½ price Panasonic Eneloop Pro batteries @ Bing Lee + delivery / free click and collect.
Panasonic Eneloop Pro 4 x AA $18 $36
Panasonic Eneloop Pro 4 x AAA $18 $36
Also Panasonic Eneloop Smart & Quick Charger + 4 x AA batteries $32 $64
½ price Panasonic Eneloop Pro batteries @ Bing Lee + delivery / free click and collect.
Panasonic Eneloop Pro 4 x AA $18 $36
Panasonic Eneloop Pro 4 x AAA $18 $36
Also Panasonic Eneloop Smart & Quick Charger + 4 x AA batteries $32 $64
Combine with this for gift card 10% bonus if $100 ikea gc is useful to you:
Not if you need 900mAh AAAs or a smart+rapid charger.
Not if you want working batteries: https://files.ozbargain.com.au/upload/59179/96668/20220620_1…
I've about 40-50 Eneloops (AA + AAA) in circulation - kids toys. Picked up some LADDA from IKEA for the first time after all the praise on OzBargain claiming they're just rebranded Eneloops. This happened on first use - didn't even get a recharge in :(
$12 at ikea. For the same battery.
Not the same.
Panasonic Eneloop Pro AA 2550mAh 4 pack $18
IKEA LADDA rechargeable battery, HR06 AA 1.2V 2450mAh 4 pack $15
IKEA LADDA Rechargeable battery, HR06 AA 1.2V, 1900mAh 4 pack $12
Panasonic Eneloop Pro AAA 950mAh 4 pack $18
IKEA LADDA Rechargeable battery, HR03 AAA 1.2V, 750mAh 4 pack $12
Are they literally rebranded Panasonics, the Lada?
ladda isnt pro anymore!
Yes they are. 2450mAh. It's same factory and different cell wrapper.
Every time I try, I can never get the high capacity ikea ones. Millions of the smaller capacity only.
The 2450mAH are $15 at ikea and they only do the pro equivalents in AA size. AAA is stuck at 750mAh.
No probably not, the latest batch are made in Thailand not Japan
Amazon choice has a charger with 8 as and 4 x AAA for 56. Xx
That's for the slow charger.
pro really worth compared to ikea?
Ikea have pro. Normal one is 1900mAh and the ladda pro is 2450mAh
my bad, no ladda pro for aaa
I notice ikea ladda is now made in Thailand so it’s no longer Japan cell
Are news 2022 eneloops also made in Thailand then since they come out of the same factory?
@Wizard: No the older ladda I got clearly labelled made in Japan. Meaning new batch from Thailand older batch Japan. Which means probably no good anymore as comparison to eneloop
They are even the white ones not grey
After looking on the Panasonic website, to make it more confusing there are two types of pro's (2550mAh) and (2500mAh)
Are these lithium? If not, are there any good rechargeable AA lithium batteries?
No and I don't think so (no mainstream brands sell them and there's been no popular OZb deals).
Read this if you are considering lithium batteries.
"14500 battery is Li-ion (Lithium-ion) 3.7 Volts (fully charged 4.2V), while regular Ni-Mh AA battery is 1.2 Volts / 1.5 Volts.
4.2V vs. 1.5V is not the same and device could be damaged by using incompatible batteries.
Don't mix, or try to use 14500 battery together with any AA size battery."
Great conversation starter! After decades of using rechargeables, I only learnt this stuff recently. Like the difference between nimh and regular battery voltages - and the curve as they drain, devices made for particular voltages… hence some being fussy etc etc.
There are 1.5V LiPo batteries. They will be using 3.7V cell inside but they use a small circuitry that will down regulate them to 1.5V. They also have built in charger. Great if you need 1.5V (instead of 1.2V) for non mission critical applications.
There are plenty on ebay too for slightly lower price. Not that I will be buying, just saying.
Thanks for that. I need these, I have a mic pack that pretty much goes into low battery mode with 1.2V fully charged rechargeables.
@syme321: Be careful with cheap ones. Each one have built in chargers and converters. They may be fire hazard if chargers fail inside them.
As others have said, no mainstream brands sell Lithium-Polymer AA batteries. However, you can get them from smaller manufacturers like Znter:
However, I would not recommend them — in my experience they self-discharge very rapidly, they go flat within about 4 weeks of storage. No good at all.
I'd say stick to regular low self-discharge NiMH AA batteries unless you have a specific need for these kinds of niche LiPo "AA" batteries.
Binglee you are late to the party
I posted this a couple weeks back. Amazon matched BL.
