Looks like ATL for this recently released set according to BrickHawk.
Looks like ATL for this recently released set according to BrickHawk.
We all say we'll do that until we see the quality difference
I still have a box somewhere of ones we got for the eldest years back. Batman, Star Wars, Marvel, etc. tonnes of them, couldn't tell they were knock offs if you didn't stare at the slightly (profanity) up logos on the boxes.
Figs are the worst to clone. The prints are poor, wear easily and the colour is regularly just not quite right
I think they have their place. Lego costs too much. But getting fooled by a clone minifig? Only in the rarest of circumstances
@justtoreply: I have no doubt there's some god awful knock offs out there, maybe we were just lucky with the ones we got for the kiddo in the day. I remember one or two Spider-Mans having a big ass full spider on it that wasn't right. But I've also had kids some into the kinder with Iron Man action figures that yell "Hulk smash", as far as 9 out of 10 kids are concerned anyway, the knock off is just as fun.
You're saying you can't tell the boxes apart?
Are your kids cats?
@King Steuart: I'm saying aside from the boxes, the quality was perfectly comparable with the knock offs. Nothing felt rigid or stiff or shit in any real way. I work in kinder and they have tonnes of real Legos there and to me they didn't really feel any better.
PS, cats are cats. Unrelated tangent to the OP, I know, but this whole "fur baby" thing can go away please. You got a dog? Awesome. Cat? Awesome. You're not a mom until you have a baby, simple really.
Civil War one is cool, but when the youngest gets up to Lego, I think I'll stick to the $5 multi character knock off sets at the market. Maybe my povo is showing, but I used to be stoked getting something half this price for my birthday as a kid.