RASHAYS spin the wheel giveaway!!! Free pizza 🍕 from 9 pm till close, dine in only!
- One pizza per table
- Dine in only
- Only available for DINE-IN on Friday 1st July 2022.
RASHAYS spin the wheel giveaway!!! Free pizza 🍕 from 9 pm till close, dine in only!
Yes, I won't be going there in a hurry…
No it hasn't been proven that it was an overreaction unless you prefer a lot more dead people. Lockdowns weren't lifted until vaccine targets were met and luckily came about after the disease had mutated into the omicron variant. I've been through the economic and medical modelling. We have data from places where there were and weren't lockdowns that have similar societies to us with regards to population density, access to healthcare and age groups. The comparison modelling clearly indicates that lockdowns were not an overreaction. Trying to compare a lockdown during an unvaccinated period during an earlier outbreak of Covid to now is irrational.
@jv: You can't compare with USA. One state has more population than the entire country. We did the "right thing" up until a point. Got double vaxxed and still locked down for more than 6 months. What science change did we see since almost the entire country was vaxxed. It came to a point where they can no longer keep up with variants and the economy was in the shitter. The next generation of kids is going to pay the price of ruining the economy. We also didn't record any of the psychological trauma everyone went through as it is not good for reelection. We would be worse than places that were free early on like UK.
@samkenny: Why can't you compare the USA to Australia? We have very similar population density, population ages, access to healthcare, etc. Overall population size doesn't really matter as you can just factor that into any analysis and use established mathematical formulas to conduct that comparison. They just have more states and more medium sized cities. But their main cities are approximately the same size as our main cities. In fact Sydney and Melbourne are larger in population size than any American cities barring New York City. Also this logic that the next generation of kids is going to pay the price of ruining the economy is a very broken view on economics. That's now how government debt works. It's not passed on to future generations. This isn't a household budget. Today’s government spending is “paid for” by the present generation, period, and any talk of burdening our grandchildren is nonsense. Deficit financing does not ever burden future generations as it's paid with current resources (hence bonds). The government doesn't have the technology to travel into the future and steal future resources from future generations - that's not possible. And even if we were to think of this as a household budget - when you finance something like a house or a car are you putting burden on your children or their children? No. This whole concept of burdening future generations based on budgetary decisions made now is ludicrous. Please take a university level economics course and gain some knowledge with regards to how economics works. Also, the economy is not ruined. I don't even know how you can make such an absurd claim. We have a healthy economy despite potential worries that there might be some limited recession in the near future. Overall the health of our economy is pretty damned good.
@samkenny: Economic impact of lockdown vs not lockdown is massively debatable. It depends how many extra lives lost (people = income or GDP) had their been no lockdown, there is probably a magic number that determines if it was worth it or not.
I personally think we should not have lockdown, but definitely enforce masks everywhere, sensible social distancing, and free 5000IU vitamin d/day for the population.
@samkenny: You're confusing rights and privileges. No one's rights were ever taken away. Two specific rights, freedom of movement and freedom of assembly, were restricted. There were no other rights under the Australian Constitution that were limited or restricted during the last two years. But, again, there's a significant difference between removing a right and limiting a right. Your rights are never universal and are always subject to restrictions and limitations. You can't, for instance, exercise your right to assembly in a private place without permission from the owner. You can't, for instance, exercise your right for movement through a restricted space even if it's a publicly owned place like a prison or a government building. It is the normative practice to have reasonable restrictions around a right in order to benefit society like how you can exercise your freedom of movement in a car but you need to be licensed, registered, insured and follow road rules. Society has the right to put in whatever reasonable limitations on your rights. No right is universal. All rights are subject to reasonable limitations based on the law. Instead of talking about rights being taken away you should be talking about rights being restricted as that's a more reasonable way of describing what happened.
