This was posted 2 years 8 months 9 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Dyson V15 Detect Complete $1239 (or $1161 if You Have a Legacy) Delivered @ Dyson Australia (Order via Chat, Existing Customer)

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Users are reporting that the deal is still running past 30/6. Once anyone reports otherwise, I’ll keep the ad active.

Following the current Dyson deals going on and realised I have not received my $100 off as an existing customer.

I have decided to give it a go through their Live chat as per Ozbargainers suggestions and was offered instead the Dyson V15 Detect Complete package for $1239.19 (down from $1549,00) delivered.

You will need to provide a serial number from an old Dyson vacuum (I have a V6) or show your account with an already registered product.

Buying from Dyson official website includes 3 extra accessories:

  • Mini soft dusting brush
  • Fabric and mattress tool
  • Up-top adaptor

The kit also include below as bonus (worth $208):

  • The free-standing Grab & Go Dok™ $149.
  • Bonus HEPA filter $59

Very expensive vaccum cleaner but considered one of the best out there.

Link for a random review with good credibility:

Title updated to reflect a 25% off if you happen to have a legacy device. All others can get 20%.

Looks like you can use the 20-25% discount with other devices too.

Instructions by Jimwarlock

  1. Access the chat window (on the Dyson page there's an Orange chat link in the bottom right hand corner)
  2. Tell them you're after the V15 and have a legacy device.
  3. They'll say something like, are you after the best price. Say yes, obviously. Next they'll ask for the S/N
    3a. My device is the DC44 which was considered legacy.
  4. Mine wasn't registered so I had to do that by giving some personal details (email, address, etc.)
  5. I was found to be elligable for the 25% discount
  6. Once I confirmed I wanted to order it I was sent a link to pay by CC. They also offer Zip Pay/Zip Money, or Direct Deposit. No paypal
  7. This was the only nervous bit for me as they send you a Pay by Link which is essentially a payment gateway page. You don't see an invoice or items, just the agreed total. There is a reference number which I screenshot. The link looked like: "<UNIQUIE ID HERE>"
  8. I did that and went back to the chat to confirm and the order was then confirmed from there side. I got an order number and about 5min after got the confirmation emails.

Related Stores

Dyson Australia
Dyson Australia

closed Comments

  • Good price!

    I know it's an expensive vacuum that won't appeal to many, but my experience has been excellent with it.

  • Is this their latest and greatest? I haven’t kept up with all their newer models. I have the V6 Absolute which was a gift and I’d love to upgrade.

  • Unfortunately no current deals for new customers

    • $400 off on the v10 absolute or get a serial code from Ozbargain forums

      • Thanks, Didn't know that was a thing but I should have known.
        Managed to pull out an old one anyway.

  • They offer 25% off with discontinued device so it should have been cheaper? I was offered this for 1161?

    • I believe the v15 complete is their latest and greatest and not discontinued

      • " I would be happy to offer you a 25% discount off the RRP of our full floor-care range!" I asked if v15 is included they confirmed

        • oh wow, I possibly just spoke to an unwilling chat rep. I'll try again

          To confirm, are you a total new customer or a current customer with a discontinued device?

        • Hi do they give you a promo code after that?

        • On chat now and have an old serial to register
          They said they can only offer 20% on the v15 complete

          • @raiyani: Same i only got 20% offer too.

        • 20% for an existing v6.
          Still happy with that so ordered in chat

  • I wish I had a serial number :( I want to buy!

    • few poeple selling at our forums for (not sure how I feel about that LOL)

  • +1

    Have dysons batteries improved since v8? Our dyson v8 seems to be getting around 2-3 years before needing to have the battery replaced.

    Got it in 2017 and first battery died just outside of warranty and second battery a few weeks ago. That being said Dyson have been pretty good to me and replaced the battery both times free of charge.

    • i would say still depends your luck, I have 2 V6 bought within the same year and 1 battery died @ 2.5 yr and Dyson won't replace it for free outside warranty and the other unit lasted about 5-6 years and starts to have issue.

    • +1

      My V8 barely lasted a year before it had problems. Yeah, just after the warranty period finished. Call centre didn't want to replace my batteries and asked me to pay over $120 for a new one.

