PHILIPS Series 4300 Lattego fully automatic coffee machine. Great price that set off my camel came camel. 8 different coffee options
All time low at Amazon by quite a bit
PHILIPS Series 4300 Lattego fully automatic coffee machine. Great price that set off my camel came camel. 8 different coffee options
All time low at Amazon by quite a bit
Yep apparently takes a little to configure but suits people wanting fresh bean grind with automatic milk.
Once tweaked it's supposedly very good.
Made in Romania though ;)
@mrgeckoz: Some of the most gorgeous women I saw in Romania while on holidays were made in Romania too.
Meh, I’ll stick with my Jura for now
Delonghi magnifica s also takes a lot of tinkering to get the best settings, no idea how that machine has 4.5-5 star rating. Factory settings are rubbish.
What settings did you end up with? I'm still not happy with mine
@cheapbloke: 25ml pour, grind level between 2-3, still experimenting with water temperature (works best at default=1, but if beans allow then 4)
Do 2x seperate single shots, clean the infuser often.
Beans have had the biggest effect, anything marked espresso should work, will test undercover roasters offerings in the next few weeks. Currently on Airjo Stargazer and pretty happy.
@TEER3X: Yeah I went the finest grind with the hottest temp setting for my coffee beans from Air Joes. My Magnifica s pulls great shots at a push of a button.
I have this unit and it is very good. My only criticism is there doesn't seem to be a sensor telling you when the overflow reservoir is full. It needs emptying daily for us. (3-4 cups per day made)
there is red latch it should come up infront of where you put the coffee cup, use that as a guide.
I missed PHILIPS Series 2200 Lattego thus want to get this. Is it far better then 2200? Just want to buy first ever coffee machine. I still keep on eye the "De'Longhi Magnifica S, Fully Automatic Coffee Machine".
The brew group and LatteGo system are exactly the same, only difference is the choices of beverages and menu.
Thanks mate. I will keep on eye on PHILIPS Series 2200 Lattego then!
Same boat, was deciding between the two, but not worth paying ~$270 extra for the 4300 just for few extra coffee choices.
I got in on that 2200 deal last week, very happy with the coffee so far
If I were you I’d pulled trigger on this deal!
Difficult to see it come back.
I found this comparison between 4300 and 3200
Not exactly comparing with the 2200, but I think the differences still applies. In short:
1. 4300 has the stand alone milk froth function (e.g. for hot chocolate), whereas the 3200 needs a hack (i.e. use the bypass + physically take out the water tank)
2. 4300 has the profile function to remember grind/volume/milk settings, whereas the 3200 requires you to set every time
3. 4300 has the screen that gives a quicker overview/adjustment for the grind/volume/milk settings.
For my personal situation (e.g. having multiple family members, and wanting to have hot chocolates), it tipped me over to buy the 4300.
How do you think about 2200 Classic Milk? How is it different with LatteGo? Thanks
I'm waiting on another 2200 deal after missing out.
For those interested in this deal u might also want to consider the delonghi magnifica evo for $25 more at costco
Good guys commercial have the Evo for 845. Now I'm undecided which to get.
Been watching this for 6 months. Pulled trigger! Thanks
Unpopular opinion - you may as well get a capsule machine if you're considering this. Fully auto machines are likely to have poor reliability and average results.
With a stopwatch, scales and some freshly roasted beans you can easily get great results on a simple manual machine.
Then again, coffee is often exceptions vs. reality. If you like the coffee it produces, why change?
What is manual in this context? I French press, aeropress and tinker with grind and timing but thats about the extent of my coffee experience. Recommended a manual espresso machine?
In this price range, I hear great things about the Breville Bambino: That will cost you around AU$400.
Spend the rest of your money in your budget on a quality grinder (300-400) and that will give you far superior results compared for the $700 this machine is worth.
Maybe but it takes a lot of effort and the bambino plus with unpressurized baskets is way more unforgiving than an auto.
I own: a pod machine, fully auto (with manual milk frothing), bambino plus, and also make cold brew and used to make pour over, also own a bialletti moka pot. I have a lot of coffee devices.
Now, I would definitely recommend the bambino plus if you have the time and patience, but you also need a very good grinder.
Autos are way better than pod machines, but the leap from autos to manuals isn't as great of a leap imo, it can be large, but you need a really good set up.
@TEER3X: If you're buying an auto, you're likely buying coffee which has been roasted >14 days. You're likely over extracting the **** out of the coffee as well because thats how they build the liquid volume in the cup. Hence i think the comparison to pods is fair. (Again, theres absolutely nothing wrong with this if you like the final product)
I ran a Breville Infuser & Smart Grinder Pro for 10 years and its definitely possible to get a great cup of coffee out of it with some attention.
@goatonboat: I found the infuser a lot easier to get well balanced shots vs the bambino plus
That's a half decent combo you have
I disagree with your pods vs autos comparison, each to their own
@TEER3X: @goatonboat
Thanks both for educating me :)
I honestly though manual would entail a hand pump:…
I've owned both and would say that my Delonghi automatic beats my Breville manual machine on the taste/effort trade-off. You can get 95% of the manual experience with a machine Iike this when programmed right.
What machine do you have?
I have the Dinamica, ECAM35055B
The trouble is most people don't give automatics the time and adjustments they need, as well as finding the right beans.
i'd go for a kmart espresso for $90 instead of capsule machine where they rape you for sub par quality capsules
besides you need some froth action, can't go back to shitty capsules after getting froth action
true ozbargainers get the best bang for buck and that has to be the kmart espresso with 50% off woolies special premium ground coffee - you get reliable good coffee without the hassle and at a great price, no hunting specific beans, grinding to specific ginds, trying to dial your machine for every batch, PITA
i use to have 3 double shots a day but have to limit it to 1 double shot in the morning and then a single after lunch and dinner otherwise i get heart palpitations - such a shame :(
I’m just happy with 7 eleven coffee & wonder if something like this would be similar?
