This was posted 2 years 19 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PC] Indie Bundle for Abortion Funds - 792 DRM-Free Games/Projects - US$10.00 Minimum @

17827 is running a jumbo bundle inspired by recent US events. $10 minimum purchase price for 790+ items, with more to be added until the 7th of July.

100% of the proceeds from this bundle will go to the National Network for Abortion Fund's Collective Power Fund, which moves money directly to abortion funds across 20+ U.S. states, with a particular focus on the South and Midwest (where it is often most difficult to get access to abortions). NNAF’s partnerships with these abortion funds provide direct resources and funds to many of the people most impacted by Roe v. Wade, towards immediate action.

All games are DRM-free, and can be downloaded and installed from the website. No Steam keys or similar are provided.

I haven't yet perused the list for good items (or sought out posts from people that have done so), but feel free to share in the comments.

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closed Comments

    • -2

      Woke companies? You know Woke was coined by an African American that just meant being aware of institutional racism? Calling things “woke” as an insult means you’re FOR institutional racism.

      • +3

        Mate you should be doing long jump with the leaps and bounds you just made. Kinda feels like a bad attempt at trolling

        • +3

          I too don't understand how woke is often used as a pejorative. It must have different definitions for different people.

          • -1

            @KLF23: my life observation is that people who use 'woke' as an insult usually other other words like blacks, niggers, poofs etc.

        • I mean, that’s what “Woke” means. It’s not my fault you don’t know. Don’t take it out on me just because you copy whatever American right wing nonsense the idiots spew out. You should learn to think for yourself, you’re Australian, not American, mate.

          • +1

            @whuts: Just because it's what woke was originally meant to be doesn't mean it's how it's commonly used now. Words and their meaning/usage change over time. It was likely originally coined by a white man who meant it to mean "no longer being asleep".

            If you're so sensitive you thought I was taking anything out on you and people using a word like woke makes them racist you're the idiot spewing out propaganda.

            Not sure why you'd assume my national identity? Implying that me being American would somehow make me any more or less dumb/capable of independent thought implies casual racism on your end towards the American people. It doesn't matter where I come from, I'm a person all the same and capable of "thinking for myself" just as much as you. Learn to not be such a snarky, self-righteous profanity, mate.

  • +12

    "Boy, these conservatives are really something, aren't they? They're all in favor of the unborn. They will do anything for the unborn. But once you're born, you're on your own. Pro-life conservatives are obsessed with the fetus from conception to nine months. After that, they don't want to know about you. They don't want to hear from you. No nothing. No neonatal care, no day care, no head start, no school lunch, no food stamps, no welfare, no nothing. If you're preborn, you're fine; if you're preschool, you're f@#$&d." - George Carlin

  • +1

    More people is just what earth needs right now, let's push populating it more even harder!

    I do not look forward to our future where every child is pushed to also have 4 or 5 kids… We can barely even keep the power on for our current population.

    • -1


      What is this future you speak of?

      • The future we're heading for right now, head first into the deep end.

        • -1

          When do people start getting "pushed to also have 4 or 5 kids"?

          • +1

            @ihfree: when they don't have good sex education and access to contraception when needed.

  • +6

    While I like bargains, I feel like it enters weird territory when we start to have deeply controversial causes. You aren't then just buying the games you are directly supporting something you may not agree with. Can't say I am gonna get this one.

  • +2

    A worthy cause! Thanks OP!

  • +6

    I'm pro choice. I'm pro-abortion and pro-euthanasia. I'm anti-conscription.

    My 2cents.

    Peace out.

    • +5

      Good point, let people makeup their own minds, dont force anything, everyone's life is unique and every story is complex and important. Dont force somebody else's values and opinions onto random people.

      • +3

        Is a 9 month old babies life unique just before it's killed?

        • +4

          Who's killing 9 month old babies?

          You live in Australia, not Korea. Age is counted from birth, not conception.

      • +1

        Couldn't have said it better mate. Except, the media isn't balanced at all in their opinion nowadays. Now the left is dominating, to the fact that anything else gets cancelled. Maybe one day it's the other way around. But we really need the media and the supposed "voice" of the people to have their integrity back and always present both sides. I'm not choosing side here, just saying that to an extent, the 1% are the ones driving the narratives since they control the media. Unfortunately.