      • With dyson, at least there are so many 3party batteries for under $50, I bought a Xiaomi one and the battery dies in less than 8 months, ebay seller won't reply and ebay can't do any shxx to them (yes, do not rely on ebay seller 1, 2 or 3 year warranty, ebay can't force them to do anything) and I only managed to find a spare battery which costs over 60% of the entire vaccum…so I threw it straight to the recycle bin and go back to Dyson again.

    • Don't plug your charger to the cradle all the time. That way the unit would be 100% full most of the time, which isn't good for the battery. Only plug it when you feel like it's gone down to about 20-40%, and unplug it when it's full (doesn't have to be immediate, just the next time you use it).

      Charging from 80% to 100% is what kills the battery quickly.

      • +2

        That's wrong, once it reaches full charge the BMS stops charging, perfectly fine to leave it on the cradle and that's also what dyson recommends.

        • +1

          All modern chargers stop charging when it's full, so it's not an issue of overcharging.

  • Qantas store is selling them for $1349 (25% off points) if you don't care about the dok and filter

    • Down vote if you disagree.


      • -3

        Thanks for agreeing :-) :-)

    • -1

      That is because you owned a

      • I'm not sure what model it was but it wasn't a V8

        • You have been smashing dyson for 5 years lol.

          Vacuum technology has come a long way since the one you got. 😂
          All vacuums got clogged but with new tech that has changed somewhat.

          MikeKulls on 06/08/2017 - 14:44
          We have a Dyson, not this one but a different model. It is the worst vacuum I've ever owned. It clogs very very easily and you need special tools to unclog it, along with being mildly mechanically minded and likely void the warranty. My 30 year old Electrolux was far better.

          • @iNeed2Pee: Wow, you're really hurt by my comments :-) The fact I've been going on about this for 5 years shows what an impression their utter junk had on me

            • @MikeKulls: Yeah fair enough, I was like that with Apple.

              But now I own a better machine to what I did.

              No hard feelings, it did give me a laugh though haha

              • @iNeed2Pee: Apple are the same, after they hobbled my device after 12 months I never bought from them again

            • @MikeKulls: You can't compare portable vs corded vacuum. With tighter space of course portables are more prone to clogging.

              • @tukanglistrik: Mine was corded. The design of it was really bad with a thin bend where it entered the barrel.

      • Should it be any different that the V8 and V15 have in quality of manufacture? If it does, then what does it say about the Dyson brand then?

        • Well v8 is significantly older with less superior parts and tech.

          As too is the Apple iphone 11 which is still being sold by Apple.

          Your point being?

          • +1

            @iNeed2Pee: Just means that the brand itself doesn't actually represent quality and only by the amount of money you throw at it. I've have 6 Dysons in the past ten years including two barrels and 4 sticks or handhelds. None of the handheld / battery driven ones lasted longer than 18 months before their battery died or the trigger switch or turbo buttons played up.
            As you say - we can agree to disagree. But my experience has been awful with this "brand name".

            • @bchliu: You went back a further 5 times!!!!!! I got bit once and never again. The $100 shop vac we got from bunnings was better (except for the noise)

            • @bchliu: But you went back 5 times haha.

              • +3

                @iNeed2Pee: I know.. Fool me once, twice thrice. But was silly to go back as I didn't know the alternatives then. But anyway, pretty stupid of me looking back now. Lol

    • Pebkac

  • +1

    After moving to Viomi for a fraction of this price (1/5), I will never go back to Dyson again which has crap batteries that lasts barely a year, problems with on/off switches and having to buy smaller vacuum heads separately. Honestly other than the brand name, don't buy Dyson. There are many better alternatives these days and you can seriously swap this unit out several times for a price of the V15 which may or may not arguably vacuum better than previous or competing models.

    • +1

      Dyson is the Apple of vacuums but without the apple quality. Our dyson was a terrible design, you had to dismantle it to get stuff out that was stuck. It, of course, had weird screw heads.

    • I beg to differ. I used everything except for Dyson, and the v15 has shit all over anything else we have owned before.

      • +1

        What is so good about it? Our Dyson was terrible

        • The power is next level and catches the hair in our house without it clogging in the head.
          The laser feature works wonders on our engineered oak, works well on the couches, battery life is fairly great and got the free extra battery for when it doesn't….and we got it for about $1000 after you take into consideration the amount of extras that were included.

