How to Save Minimum $30 or More Every Month on Your Grocery Bill at Woolworths

Not sure if this has been shared already but its a game changer for the battlers - save minimum $360 or more to keep in you pocket every year! Significantly more savings for families!

  1. Subscribe to cashback's for even more savings throughout the year on things you were going to buy anyway

  2. Purchase a Woollies mobile plan - all plans give you the below benefits, but this is the one im buying:
    $150 for 12months call and texts, 100G of data
    currently a $10 off deal so that's $140 (search on either Cash Rewards or directly from Woolies mobile)
    Cash Back gives you $11 extra in return so now the plan is $129 for unlimited calls and texts and 100G data
    So you are paying a little over $10 a month for your phone plan.
    Granted its not the best data deal on the market, but when you add in the savings below you will be effectively getting your phone plan for free, plus money in your pocket! If you are like me and most of your data usage is via wifi at home, you should be fine.

  3. Now here's where the real savings kick in.
    Every gift card you buy is 5% off.
    Doesn't sound like much, but what is your monthly grocery bill? Conservative estimate, lets go with $400/month.
    Buy yourself a $400 gift card for $380 - your first $20 savings!

Your mobile plan also entitles you to 10% off one shop per month, so again, being conservative lets say that's $10.

($20 + $10) x 12 = $360. And I bet most people, and families are spending much more and will get significantly better savings.

Gift cards sound like a hassle? Not any more with the Woollies app. Just add them to the app and you can use them like pay wave at the checkout from your mobile phone.

*I am not affiliated with Woollies or Cash Rewards, just a battler who knows others can benefit from this like I have. (mod: referral solicitation not allowed)
FYI any shopping I plan to do, I check Cash Rewards first - for money I would normally spend I have already saved over $600 this year! They have regular 20% cash back offers from First Choice and many other iconic brands. You are mad not to check them out.

Related Stores

Everyday Rewards
Everyday Rewards


  • +4

    You forgot to add this: use Hiver to buy the gift card for another 5% cashback.

    • Thanks for the tip! Will check it out!

    • +1

      To become a Hiver, you must:

      Be an Australian citizen
      Be employed in Education, Emergency Services or Health Sectors, OR be studying at or have graduated from an Australian University, OR be an immediate family of a Hiver member.
      Be 18 years or over
      Have a current Australian Drivers Licence or Passport
      Not currently have an account with Firefighters Mutual Bank, Health Professionals Bank, Teachers Mutual Bank or UniBank
      More details can be found on our Who can join page.

      • I joined and it did not ask me any of this
        Be employed in Education, Emergency Services or Health Sectors, OR be studying at or have graduated from an Australian University, OR be an immediate family of a Hiver member.

    • -1

      Is there a way to transfer funds from Special Super Shopper card into this Hiver account? Thanks

    • Just joined! One small thing to note its a maximum $250 cashback per year. Still, better in my pocket. Thanks!

    • Does hiver give cashback for purchases of gift cards via the woolies online gift store?

  • +1

    but what is your monthly grocery bill? Conservative estimate, lets go with $400/month.

    Lol, maybe for a family of 5. I spend around half that primarily at ALDI.

    • +3

      You must be in an area Aldi services… most arent. But hey,not saying this is for everyone, but for those who shop at Coles/Woollies and prefer to see the money in their pocket rather than the stores….

    • +6

      how do you spend $6.66 a day on food? My pet ants cost more to feed.

      • I eat out a fair bit and buy stuff from the markets…

    • +7

      How do you know someone shops at Aldi?

      They tell you.

  • +7

    Use 10% off once online and once in shop each month for more savings !

    • Works online AND in shop no dramas?

      • +4

        Yup. Done that for two years straight

        • +3

          Username checks out

    • How do you get the 10% off? ta

      • After you have been a WW mobile member for a month, there is a banner that appears in the app allowing you to add the discount. There is info on this on the WW mobile website.

        • great. thank you!

        • +1

          This works if you're a Woolies Insurance customer also. If there's two of you at home and have two (or more insurance products it's even better!