        • -1

          the 1% are the ones driving the narratives since they control the media. Unfortunately.

          Hellllllloooooo Rupert Murdoch!

          • -1

            @shkippy: who's media is so right wing that it completely overshadows any supposed left wing media source on the planet.

  • +4

    If they want to support the murder of babies then I will not support them

    • thank you valid member since 30th June 2022 for your non-biased commentary. We have no bots or state actors pushing their own agendas here, do we comrade?

      • Wtf has that got to do with anything and why would this website have bots? Lol this website is not like Reddit or Twitter with millions of users who can influence things

        • because like any site it can still get new fly ins all airing their 'original thoughts' when controversial subjects get highlighted on other sites. It's like rent a crowd dropping off a few busloads of protestors to make the event seem bigger and have larger public support, when it doesn't.

          • @gizmomelb: Not in this case, I honestly don't have time to create accounts on different forums so I can air my personal opinion. It wouldn't influence anyone anyway

  • +1

    The silver lining to inflation and the recession getting more worse, apart from all the other chaos going on in the world, is hopefully more people finally starting to mind their own business instead of forcing their goofy hypocritical beliefs on others, because they have either too much free time/disposable income and not enough problems of their own. Half of y'all are like those creepy neighbours that keep staring over their fence and into others' living rooms, pathetic really, lol.

  • +7

    Abortion end the life of black and female fetuses at a disproportionate rate. This deal is offensive.

  • +2

    Good to see that anti-abortionists are in the minority. Vocal but small and weak.

    • +2

      Yeah ozbargains comments section isn't the real world, i think you will find most people are pro life

      • +3

        In the real world, you'll find that most people are actually pro-choice.

        That said, you live in a bubble, I live in a bubble.

        • +1

          Drill into the actual data. A vast majority support access to first trimester abortion when it's requested due to being the result of a rape, incest, sexual assault, there's a genetic or drug-addicted related abnormality which will guarantee the death or the baby or mother, etc…. All stuff that is perfectly reasonable and still continues to be allowed everywhere in the US for example.

          But if you ask what the support is for abortion from the second trimester onward, just because the mother carrying the baby decides she doesn't want to be inconvenienced by carrying a perfectly viable life inside her any more - the numbers completely flip to the opposite direction. This is the direction the abortion crowd pushed the subject into & demanded and enacted the ability to terminate a babies life right up until the day it was delivered. They were openly campaigning to have the right even after it had been delivered. So being THAT is now the context the subject has evolved into, no, the majority of people are now no longer supportive of the current abortion rights mob's position.

          • -1

            @infinite: Mate, everything you just said is incorrect. You are either unintelligent or intellectually dishonest.

            "More than half of Australians (57%) supported abortion access whenever a woman decides she wants one. A further 20% supported abortion in certain circumstances, such as when a woman has been raped."





            You are a bad person.

            • +1

              @tetra: I find it very hard to believe that 57% of Australians would support the killing of a healthy child even shortly before birth.

              Is that what you actually think the statistics show?

              Where is the data and the exact questions asked, because I am very-very doubtful.

              • @trapper: No one kills children right before birth. This is something that you've made up, a lie you've failed to fact check, or something you've been stupid enough to believe.


                • +1

                  @ihfree: You need to read more carefully, especially when calling others stupid. lol

                  The claim was made by @tetra not by me. "More than half of Australians (57%) supported abortion access whenever a woman decides she wants one."

                  • @trapper:

                    shortly before birth.

                    Look up Australian law. You're arguing over something that doesn't happen.

              • -1

                @trapper: Why don't you click the link and read it for yourself? The information you want is literally right there. The questions, methodology, results, etc..

                • +1

                  @tetra: I eventually I found it…

                  Q1. Please choose which is closer to your point of view: (Please select one response)
                  • Abortion SHOULD be permitted whenever a woman decides she wants one
                  • Abortion SHOULD be permitted in certain circumstances, such as if a woman has been raped
                  • Abortion should NOT be permitted under any circumstances, except when the life of the mother is in
                  • Abortion should NEVER be permitted, no matter what circumstance exists
                  • Don't know/Prefer not to say

                  As I suspected, no middle ground was available at all.

