Needing Advice - Poor Internet Speeds, Connection and Lack of Customer Service

Hello all!

My family and I have been with optus for many years (too many) and our internet is just continuously getting worse. We are on the 100mbps down and 40mbps up plan… however I never get those speeds!

I have been back and fourth with optus for years over many different issues that have come and gone and I'm just at breaking point, they arent willing to help anymore and keep providing useless "fixes" that do nothing. For the last few months, we have constantly have dropouts, loss of range from routers, have had multiple routers replaced (all with the sagemcom f@st 5366 tn) and a whole range of other unneccesary issues.

Right now the main problem is constant cut-outs and lack of range, I believe that to fix this issue the best thing I can do is to purchase a new router (which I don't know what to pick as we are in a double storey house with 20+ devices).

However I'm concerned that all these dropouts are NBN OR Optus related.

Is anyone able to point me in the right direction and give me some good ideas, it would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance


  • +8

    Switch to Aussie Broadband. All issues solved.

    • I've been looking in to Aussie broadband, they look good and I've heard they have great customer support. Ultimately up to the homeowners (my parents), I've let them know it's an option.

      • +2

        I went from optus to aussie last year… kicking myself for not doing it years ago..

      • 100% recommend Aussie Broadband.
        Terrific Australian based customer support & very short onhold wait times.

        Was with tpg previously.

      • +2

        Superloop is another Aussie ISP with Aussies answering the 'phone when you call.

        I have had great experiences with both.

  • +2

    Not sure if it’s an option but have you considered changing ISP?

    • Would love to! Up the homeowners (my parents), who are too concerned about changing and having more issues.

      • +1

        You don't like ABB then you can cancel anytime. Nothing to lose. Gone are the days pf having to sign up for 12-24 month contracts.

        • Great point that I haven't mentioned, cheers for that one!

      • +1

        Dont tell em

  • +1

    Switch to ABB and get everything sorted. Then move if you want to.

    Tell your parents that you cannot help them if they do not move and as such cannot help with any internet issues unless they move. I have give similar ultimatums in the past in that you need to move to "A" or "B" or "C" and no one else ans then I can help otherwise ring the local computer help people and pay for it.

    • I'm their go to computer guy, I know lots, just not much about networking. ABB looks like its the go, lets hope my persuasive skills will work lol.

      Thank you!

      • +1

        Put the foot down.

        Tell them you do not want to waste your time trying to help when you know will not help when dealing with Optus as Optus help are script monkeys. Then explain to them what a script monkey is in the support area. Hopefully this will help them understand why they are getting no real help with Opus an need to move to ABB.

        Been in this situation and as son as I have explained what the script monkey is and that are not skilled at anything but following a script then in most cases they then say is that why every time I ring up they ask the same questions the answer is YES and they also do not look up the previous call to see what was done.

        I used to ask when I got through to support for 4G broadband support expert if they know what mobile band 40 was and if they said yes I then went off on a technical tangent and if they did not I asked for the call to be escalated as I need someone who knows what a mobile band 40 is, but unfortunately 9 times out of 10 I had to hang up and try again as the support person would not escalate the problem as they had not followed the script.

        • I probably do need to put the foot down, I can only provide so much help. I'm just getting sick of my calls being cut off and my twice a week gaming sessions being ruined by my ridiculous router… I come home from work and just want to chill not wait for my internet to come back.

      • If you have an old router available, have a look at this way of extending your access setup:

        It's pretty easy to setup and beats buying further hardware in the hope that it's better.

        Also, I agree with previous recommendations to switch to ABB.
        Their system performance is very good and service is second-to-none, and you talk to someone who you can understand and who also understands you

  • +2

    You need to lodge a complaint with the Telecommunications Ombudsman.

    If the problem is with the NBN infrastructure, changing internet providers will not solve your problems.

    • I disagree as changing from Optus to ABB resolves in a heck of allot of issues getting resolved within a week and the ones that cannot are NBN intermittent issues or NBN database address issues that are a PITA to get fixed and take a while.

      Have you had to deal with Optus support for a very technical issue? If you have how did it go?

      • Have you had to deal with Optus support for a very technical issue?

        Yes, I have.

        If you have how did it go?

        The support that you normally get from Optus is terrible. The support that you get from Optus after lodging a complaint with the ombudsman is great. Optus assigns a specific person to your case, and you deal with that person, not with normal Optus support, until your problems are resolved.

  • +3

    Can't blame wifi range on optus - high expectations single router will adequately cover two storey house.

    • Sorry, when you say "high expectations single router" do you mean as in getting a high-end router would help with improving range? That's what I've been thinking, in which my next issue would be whats a great budget friendly router?

