A pretty good deal with Amazon. The lowest point within couple months
Suitable for speeds under 100Mbps.
2× 100 Mbps Ports Per Deco Unit
A pretty good deal with Amazon. The lowest point within couple months
Suitable for speeds under 100Mbps.
2× 100 Mbps Ports Per Deco Unit
I have this setup in my house and it fixed my outdoor WiFi cameras from dropping out, full strength WiFi throughout our 350m house.
wow, big house! so jelly.
In the market of looking for a house right now and property price is just crazy.
Ikr! Wait, are we still talking about mesh routers?
no, this is ozrealestate.com.au now
If it's 350m in both directions that's more than 12 ha.
He meant to say 350m², so it's obviously 10 floors of roughly 6m x 6m rooms stacked on top of each other.
House ain't GPU
I can barely afford electricity to even power these on.
Prices going down by 300k by end of next year
Or you could use these as additional satellites to an existing Deco network which may have say 1gigabit ports
Yes you can add any Deco unit to an existing Deco network. TP-Link. For best performance use the fastest Deco unit as your main router.
Nice deal but sadly this is not wifi 6e
The average punter doesn't need 6e (for now).
*The average punter has shaite NBN thanks to Turnball and his liberal cronies.
There is hardly any 6e in Aus yet so not much of a loss
Wait, 6GHz has been approved?
The lower power band (5925-6425 MHz) was approved and the higher power bands (6425-7125 MHz) maybe approved later.
The Netgear Nighthawk WiFi 6E AXE11000 Tri-Band Wireless Router (RAXE500) is now available for the bargain price of $1099.
Can this extend an existing wifi network, or does one of the mesh thingos plug into LAN port on router?
(I have an existing ubiquiti AP that I love but it doesn't quite stretch to some areas of the house)
Nah this doesn't extend your Ubiquiti Wi-Fi network. Plug in an E4 into the nbn box or VDSL2 modems LAN port.
Why not purchase a second Ubiquiti AP?
Can Ubiquiti do mesh/something similar? Or would I need to run cable for a second AP somewhere else in the house?
Ideally you want to run Ethernet to the second AP. Lookup Ubiquiti wireless uplink for how to mesh Ubiquiti APs.
100Mbps ports, eww.
Enough speed for most of NBN plans in Australia.
(sadly) This is the way.
Indeed. Glad I'm on 1Gbps.
It doesn't only limit your WAN speed though. If you copy a file from one PC to another using the LAN port it will still be limited to 100Mbps. Not a big deal (for me) but it might be for some.
^ this guy gets it
Exactly. I mean between each device, it's quick, though bottlenecked at the ethernet ports. Useless.
Is there any reason to choose these over the Tenda Nova MW3 which usually go for the same price with bonus unit.
It's currently $99 with no bonus unit.
I just signed up to AussieBroadband's 50/20 nbn plan. My house suffers from wifi blackspots/dropouts. Would either of these help to resolve my issues?
They will, but know the lower power ones will only travel about the width of a bedroom thru the walls. TBH spend the extra $50 and get the MW6 version.
Is MW6 on par with TP-Link Deco E4 AC1200? Online reviews often compare these two together.
I bought 2 wifi extenders and I am still getting poor wifi performance. I think it's exactly what you said, low power :l
@Banana: This is my question, I need to set my friends WFH setup and not sure if this would be better.
@Nalar: I read a review comparing TP-Link Deco M4 AC1200 (instead of E4) and Tenda Nova MW6 and the review suggested TP-Link Deco M4 AC1200 was a little better. Given MW6 is $139.95 on Amazon I might pull the trigger on TP-Link.
@Nalar: MW3 would be more than enough for the average user, I used 2 units (1 main, 1 satellite) to cover a typical 3-bedder house, no problems. The manual actually would like you to space the nodes out by at least 10 m. So it is a bit more than the width of a typical bedroom even accounting for walls.
I've upgraded my MW3 to MW6 since I upgraded my NBN plan to a faster speed (250), but I saw no difference in the wifi coverage.
@Banana: Wifi extenders don't do a very good job - a mesh network would help immensely.
Extenders generally halve your wifi speed, and then your using another network that talks to your initial network.
Mesh makes that secondary layer disappear, in a way.