Also, your timeline is incorrect, no lockdown was ever lifted for inflationary reasons. Inflation hasn't been a major factor in policy decision until around Feb/March of this year when it started to rise. Lockdowns ceased in Australia in and around October 2021 approximately 6 months before we started to see a significant rise in inflation. The RBA in November 2021 released a report noting that inflation was at 3% over the previous year which is a very typical rate per annum. You're allowing current events to influence your memory of past events. You're experiencing what's called the Misinformation Effect - where new information is influencing your recollection of past events. And again, if you look at statistics around Covid in the news it was already heavily out of rotation in news cycles prior to Feb 24th and the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Again, this is likely an example of the Misinformation Effect in action.
@rightguy: Believe what you want. Your position is saying Victorian lockdowns were great! No businesses were ruined. Do you believe RBA was telling the truth? Right to peacefully protest? Pharmaceutical companies are given legal waivers for any vaccine issues… You live in a world where you believe what people tell you without critical thinking. Are they saying it to avoid mass panic or protest or simply you to follow like sheep. They predicted the inflation but were using words like transitory…well guess that was a lie. Money printing doesn't come out of thin air. All this stimulus given…never mind, I feel like it is worth debating with someone who is willing to listen vs already holding a position of being the government's PR.
@samkenny: Businesses get ruined by government policies constantly - that's the nature of operating in any regulated environment. The vast majority of businesses in Victoria did not get ruined by Covid restrictions. That's why the unemployment rate in Victoria has fallen to its lowest rate in 50 years. The numbers in reality do not stack up with your thesis. You live in a world where you have to pretend that evidence that you can check and inspect doesn't exist. You have a serious cognitive bias and are trying to debate from a point of emotions rather than actual data or evidence. Emotions are great but they aren't means in which people ought to form opinions.
Also you're factually wrong that pharmaceutical companies were given legal waivers for any vaccine issues. A no fault Covid-19 scheme has been entered into which allows for claims to be settled for any damages over $5000 to allow for quick resolutions and payouts. That's a much better scheme then a person getting a rare side effect and then suing a multi-billion dollar company for compensation over years. Pharmaceutical companies can still be sued despite the scheme and the state has taken on limited liability for certain suits related to certain rare side effects. That doesn't at all limit anyone's right to sue a pharmaceutical company it just means that in certain cases where the company hasn't acted improperly the state will cover the cost of any award. The government won't cover any suit that comes out of gross negligence (for instance knowingly supplying a bad batch of vaccines). To be clear generally you cannot sue a drug company for any side effects it warned you about on any medication prior to you using it. Being able to get compensation for side effects we are aware of is a very novel thing with the Covid vaccine.
I genuinely think you are suffering from the Dunning-Kruger effect here in believing you have a deep understanding of these issues or concepts when it's clear that you have a very basic level of understanding and a great deal of ignorance about the subject. The only PR work I supply for is logic and when someone tries to debate with nonsense or half the facts or just a large set of illogical garbage I try to stand on the side of logic and make clear succinct arguments that point out the flaws in their thesis. Trying to label me as some sort of sheep because you're angry that you are just an ignorant person is ridiculous. Gain more knowledge. Do more reading, especially of primary sources. Maybe stop using YouTube and memes less as sources for facts. Educate yourself on how to think critically before posting on a public forum.
@BusMan247: Not sure what you're referring to or how you make that logical leap. Clearly there's no right to bear arms in the Australian Constitution so I don't understand the comparison. I talk about freedom of movement like I would any right under the Australian Constitution, with the understanding that it's not an absolute right and is subject to reasonable regulation.
Chill dude, he's a nice dude who cares about his community. Not the brightest person but seems to be a well intentioned caring person. You also need to keep in mind some people are pro-choice and not necessarily anti-somethting if they decide not to enforce a state government 'rule'.
Chill dude, he's a nice dude who cares about his community.
By encouraging anti-vaxxers…
What a great guy….
Mods, I've found another of SlavOz's burner accounts…
Why does everything always have to become political?
It's a bargain. Don't like it? Don't spend your money there. Pretty simple.
It's a bargain.
That's not for you to decide.
That's why we have voting and a comments section…
I see more upvotes than downvotes.
10 upvotes for 40 views.
Only 25% people seeing this post thought it was a bargain. 75% didn't…
@jv: You made me laugh. There are still more upvotes than downvotes. You sure seem to enjoy arguing don't you?