      • +1

        look into wifi mesh. i have ASUS RT-ac86u and ASUS RT-ac68u in mesh system. $250 first, 150 second. This is for two ends of house, with routers about 15m apart. without router at each end, I would get devices very slow at one end of the house.

        Trying to figure out the source of problems can be a pain. I have had nbn issues which only provider could solve. I have had cable interference with router. I have had failed router. I have had faulty wifi card in laptop. So many potential causes…

        • Absolutely looking in to the Asus routers! I was thinking of buying 1 router to start off with and then if I felt I needed to create a mesh system I'd buy a second one.

          • @banterbants: Buying an expensive fancy router isn't going to improve range significantly. The routers can't overcome physics. A mesh system is the logical solution.

  • +2

    double storey house with 20+ devices.

    However I'm concerned that all these dropouts are NBN OR Optus related.

    First thing first, you need to do an isolation test. Disable wifi, connect laptop to the modem via ethernet and do a speed test. If you cannot get 100/40 from this, then it is likely an issue with NBN or Optus. I say likely, as it could also be an issue with the router or router config.

    Are you using ISP provided device?

    How is fibre connected to your house? FTTP/FTTN/FTTC? FTTP will give you the best results

    • Where did fibre come from?

      Only RSP that I know using the sagemcom f@st 5366 is Optus and is branded Optus with Optus customised firmware.

    • HFC - Great news, normal speeds when plugged in, definitely a router issue!! Thank you :)

      Just too add, I had a minor wifi cut out before and went to check the NBN modem box thingy, all 4 lights were still up, indicating to me that the issue is definitely coming from the modem. They've replaced it a couple times now I wonder what could be wrong.

      • You have eliminated Optus as the culprit. 20+ devices need a decent router for wifi. I’d hardwire the most important ones like desktops, game consoles, Apple TV etc using LAN ports as this takes the strain off wifi. Then I’d pick a less common wifi channel for the 2.4 and 5ghz wireless bands. If you have your router set to automatic it will pick the best channel when you reboot but over time this can get overcrowded not only in your network but also from networks close by using the same radio frequency. Last thing: is somebody hogging bandwidth with downloads? If so get them to throttle the speed of the app. Especially BitTorrent apps.

  • You say you' ve been with optus for ever…have you ever upgraded your router? Or is it the original 20yr old old tech one?

    • +3

      OP indicated he had the newer than 20yr old modem called the "sagemcom f@st 5366"

  • +1

    I'm not sure.. but people with Optus always seem to have bad internet. There are other ISP's that resell optus so avoid them as well.

    • Please let us know what Optus NBN resellers there are so we can avoid them. I am not ware of any.

      MVNO yes, but the problem is with internet NBN not mobile.

      • +1

        I'm not exactly sure, but i've read stuff like this on whirlpool…

        Spintel use the aggregated Optus backhaul for both NBN and ADSL services, regardless if they are separate. Optus backhaul is cheap for a reason, they throw all their wholesale customers onto the same link or links for every PoI.


        Exetel used contented Optus for NBN backhaul but Superloop for transit.

        like i'm not exactly sure what backhaul is but i avoided these companies….

        • +2

          The network connectivity between the NBN POP's to the RSP POP is called a backhaul and there is a limited number of suppliers for this.

          An aggregated backhaul if it is like aggregated PSTN or Mobile phone connections I have been involved with int he past is where the third party network operator multiplexes a bunch of end points (in the case of NBN they would be the NBN POPS) and terminate the feed at your premises (in the case of NBN this could be the RSP's POP in the state or for all states).

          Some use Optus, some use Telstra some use xyz and some have redundant circuits.

          Lets just say I know allot more about Exetel and their network as an end user than you and Exetel have over the years had issues with Optus due to their overselling of the limited backhaul they have and Optus got in allot of trouble for it, but this was in the 1990's or early 2000's from memory.

          What supplier a RSP uses today may not be the same supplier next year due to the changing RSP and network suppliers landscape in OZ due to buyouts and amalgamation.

  • Do you get dropouts when connected directly into the router by ethernet?

    If you are not getting any issues when connected via ethernet, the problem is in your home. Blaming it on Optus would be like blaming the electric company for your fridge not working.

    What type of NBN do you have? (Run your address through and tell us what it says under "Technology used in your connection".

  • Sort your parents internet out and then it’s time to put your big boy pants on and move out of home

  • +2

    Need a better router with mesh system.

    I have a bit overkill system in my double story house. 1 router with 3 satellites. Definitely no dead spot in my place. Went over to the neighbour once and i got better wifi reception than their router.