          I will report back in a couple of years, but I will say Apple phones, Samsung Phones, Macbooks etc all wear and tear after two years. Unfortunately things are not built to last anymore.

          • -1

            @iNeed2Pee: I still can't see the "Value" you are referring to if it takes 5x the amount of another brand stick vacuum to be able to actually function in any way that it should be. Look at the people who have complained about the V8 and other lower models to see how much you have to pay to even get a product of standard quality.

            • -1

              @bchliu: Like I said, after trying numerous vacuums over many years, and after doing my research and price comparisons we settled on the Dyson.

              Thus far it has been worth every cent for our needs. Each to their own.

              Some will agree with me, and some will disagree.

              • +2

                @iNeed2Pee: So you can't point to a single thing about it that makes it better? If I'd spent $1000+ on a plastic vacuum I'd be damn sure I know why it's better :-) I am genuinely curious as to what is so much better about it

                • +3

                  @MikeKulls: He did say.. "Lazers".. like Sharks with Lazer beams lazers. Must be better that way!!. Oh yeah.. it does have a higher version number, so it warrants the extra zero at the end of the price tag as a result.

                  • +3

                    @bchliu: I think it's like that $600+ fan from Dyson that does the exact same thing as a $20 fan from kmart. It's all about showing off your appliances to friends.

                • @MikeKulls: I mentioned many things.
                  Power, battery life, low noise, laser function to see small hairs and dust that i cant usually see.
                  Also an upgraded filtration system and many more
                  I also didnt pay 1549.
                  I payed 1236. Also got a added battery and a free dock system.
                  Which makes it sub 1000.

                  Some people spend $2500 on a robovac.

                  Some people spend $200 on a generic vacuum.

                  • @iNeed2Pee: how did you get the battery, they are only offering a filter right now..

                    • +1

                      @rkm: When I bought, it was a bonus at the time.
                      Few days later it went to $50 off next purchase then it went to free filter.

                      So they swap and change it seems.

        • Pebkac

  • They have been doing this for a while now.

    I got it for this price with a free extra battery.

    • I would have like the battery too, I recently snapped my LG stick vacuum and need a replacement.

    • Did you specifically ask for the extra battery? How’s you negotiate this? We have a Dyson v6 and v11 outsize and wanna try luck

      • +1

        No last month the promo was running with a free battery instead of the hepa filter.
        The annoying thing is I did not post it because it could have been deemed as a negotiated offer, as Dyson do not run the 25% off promo all the time.

        • Ah gotcha! Dang it, would’ve loved to know about it haha! This one still is a great deal for us, might register all our Dyson stuff first to push for that extra 5% lol

          • +1

            @Edamamme: 😂
            I am sorry! It happened all so fast. It has been a ripper vacuum so far tho!

  • +1

    where is the chat button. fair dinkum. they said 1239

  • Thanks for the share. Got it for $1,161.75 using the method mentioned by the OP

  • +1

    Just spoke to a representative and you are eligible for 25% (down to $1161) if you have a legacy device. Dyson V6 (mine) is not legacy.

    • thanks for sharing/heads up, I was hoping to use a v10 serial code!

    • Just to clarify - V6 was considered legacy when I talked to them.

  • Chat seems closed :( I had to go through FB messenger (and they're not answering)

    • +1

      the deal is on until 30th of June

  • -1

    Had a Dyson vacuum cleaner. Not very good ( it was one of the expensive ones, not entry level).

    But I do have other Dyson devices that are good.

    Anyway got the V10 as also wanted a portable VC to clean the car. With the $100 off to make it $699, it was worth it.
    Not going to replace my regular corder vacuum cleaner, but guess it is worth the convenience of a light VC without having to plug anything and good for small messes.

  • Pretty good deal.

    We bought the V15 Detect Absolute Extra when Dyson offered an additional battery for free back in April (I think??).

    This is our 3rd Dyson stick vac and gee it's a brilliant piece of kit! Very happy with it!

    Still have our other 2, but the DC38 (2012), which still works fine, is now officially retired after some hard yards.

    While the 2nd one, a V6 Fluffy (2015), will be our back up, but mainly used any mucky/gunky/yucky stuff.

    As with most things… YMMV.