No. This is more manual and requires a home.
7-11 just requires you to go there
I personally have a Barista Pro, but my parents aren't keen on frothing milk. I believe with the right setup this will make a good coffee between a pod and a manual machine
But the milk frothing is the easy bit! It's the hours of dialling in the grinder that'll do your head in…
I have been with my Delonghi Eletta for more than 3 years now and I absolutely lovin it. I bought it second hand when it made around 700 coffees and now it has got more than 2500 coffees lol It's probably time for me to get on with this Phillip one xD
Just keep using your existing Delonghi if it's still running well.
Ya, might as well xD I have been maintaining it fairly well though so its definitely going strong.
Jumped on it! Yahoo.
Jumped on it! Hotmail.
Jumped on it! Lycos.
Worth a shot or two can't go wrong with a 90 day money back guarantee…
My dual boiler is being repaired, this is tempting given I could return it.
God dammit, I bought this a week ago from them at full price.
Buy this now, when arrived, use the 90 days money back guarantee to return the new machine with the old receipt. This is not entirely and morally right but is less evil than returning the used one. Good luck.
This is always the OzBargain way.
Same boat here, just ordered from Bing Lee and they have no change of mind returns (hasn't been delivered yet)
I guess I'm gonna go through the 90 days money back then
At least you're honest about it, but please, hand in the badge mate.
Does anybody know if you can program this to make you a coffee at 6am each morning?
Also how long does it take from standby to 'ready' ?? And how long does it take to make a coffee??
Nope it’s not that smart unfortunately.
But it only takes about 2mins to make a coffee from switching it on, heat up, rinse, grind, brew and milk froth if required.
Got this via Myer and Amex deal for about 880 2 months ago. Great machine and has been awesome so far. Would have loved getting it for 800. Good find!!
Does anyone know how big a coffee this would make compared to a takeaway cafe cup?
It has 8 different coffee settings that you can adjust, so you can select the size you want
How's this one compared to Delonghi Magifica EVO Full Auto?
Done a bit of research on Google but couldn't see any direct comparison.
I personally like the design of Delonghi better, better milk bottle but one less beverage. Any comments welcome.
I was contemplating this and was actually going to buy this next week using first responders day to get it to $850. But I think this at $790 is the better deal. This thing has great reviews
If u have a Costco membership u can buy the Delonghi Evo for $820 online. Not sure if u can get a first responders discount on top as it's online purchase.
very similar machines, 4300 has a couple of more beverage options from memory.
IMO Delonghi's brew group feels more robust than the one in Philips (which is exactly the same as Giggia and Saeco).
LatteGo is a much easier system to clean, simply throw it in the dishwasher.
The milk carafe on the Magnifica EVO has a tube, which needs to be washed manually with a thin brush.
Clearing for the new Lattego 5400 series.
Exactly the same machine with a few more beverage options, 4300 has more than enough for me.
The 5400 does flat white and latte which are my preferences.
Yeah but does it worths few hundred bucks extra? ;)
Has anyone tested this with almond milk? I’ve got a bambino plus and generally don’t like how thin it does almond milk frothing.
You probably have to manually steam the milk… When I use almond milk, I let extra air bubbles in first (hold wand a tad higher).
Yar I manually steam at the moment on the bambino plus, just wanted to see how the phillips goes with almond milk.
that's a good deal, was waiting for it. pulled the trigger :)
Bought Delonghi Magnifica Evo from Costco for $799 today, less beverage options but solid built.
if you aren't a sad coffee snob and a true ozbargainer you'd get the kmart pressurised espresso machine for $90
more than capable of making an excellent cup of coffee
The Good Guys price matched over the phone but they don't hold stock ETA 2-3 week invoice is dated upon payment so should have around 60 out of the 90 days to test it out.
Worth the wait for additional savings using GC's (",)
About to order but the price went way up so missed out!
Wait for prime day.Might be cheaper.
Just a note for anyone buying for lattes or any milky coffee- I’ve only had the the automatic frother making terrible, thin milk. No creamyness at all. If anyone had a tip on how to improve the taste, I’d love to hear your tips.
Ended up having to get a steam wand because I just couldn’t take the taste when wanting to drink milk coffee.
That's disappointing to hear! I bought one to upgrade from adding cold milk to my morning coffees after reviews seem to favour it for making decent texturing. What kind of milk do you use? Non dairy ones seem to get the most asking of criticism for giving flat milk.
I’ve tried all kinds of milk, including non home brands of full cream (how unozbargain of me). Any tips with any settings?
Still waiting for mine to be delivered but i'm keen to try it out and experiment a little now
Gutted, missed this deal too
Hey , Would anyone know where to get aqua filter for these ?
Would these one's work?…
Jumped on this and have a dumb question now - the grinder knob seems to indicate if you turn it clockwise its going towards 1, and anti-clockwise its going towards 12.
But the left side of the hopper has a little notch on it that might seem to say the opposite, as in if you turn it anti-clockwise, then 1 is against the notch (if its an indicator).
The manual doesn't say which direction is which, and I don't think I've cycled the machine enough times to be able to tell the difference, does anyone know?
1 = finer coffee grind (stronger) > 12 = coarse coffee grind (weaker)
Yep, except like I tried to explain in the post, if you turn the knob all the way in the direction of 1 (stronger) as indicated by the arrow on the knob, there’s a notch on the body of the machine that seems to be a “you are here” indicator that’s pointing to 12 instead.
This machine does not qualify for the $100 cashback…
4 stars only tho