformed ear hooks (the included separate silicone ones are fugly).
I also own a bunch of KZs, both older and newer ones, and if you're looking for something that isn't all boomy-bass and harsh upper mids, I can thoroughly recommend the Chu.
Why not post and see?