    • +1

      Good idea to use the old one for mucky/gunky stuff… am thinking it would be good for kids mess (which sometimes includes dried bits of food hidden inside the mess).

  • Does anyone know which models classify as legacy?

  • +1

    $1200 for a vacuum? Why not the Miele C3? Mine is 7 years old and still sucks like the day I bought it. My cleaner tells me it sucks better than hers (a Dyson).

  • +6

    I can confirm this is still working as off this morning. Got onto the chat (which appears to only work during B/H Mon-Fri) and with a legacy vacuum S/N for the ~$1100 price reported by others above.

    As I was clueless on the steps, here they are.
    1. Access the chat window (on the Dyson page there's an Orange chat link in the bottom right hand corner)
    2. Tell them you're after the V15 and have a legacy device.
    3. They'll say something like, are you after the best price. Say yes, obviously. Next they'll ask for the S/N
    3a. My device is the DC44 which was considered legacy.
    4. Mine wasn't registered so I had to do that by giving some personal details (email, address, etc.)
    5. I was found to be elligable for the 25% discount
    6. Once I confirmed I wanted to order it I was sent a link to pay by CC. They also offer Zip Pay/Zip Money, or Direct Deposit. No paypal
    7. This was the only nervous bit for me as they send you a Pay by Link which is essentially a payment gateway page. You don't see an invoice or items, just the agreed total. There is a reference number which I screenshot. The link looked like: "<UNIQUIE ID HERE>"
    8. I did that and went back to the chat to confirm and the order was then confirmed from there side. I got an order number and about 5min after got the confirmation emails.

    Job done. I hope this helps.

    • Thanks for the very detailed notes.

      I waited for the system for a while but decided to call. The call connected after about 10 minutes but the customer service was very good albeit I didn't have a retired device to upgrade, just a v8. Got the $1,239 price.

      5-10 BD's to deliver.

    • Thanks for sharing, added to post description

  • Got the 20% off as a previous Dyson owner, didn't have a vacuum but they accepted an Airwrap. V11 for $959 is pretty decent imo, included the attachments and extension hose

  • +1

    Picked up a V15 for $1161 as our V6 is on its way out after almost 6years of use.

  • Thanks OP grabbed one

  • Great post OP. Just grabbed the V15 Detect Complete for $1161, using my DC44 Animal as a legacy device.

    • Did you invoice say it includes the dock aswell? Mine only shows filter as extra.

  • +1

    Just to confirm this offer is still active, have just got the 25% discount by messaging the live chat function

    • Tried chatting to Dyson a few days ago in Messenger Chat and they said it isn't active on the website but they can see if any promos apply for me if I supply a serial number of a Dyson product I own.

      • I just said my V6 was struggling do they have any current offers for upgrading. I provided my old serial number and she registered it then said I could get 25% off any of their range.

        • They only offered me 20% on my V8 then I remembered I had a dc35 which I forgot about and then managed to get the 25% off after quoting the serial number.

          • @posthex: Must depend on model/when purchased or something like that. Strange though you’d think would just be a standard amount!

  • Just received mine, but it didn't come with an extra HEPA filter
    Also just confirming if we were supposed to get a wall docking station? and wand storage clip?

    • Dyson chat advised me; No, there isn't a current promotion for this machine, only the exclusive internal offer applied.

  • I used this process and got a 20% off instead. It's because my v10 is not considered legacy device. Still, happy with the deal with $309 savings for the complete v15 kit. Thank you OP.

  • The Dyson detect complete is out of stock a few hours after I got the discount link, I think I'll chat with Dyson to confirm if I should pay or wait for it to get back in stock.

  • Anyone know if this works for any other models like v12?

  • I assume the deal is marked as expired because of stock rather than this "hack" to get best price + legacy $100 voucher being discontinued? This deal is making me think twice before biting the Amazon Prime sale price of $1274.

    • +1

      Give it a go with their chat and let us know if still going

      • +2

        Still going! Just got 25% discount on the V12 Complete today

        • Thanks Ldav. Any tips on what to say?

          • @jace88: I just mentioned via chat I heard about a discount offer for existing Dyson product owners. I specified my products and asked whether this offer was still available. I got a response that the older product enabled for a 25% discount off RRP on their floor care range. They processed my order via the chat.

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