You can also extend your network a lot further with strategically placed mesh nodes.
@goms: Don't mesh nodes generally have a dedicated channel to speak to each other, thereby not doing the bandwidth available for devices?
And don't extenders generally create a second network ssid?
Genuinely interested, by the way.
I love Tenda Nova MW3. Perfectly covers my 34 sqaures house!
tenda works OK but i bet if you look for reviews the tp link will perform much better
if you have plex at home or a file server then get something faster as these will struggle to stream 4k
go for latest gen if you are streaming 4k, ax1800 work really well
I currently don't have a modem or wifi router.
Can I just plug into the nbn when I do move and setup NBN provider with BYO modem?
is there such thing as a mesh 'head unit' that can act as both a router as part of the mesh and a modem for fttn people? kinda short on space in the kitchen area to have a modem and a potential deco
TP-Link Deco X20-DSL Mesh WiFi 6 Modem Router and AVM FRITZ!Box 7590 AX V2 Modem Router.
Suitable for speeds under 100Mbps.
I guess only sellable in Australia.
I would jump on this if I don't have Asus AiMesh already setup at home
Does Asus AiMesh work well for you? I’ve got a RT AC-88U and am finding that it’s struggling to convert the whole house. Am thinking about getting some additional ASUS routers to do AiMesh. Or jump ship to Google Mesh that heaps for my friends have raved about. The key thins holding me back are I love how the Asus has a print server and guest network.
Yeah it works fine I have two storey home
I run a Asus RT AC-86U and AC-68U running Merlin Custom firmware.
The location of the routers are important.
The AC-68U is a good cheap router to use for AiMesh for the rest of blackspots
Thanks for the reply! I have been thinking about moving to a custom firmware in the hopes that it will fix the random no traffic that I keep experiencing. All lights indicate no issues and always fixed by a reboot so I’m suspecting that it’s firmware. Will check out AC-68U. Thanks heaps for the recommendation!
@m00seTheC0wSnake: AC-68U is a very old model. I suggest you look for second hand as brand new is not priced well.
I got my old AC-68U several years ago and repurpose as a AiMesh use
Look up eBay as long as it's well look after
i must be doing something wrong with my MW6 or Telstra doesn't play nice with Tenda as mine drops out quite often still on wifi.2 story house though maybe ?
If you still have solid wifi signal showing but internet isn't working could be due to double nat'ing depending on how you have the MW6 configured with the Telsta modem.
thanks for reply - yet no idea what double nat'ing means :/
i went the quick/numpty/noob option when i got them
- dl the app
- plugged main one into telstra modem gave it its name
- then added the other 2 as indicated.
- they do have their own name and password so is that the double nat'ing?
You are probably double NAT'ing. Turn on bridge mode in the Tenda app and see if this improves your connection.
Otherwise, replace the Telstra modem with the MW6 by connecting the MW6 directly to your NBN box (assuming you are on NBN).
Showing $152 for me
same here
Thats coz someone shared the deal on OB otherwise would still be $115
I picked up the Deco S4 a while back for ~$150 and I've been pretty impressed with them. I have 2 connected via ethernet backbone, and the other wireless (upstairs), and they have been much easier to handle whole house WiFi compared to before having 3 separate routers to cover the same area. I'm able to get the full 100/20 NBN throughout the house, but the S4 has Gigabit Ethernet, which makes it great for file transfers between PCs as well. The nice thing is that the Ethernet Ports on the machines can help get faster speeds on any older Wireless N/G devices, like any old consoles (PS3/X360/WiiU), or just have a bit more stable connection than wireless.
Would this system work with a NetComm cloudmesh gateway router?
For anyone looking, it did and it worked well.
Bugger missed it for my parents house. Hopefully on sale again
Price showing as $152.90? Am
I doing something wrong?
Would these be better than this set off JB hifi page? https://www.jbhifi.com.au/products/google-nest-wifi-home-mes…
Better value…
are they basically the same thing…..noob here asking the question!
Better value but I think Google has better support
Thanks OP. These are great. Amazon was next day delivery to my interstate parents. Took me 5 mins to set up once I got here and much better connectivity.
Missed it too. Now $152. Any alternatives?
Needs price in title