There are still more upvotes than downvotes
Can only downvote under certain conditions… So downvotes are not a good indicator of a bargain.
You need to look at the number of upvotes as a ratio of number of views of the 'supposed' deal…
@jv: I downvote rubbish deals when I see them buddy, so I'm pretty sure I know how easy it is to do so. I "need" to do nothing of the sort other than look at something and think "Hey! That's a good deal. I want one of those at that price/under those conditions". Pretty sure that's how most sensible people use this site.
Living in South Western Sydney during strict lockdowns was horrible for most people there. We did not have a proper park for the kids to play in within 5kms, also restricted to 1hour out of home and kids get sick of watching TV. We live in an apartment that is not north facing, so we did not get much sunlight, and did not have a common area in our building. This was the reality for many people in SWS, and the media was judgement as hell.
There was much blame put on SWS for having high cases, but in fact they were 11-12th on the list but other areas did not go in to full lockdown.
The above may be one of many reasons why the owner of Rashays saying he'll protest by not opening until everyone was aloud to dine in at restaurants.
You can be a nice dude and care about your community and be well intentioned and it still won't change the fact you were an anti-vaxxer / anti-masker who actively caused harm.
You can't judge people by their intentions alone, actions matter.
Now, that doesn't mean I won't eat at his restaurant. I have a Rashays down the road from me and will probably go tonight.
Also I do however support him in the incident where one of his employees was eating and someone called the cops on them.
Anti vaxer or not, ask anyone whos ever worked for him, hes full of crap. Everything he does is for publicity
If you think hes a genuine guy then his media team has you fooled
Lol leaving my last job I interviewed someone for my position, he used to work for an IT company who did consulting for Rashays… So one of the reasons he was leaving said IT company was that they instructed him to set up a cracked MS RDS servers for this mob because they or (he) didn't want to foot the licensing bills… So none of what ended up in the news surprised me about the owner/company…
He used the "vax" an excuse to delay opening his restaurants to minimise staff cost as most people were not going out to dine.
I agree he is just making his stance who cares
it sick it piss
not a real vaccine mate
Guess MSM buzzwords don't garner the same number of internet points as they used to. Glad people are starting to wake up.
yep screw this whole company and their attitude during the pandemic
Yep! That's the place alright - condoning no mask use by employees at his places of business which were all in the NSW COVID19 hotspots last year.
The guy is, objectively, an bonafide muppet.
So I'm assuming you apply the same level of scrutiny to every other business you interact with, and call them out just as loudly for their transgressions? Or is this just an opportunity to pump up your virtue credentials?
If you get a Rashays, shouldn't you see a doctor?
Been there for years now, haven't had this need yet
Their frozen pizzas are probably approaching their expiration date. Nasty.
They are all made fresh btw
I have generally found their pizza to be of a poor quality. Very few toppings. Only purchased it because it was halal, i would only try them again if it was free with no minimum spend
I find a lack of consistency with the food, especially the pizza. But in general the Carramar store is decent and I often purchase Pizza on Tuesdays from them. I've had experiences where toppings were low and very salty, but decent-good (imo) most of the time. I see it as a cheaper alternative to Crust Pizza, and sometimes on par with Crust (depending on who's made it).
Issue with them is staff dont always seem to know about offers. Telling them about an offer and them finally discounting the bill makes me feel like im ripping them off..would be nicer if staff just applies discounts as offered without having to argue
They try to charge you full if you don't know I feel for ignorant customers who gets ripped off
Yeah went in for an offer once (forget what it was), had to tell them about the offer when paying, then they had to go and ask someone (possibly manager) about it, they then looked it up, agreed to the discount. Left a bad taste in our mouths! (Pun intended)
FREEEEEE CRRRRAPPY PIZZA!!!!!!!! …provided you spend $40 on drinks.
Hard pass.
They're free for a reason.
So that hundreds/thousands of people spend sometime (like us) mention "Rashays" for some time.
Plan worked!
do they still do free ivermectin toppings?
Can only assume the business is still running cause of religious marketing, such brainwashing gimmick
Is this in response to the top comment posted in r/Sydney about the worst place to eat in Sydney today?