                  For example a pro-choice person who believed abortion should only be permitted in the first trimester would be forced to select the first option as 'closer to your point of view' because it was the only pro-choice option available.

                  • -2

                    @trapper: The second option very clearly covers that.

                    The third trimester 'argument' is invalid, the statistics don't back it up. People aren't going to wait months and months before having an abortion just for the hell of it.

                    BTW, you are trying hard to nitpick a singular (but recent) opinion poll. There have been plenty of polls taken over the years, all showing majority support.

                    2003:… page 3 onwards

                    • +1



                      In 2010, a study published in The Medical Journal of Australia found that 61% of Australians said abortion should be lawful without question in the first trimester of pregnancy, while 26% said it should be lawful depending on the reason.[107] In the second trimester and third trimesters, support for outright lawful abortion was 12% and 6% respectively, while 57% and 42% respectively said it depended on the circumstances.

                      So there it is. Only 6% of Australians support outright lawful abortion in the third trimester, and only 12% in the second.

                      • -2

                        @trapper: Once again, you're nitpicking and clinging to a fallacious argument because reality goes against your beliefs.

                        • +1

                          @tetra: lol mate, that is quoted straight from the link you provided.

                          When asked the actual question only 6% of Australians supported outright lawful abortion in the third trimester. That is the reality.

                          Not the 57% you claimed - which I was correct in detecting from the start as total BS.

                          We are not a nation of psychopaths, yay!

                          • -1

                            @trapper: 2021 vs 2010.

                            Notice how you focus on third trimester abortions, even though statistically they are irrelevant when it comes to abortion numbers.

                            The fact that you fail to understand opinion polls aren't definitive and have margins of error, and that public opinion moves in a decade is all that really needs to be said.

                            We are not a nation of psychopaths, yay!

                            By psychopath you mean understanding of peoples rights. If you need to use extremist labels for opposing views, you're probably not the good guy!

  • +2

    Wow this chat is on fire!
    Still.. although I am for intervening to save a women's life, apart from that I am not so woke as to be in favour of abortion as a whole. In the vast majority of cases there are extra precautions men and women can take to avoid getting pregnant.

  • +4

    The games are terrible but nowhere near as terrible as the sick minds that came up with this deal.

  • +4

    I checked out their twitter feed, didn't realize how woke humble bundle are. They are trying real hard to stay relevant by plugging every left wing cause possible by selling their shovelware games. At this point it's an activist site masquerading as a business. Will make sure to never give these guys money

    • +2

      hahahahahah point missed so far I'm amazed you're still on the planet.

    • +2

      Hey, you know this isn't Humble Bundle right? allows people to make bundles, there are a vast number of bundles on that site too, they don't create them though they could get rid of it.

  • +4

    This has got to be one of the biggest train wrecks to ever grace ozb.

  • +3

    The beauty of being pro-choice is that, if you disagree with abortions or the premise of an abortion, you don't have to get one!

  • +1

    I’m not sure what’s worse - this deal or the number of crazies here who have blinded themselves to the inconvenient truth that they support murder

    • +7

      I'm amazed at the ignorance and idiocy shown here. So many failures of humans not understanding basic biology.

  • +4

    It must be hard living in a country of "crazies" given 76% of Australians support access to abortions.

    Thought about a move out of Australia?

  • +1

    OzB needs a 'Sort by: Controversial'

  • -1

    I've been responsible for a few abortions

  • Worst comments ever.

  • +1

    It looks like they've updated this bundle, it now contains 1122 items.

    I can't really tell what's been added because of the volume of stuff.
    There are a few new books and soundtracks, so a bit of everything I think.

    • +2

      Yep, from what I can tell, 330 added items:

      • 140 games (82 of these have never been previously included in past mega-bundles Bundle for Ukraine, Palestinian Aid, Racial Justice and Equality)
      • 7 miscellaneous items
      • 16 game assets / asset packs
      • 6 soundtracks
      • 3 comics
      • 147 physical games (e.g. card games, tabletop RPGs)
      • 6 books
      • 5 (software) tools
      • The asset packs were a good addition for me.

  • What was the original title of this discussion?

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