  • Try a wifi scanning app on your phone and check which channel your modem and the neighbor's modems are on, move your channel number to the clearest channel number.

    also if you can connect to the 5Ghtz connection on the modem.

    Use netspeedtest and check your speed next to the modem and then where you usually use it and see if they are the same.

    How is your NBN connected? are you still on the old optus cable network?

  • Report them to the TIO even if you plan on changing telcos. If they can't provide the service/speeds as described on their website you're at least entitled to a part refund of the monthly fees.

  • Yeah, you can't expect a single router to service a double storey house. Installing a mesh system as others have suggested would be a start. Also consider getting a powerline extender kit such as… It'll use the house wiring to get the internet to black spots and then have a WiFi access point. A friend has a large house, thick brick walls, basement, upper levels, tennis court etc. They were plagued with connectivity problems for their home devices. Tried a mesh system didn't work well. Tried a powerline extender system didn't work. They just bit the bullet and got a contractor to hardwire ethernet cabling and then installed access points at various points in the house.

    • This is really helpful, I didn't know about this

  • +1

    Thank you all for your contributions, lots to think about. I greatly appreciate everyone's ideas.

  • Not exactly the same situation but I thought I'd share

    Had my main mobile number with Optus and slowly 4G speeds were getting slower and slower (at my home/bedroom), not that my speeds were fast to begin with were I live umm at 15 Mbps, sometimes higher (but speeds elsewhere were super fast at over 1 Gbps at some places, of course away from my place and most of Northern/Western Suburbs and I also had a good deal so stuck with them), I think the issue with Optus arose cause they did works at one of there nearby Optus towers,.. anyway long story short (trying) got on Optus chat explained the situation to them, anyway Optus chat person reckoned there was no 4G service were i live, ok my phone shows the 4G symbol so I just played along

    But anyway told them this issue has been going on for 3 months so as compensation they offered me $50 per month total $150 to my Optus account for the 3 months I had bad speeds, well they reckon no 4G service

    Decided to leave Optus pretty much straight away with my main number, well one of those Jbhifi/Telstra deals popped up with a s22 Ultra 128gb, deal seen here on Ozbargain and its up again (anyway sold the S22 Ultra and the sale will pay my jbhifi/Telstra plan for just over 12 months, so one freebie) but of course the Optus $150 credit is in my Optus account so decided to sign up to the Optus 4G $15 5gb Data plan (with offer of 50% discount through Optus App, pops up now and then) so now also got free home 4G home internet, slow but I moved my 4G modem to a better spot in my house and is now reasonable to use,.. and it stops me using (at most times when I'm home) the data of my Jbhifi/Telstra plan which is 100gb, which I use when I need speed, anyway I don't have NBN or broadband at home so another saving

    What im trying to say after all the above, blah blah blah,. is milk the situation your in with Optus

    My 2 cents and the rest lolz 👍😁🤣

    Edit: I decided too read your full post lolz, my friend had the same issue with WiFi and supposedly one of the Optus modem model had a known issue with WiFi, Optus replaced it hasn't had the issue again

    Also having a double storey house with 20+ devices doesn't really help the matter, why don't you test your Optus Home WiFi modem with only 1 or 2 devices connected and see how you go, got to fault find the issue or how can you determine what the issue is,.. so slowly test small amount of devices connected, then add more to see if at some point your modem starts having issues,.. well if 1 or 2 devices has issues then it's certainly your modem, do you have a computer connected directly through an ethernet port out (cable) of modem does that have connection issues/cut-out? if so then its the NBN side connection as wired devices don't cut out like wireless devices do (or the modem is FU), again got to fault find the issue

    I think having 20 devices connected especially in a double story house ain't helpful, the modem for devices up stairs has to power higher on wifi, also the devices upstairs have to do the same, if these devices don't have great modems built into them or terrible antennas then we'll there going to cut-out, mind you there is only a certain amount of channels available and you trying to connect these devices through 5GHz over 2.4GHz, 5GHz doesn't travel or penetrate walls well as 2.4Ghz

    Well maybe you need a WiFi range booster maybe to get a better signal upstairs (prefabably wired to upstairswould be better), well there are lots of solutions but first find out if it's the main WiFi modem casing issues

    Edit edit: yes as mentioned above by Eatslikeacat,.. powerline devices would be the best and cheapest solution to get wifi upstairs, plenty on eBay used cheap, use 2x different SSID usernames for upstairs and downstairs or go 4 or 6 SSID usernames combination with powerline and wifi boosters you can zone your whole house out

    Ok another 2 cents,.. cheers all 👍😁

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