Has anyone had a tooth extraction other than wisdom teeth?

Went to the dentist recently as a filling had chipped off one of my back molars. Thought it would be a relatively simple touch up, but the dentist has recommended extracting the tooth as cleaning out the old filling and replacing it would likely cover most of the tooth, so the filling may not last very long.

Has anyone had any experience in getting a tooth extracted? It’s not causing me any pain so I’m probably more inclined to try a filling then if it causes issues down the track get it removed.


  • +1

    Yeah I got most of one of my back molars filled and then it decayed further. The dentist suggested root canal and crown but couldn't say if it would last long. For the cost I had it removed rather than paying $1000s for something they said would likely break again soon. I decided to get it pulled and then later do an implant if I needed.

    Extraction was simple, they used something like a nutcracker to break it and then pulled it out. It felt weird for around a week having a hole there instead of a tooth but then I got used to it and it felt normal. Pain wasn't really much at all.

    That said now I'm wealthier I regret not going for the root canal and crown. Will probably pay up and get the implant at some point just so I can chew evenly on both sides.

    • This is similar to what the dentist told me about the root canal and crown… she couldn’t guarantee it would last very long, so for around $3k worth of dental work it’s a bit of a gamble.

  • How much would it cost for a 2nd advice quote from another?

    • Probably around $250-$300 to get an exam and x-rays done again

  • I had a molar removed in addition to my 4 wisdom teeth. One of my wisdom teeth was impacting the molar and it had developed a cavity. It was easier to just remove it at the same time.

    I would say better to have it removed when there isn't pain, than waiting for the pain to come and then doing something about it.

    I haven't noticed any long term issues with eating.

    • Have any of your other teeth shifted as a result of the molar being removed?

      • I haven't noticed any movement in the 7 years since I had them removed. The dentist originally said the opposing tooth (the one that would normally grind on the one missing) may come out a bit further, but I haven't noticed anything.

  • Had three healthy teeth extracted to make room for braces, its really not that painful, even when the anaesthetic wears off. Only thing you need to consider is whether the gap will be visible and if that will bother you. If you want an implant fitted later to fill the gap it'll cost you $3500+

    • The gap probably wouldn’t be visible as it’s the 2nd molar from the back, which is one positive I guess

      • I had similar tooth (2nd from back) removed 5 yrs ago and they recommended an implant because with the tooth missing I would chew on one side of my mouth and over time it will wear my teeth down unevenly. I didn't get the implant but it is something I will look into in the near future.

    • You must be lucky, I had 2 out for my braces and it was the most agonising thing I have ever been through in my life. The only thing worse than getting the first tooth out was getting the second as I knew what I was in for. The gums were numb but the pain radiated all through my skull and down my neck. And the feeling of them pulling and scraping the gums was so unsettling and horrible. I would never get another tooth out without being knocked out. I am very lucky though and have good teeth, have never needed a filling ever in my life and I get to keep all my wisdom teeth as long as I keep them well brushed.

  • i had a molar extract because it was rotten. Dentist A f'd up root canal.
    Dentist B end up extracting it and i don't notice it missing at all.

    ozbargain bonus : dentist A refunded full amount including what my healthy insurance covered, so I made a few k off it. pain wasn;t worth it though

    hole is weird for a while but it grows back / fills in

  • I have on both sides of the bottom. Not visible to the general public so for me it was purely economic, even though I have private health I couldnt justify the repair.Every now and then I bite something that makes contact with the gum but not a drama.

  • +1

    The way you have worded your post makes it sound like the dentist is recommending you a particular treatment purely based off cost. That is not their decision to make. The dentist should present to you all options from free to a million dollars and discuss pro's and con's of each. It is up to you to decide how much money you are willing to spend for treatment. I would not recommend a dentist who recommends treatment to their patients purely based off cost. There are probably many other options that they have not discussed thoroughly with you - please seek a second opinion before have a tooth extracted.

    That being said there are many factors to consider here and a 100 word ozbargain post isn't going to cut it unfortunately.

    • They basically went through 3 options. Root canal and crown, extraction and filling. They could not guarantee that the filling or crown would last very long which is why they recommended extraction. They did not discuss the options after extraction such as bridges and implants, but these would be things to consider too.

      • From what you say the dentist has determined that the tooth isn't viable, and the tooth is in a position whereby extraction won't negatively affect your other teeth.
        However if you want a second opinion you can ask your dentist to send your x-rays to another dentist so they can give you their opinion. (You own the x-rays so there is no charge to get them sent to another dentist).

  • I had a lower molar 3rd from back extracted last November.

    The dentist cut the tooth vertically in an E-W direction and pulled it as if it was 2 teeth. The whole process was very quick and painless. No issues with healing.

  • Partner has had them out in the chair. Relatively quick and painless. Only a few hundred.

    Root canal shouldn't cost more that $1500 (more like $1200 ish), crowns are usually $5-800.

    See an Endodontist if you take that route. They aren't as expensive as you think and do far superior work.

  • I had root canals and crown done on a few of my back teeth many years ago but recently had to have some of the teeth with the crowns removed as the teeth decayed over time under the crown. I didn’t realise this would happen.

    • Yeah, this is something my dentist mentioned could happen. Did you consider getting an implant to replace the tooth or it doesn’t bother you too much?

      • I only had the extractions over the last couple of months and not considering implants for these teeth as they were at the back of the month.

  • I had the choice between $1500 root canal that might not solve the problem and would take multiple painful sessions, or having the tooth extracted for $300ish.
    Needless to say, it sucked, and I got a dry socket which sucked even more, but once it healed it's fine. For the first time in years I didn't have a near constant pain in my mouth, which was nice.

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