The neighbour's cat likes to poop in the soft soil in my garden at the back. It also likes to poop on my lawn at the front. I left the front door open once and it snuck in and if I didn't shoo it out it probably would have pooped in the house. It likes to sunbathe on my front porch. I don't know what it eats but the smell of the poops pack a wallop. How can such a small thing produce so much poop and smell? I bought a solar powered motion activated sprinkler. At first it kept the cat out of the garden but then it worked its way around and started pooping again. The sprinkler just made me wet and not the cat. I started calling that dastardly cat the Delta cat (now Omicron cat). I purchased plastic cat spike mats to put at the front but I can't mat it all so the cat just lounges on clear spots. I tried scaring the cat away but it hardly puts any effort into running away from me. It's making itself at home. I don't want to hurt it I just want it to stop pooping.
How do I defend against a pooping cat?
Haha sorry I missed that. I'd use a double tap adaptor and add another sprinkler.