Their food is crap… don't waste your time. In addition to that its run by a bunch of anti-vaxxers.
Ignoring the owner's antics, why is the restaurant hated?
It's just mid food that's mid priced in my experience.
So glad I didn't get the vaccine. Roaming around freely. Such a lovely day it is.
So glad I didn't get the vaccine.
The dead unvaccinated people don't agree with you…
The dead vaccinated people will agree…
Who are about 10 times less likely to die than the unvaccinated ones..
REEEE anti-masker!!1!!
Facebook says no conditions
Stores say minimum spend
Bait and switch, owner is a muppet, neg is valid.
Rashays booking team told me no min spend, no doggy bags. Never tried their pizza, seems like a good time.
Cool, which store?
Narellan, but think that's for all stores mate. Although local staff may interpret conditions differently, not sure. Best to call
If you go i suggest checking with the staff about the offer before sitting down and ordering to avoid issues
Brahhh free pizza brahhhh come on brothers sisters
Haters gonna hate. I'll enjoy free pizza !
Dine in only.
Local store says dine-in only, but no bookings available, so impossible to avail of the supposed offer.
this bloke is always on FB live. he says he's humble and likes to supports local businesses then proceeds to film their restaurants clowning their empty seats…there was a video where he said he suggested he wasnt too big for the smallest of tasks so rather than getting a Sparky in to replace a light globe, he went to bunnings and did it himself….a light globe. a light globe.
Rashays lol as if you'd go there, their "kitchen" is a wall of microwaves and a freezer room
bonus offer, free side of covid with every meal, bargain!
I rang to make a booking
1 free pizza per customer
No takeway pizza (I said what would happen to 2/3rd of an uneaten pizza? I guess they would bin it / I asked what would happen if customer brings own takeaway / not much response on that so I guess that is fine)
If a large family turned up,e.g., 10 people, then 10 free pizzas with no minimum spend
I will pass as dinner after 8:30pm is very late
One of the latest FB post says 1 free pizza per table.
Is it still a good idea to call in to book for a table given that it’s 8.30?
Good deal. 🍴
It's called off !
Apparently they're not ready. Moved it to Friday.
@mod please update
Starting time also changed.
Can't believe people here still supporting the covid narrative and judging those standing up against tyrannical mandates despite now Australian courts ruling in the favour of common sense
Deal updated. Tonight cancelled due to the lack of stock. Well played Rashays, won't be seeing me at any of your restaurants now. What a shambles…
Can't support an anti vaxxer
Are you anti pizza?
These clowns would cut their nose off to spite their face, if it meant being able to virtue signal / whine about people who hold conflicting opinions. It's a free pizza, regardless of your opinion on the dude who owns the stores, free is free = a good deal last time I checked. The negative votes are invalid because they're essentially political statements.
It's a free pizza, regardless of your opinion on the dude
Some people have morals, others don't…
@jv: And it's not your place or entitlement to decide what is moralistic or otherwise. Again, it's a free pizza, judge the deal on it's merits as a bargain, not through the lens of your political ideology.
And it's not your place or entitlement to decide what is moralistic or otherwise.
Yes it is.
your political ideology.
I said moral, not political.
@jv: Don't want a free pizza? Cool, but there's no need to harp on ad nauseam with confected & mock outrage.
there's no need to harp on ad nauseam
You've made 4 comments in this thread… That is 0.7% of all your posts since joining OzBargain.
This thread is only 0.02% of my posts…
Your commenting ratio in this thread is 4,857 times higher than mine…
Ridiculous made a booking at 7 obviously just before they ‘postponed’ it. Double checked over the phone they told me 1 pizza per table and I would see them at 9. Get there at 9 only to be told it was postponed. No update on my booking even though it was confirmed over sms and I told the booker on the phone that it was the reason I was coming. Horrible communication waste of an hour and a half going there and back.
How dodgy…
Isn't tusk the company that was anti mask, etc?
Obviously postponed as they’re getting stingy with real busy Thursday night shoppers. Most will be drinking at nicer places tomorrow
Why no Melbs?!? 😭
Because we are their degen core audience
is this the place owned by that clown/anti vaxxer/anti masker?