Now even cheaper than the previous deal with the coupon code.
I'd grab one if I didn't layby it for Christmas at Big W for $199 yesterday.
Disney Ariels Underwater Palace 43207 is also down to $96 with the coupon
Now even cheaper than the previous deal with the coupon code.
I'd grab one if I didn't layby it for Christmas at Big W for $199 yesterday.
Disney Ariels Underwater Palace 43207 is also down to $96 with the coupon
Buy it and keep it in the box for a year or two?
Will be a Christmas present for daughter who turns 4 this month. The build will be well beyond her capabilities/attention span but at least it won't get smashed to pieces when she plays with it
It is the cheapest it has ever been. I don't mind holding if they keep making it but I just am concerned that it may go out of stock and stop from production…
Certainly one of the best prices for this set. Unlikely you'd regret buying it if you store it for the right time, future Christmas / birthday.
@seamonkey: There is the risk that by that time, frozen isn't the 'in' thing anymore. Decisions decisions
My 4 year old loves it too, but even at 4 she's too young.
@He-Mania: Same choice here. Ultimately I think better off buying boxes of pieces over the journey! Too many pieces here that'll never get used for anything else.
@He-Mania: Crossed my mind but then I came to the conclusion (possibly wrongly) that Frozen will forever be a Toy Story or Avatar. Kind of live there with the ongoing threat of a further sequel to the sequel. Could move into even a classic collectible arena. Cries in all the Star Wars figures I threw in the bin at the height of the original film interest. Remember mocking a mate for his dozens of original things like Millennium Falcons. I digress, that surely isn't the future of Frozen. Glad my kids don't make me hear it anymore though haha
I really want to get this and build it with my daughter but she only just turned 2