I see so why is this deal allowed to be posted. Moderator should just mark this duplicated refer to your deal
Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't the standard eneloops better for remaining charged over longer periods of time, whereas the pro's have more capacity and are made in Japan?
Yes you are correct however my experience is regular eneloops are made in China and they do not hold charges as well as pros. Quality is inferior I wouldn't bother with normal eneloops only pros. Sure they have less charges but you charge less cycles than normal ones due to them lasting longer
I have low powered devices which pro can go few months normal ones one month or less even though high capacity. You see why
Thanks for clarifying. I currently have an 8 battery charger from IKEA, would you recommend I invest in a better charger, maybe one that offers the ability to discharge? I've read through some forum posts and have seen the Nitecore D4 mentioned multiple times. What other chargers should I be looking at?
Definitely Nitecore D4, LiitoKala lii-600 they are great chargers because you recondition your batteries via refresh functions etc. Smart chargers can extend the life of your rechargeables. It's worth the investment. I have original Sanyo batteries still work from 2012
@[Deactivated]: Yes they do, not just NiCD, those are old tech. NiMH is the way to go.
I try to buy good cells. Back in the days dealextreme had a cheap Chinese brand which used Japanese cell, and Sanyo was the king. Then got bought out by Panasonic and they cut costs manufacturing in China… Which is when Eneloops starting going downhill. Eventually they don't make the regular eneloops anymore in Japan and only pros left….people were looking for specific made batch which were still from Sanyo factory and factory off Panasonic owned plants in Japan
Meanwhile people discovered Ladda was the cheapest option if you wanted made in Japan cells and hobby King imports were also popular …. But recently they got to Thailand which is bad news.
Therefore only batteries under Eneloops pro are now using Japan cells…. So sad
The last 15 years of Eneloops summary as above. I started with eneloops around 2006-2007
The best batteries I have were the ones I got from Dicksmith bargains. The rainbow eneloops Sanyo made still last and work today. Panasonic ones cannot compare
Get a Nitecore D4 battery charger. Worth the bit extra as they charge your batteries correctly and safely. Its currently on special via Amazon.
@neonlight: I have found it to be the best bang for buck when it comes to a decent charger. I use mine to charge AAA, AA eneloops and the bigger 18650 batteries.
@Aliensf: Thanks. I will get one and see if I can make good use of it. Meanwhile I do have a SkyRC NC2500 which sometimes able to rejuvenate batteries that Maha C9000 couldn't
Maha PowerEx MH-C808M is good, it can charge up to 8 batteries at once. AA, AAA, C and D. Easier to use than the Maha C9000 which I also own. Both quality chargers, and do conditioning charge. Even though there's a fast charge option, I mostly use the conditioning charge.
$16.20 for subscribe and save through Amazon for AA and AAA is the deal here .
I already posted the charger 11 days ago when Amazon went OOS temporarily. You must do a basic check before posting.
Both the battery discounts were referred to in the respective Amazon deals (AND linked to the Bing Lee store page).
Will the smart charger work with the pros or do I need a pro charger?
It's compatible. I can't see the "Pro" charger having any differences besides packaging.
Thanks that was my next question.
So better off getting the quick charger and some pros
The extra cost of Pros are only worth it in high drain applications such as torches and RC vehicles. I've also heard some people say they're better for controllers.
You get many times more charge cycles out of standard Eneloops (not that anyone will use them for that long, it just means a greater proportion of the original capacity to use once degraded).
$29.99 for 8x AAA if you have eBay Plus.
For AAA, hobbyking is the way to go if you need lots
I just tested some that I bought 10 years ago. One holds 850mah, the other 900
Can confirm the Turnigy NiMH batteries are great. Cheap, and they perform excellently — I haven't had any go bad yet after 5 years of use, whereas I've had plenty of genuine Eneloops go bad.
You joking right, the postage it gave me is Fedex Priority A$48.89(Incl. Tax)
Ouf, same with me.
Good deal for 8 pack, thanks
the Eneloops deals are back!
Won't ever be as good as the DSE going out of business deals though…
What chargers do you recommend to go with these batteries? For AA and AAA.
Panasonic Smart & Quick charger at $32. Best features for the best price.
Exactly the same price on Amazon $18 delivered if you have Prime
Panasonic Eneloop Pro AAA Pre-Charged Rechargeable Batteries, 4-Pack (BK-4HCCE/4BT) https://amzn.asia/d/hma0eci
Isn't IKEA a better deal