          For example, I can have Car insurance under my name, Home and Contents under my wife's name, and we get 10% online + 10% in-store EACH. That's… 4 x 10% off shops a month.

  • What is this 5% off gift card that you speak of?

    • log in to (assuming you have a mobile account) and it's in the banner, up to 5% off giftcards.

      Down to 4% for woolworths supermarket now though. But very useful all the same.

  • +15

    The 10% off sounds better on paper than in reality. It forces you to do one big shop once a month meaning most of your purchases will be normal price. It's better to spread out your shopping to take advantage of weekly 11%-50% off specials.

    • Yep this.

    • +6

      It's 2 shops per month, one online the other in store
      I pretty much only buy the good specials and l stack with gift cards, everything else is aldi

      • This. Ozbargainers paying normal price does not sit well with me

        • +2

          Use common sense. You shouldn't change your shopping habits to gain a 10% discount at the cost of higher discounts throughout the month. But you will get 10% off one of your shops - for me that equates to about $10 a month and usually over $20 a month savings on the gift cards.

  • So point 3 you mention 5% off, where is this for all of us OZ bargainers who do not have a member ship of ZXY or pay for the membership.

    • Yeah most are 4% now.

      • They dont offer 5% off Gc to spend at WW.

        • The marketing material I got when I joined was 5% on WW gift cards, apparently its down to 4% for WW and 5% for many of the others in the WW group. Still, do the math - its money in your pocket that otherwise wouldnt be there. The only reason you wouldnt do this deal is if your data usage is high - the plans available probably wont suit.

  • +2

    Woolworths giftcard is back down to 4% off as of July 1st. Still 5% for Dan's/BWS/Big W though.

  • +1

    Well yeah - but I feel like I save much more than this each month by getting staples and non sale items from Aldi, sales items/markdowns from Woolies & Coles and getting fruit, veg and meat from much cheaper smaller retailers.

    • Use common sense. You shouldn't change your shopping habits to gain a 10% discount at the cost of higher discounts throughout the month. But you will get 10% off one of your shops - for me that equates to about $10 a month and usually over $20 a month savings on the gift cards.

  • 10% off each month when you have Woolies car insurance. Works out the insurance is free.

    • if you're spending $700 at Woolies once a month, you'll be part of their very fat profit margin. But if your premium is at that level then it'll be much cheaper to grow your own produce at your place.

      • Family of 5 with 3 young adults, i spend that per week, that's shopping Oz Bargained as well.

        • You might want to change the shopping habits, unless they're the only shop within 50km radius. I struggle to spend over $100 in a single shop with them or Coles for family of 4. All those half price items you need in a month won't happen in a week.

  • +3

    sign up for dozens of everyday rewards accounts for the best deals

    • +2

      This gets the biggest discounts in my opinion. Downsides are that it takes some effort to keep track of what promo is on which account and you sometimes buy things you don't need to meet the minimum spend.

  • +2

    Seniors Card holders can buy the GCs at 5% off at Woolworths website.

  • +1

    game changer for the battlers


    just a battler who knows others can benefit from this


  • +2

    We have two mobiles and two Woolworths accounts so get 10% twice a month. Means we get the phones for free and then some.
    Still do Aldi for lots of stuff.

    Am I reading correctly that you can use the 10% twice? Once online and once in person??

    • Yes, for one service.

    • -1

      You get 10% off once a month….use online or in person.

    • Great tip! You can also transfer data between accounts when you have multiple WW plans if one member uses more than the others.

  • "Seniors Card holders can buy the GCs at 5% off at Woolworths website"………this doesn't apply in SA.

  • -4

    may as well be 6ft under if have to live like that lol

    • +2

      Awww pet… need to feel better about yourself by putting others down. How sad.

      • -3

        get a job and off welfare

        • +1

          Awww pet…. so sad

  • -3

    Op couldn’t afford iTunes lol

    • You're trolling on the internet, no friends?

      • -2

        friends are overrated, I have family

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