This was posted 2 years 8 months 13 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[XB1, XSX] Yakuza 0, Yakuza Kiwami 1 and Kiwami 2 for $6.23 Each @ Xbox


Hey its my first post go easy on me.
The RP is ~$75
Yakuza games are often one of the best beat em up with minigames and substories for me its one of the favourite franchise and haven't seen them drop that price from a game 25 bucks each to $6.23
Yakuza 6 song of life is at $25 and the rpr is $29.99

Yakuza Kiwami
Yakuza Kiwami 2

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closed Comments

  • +1

    If I had to choose one, which one would you recommend?

    • +12

      Start with Y0

    • +1

      Start with Yakuza 0. Start of the series and it's my personal favourite.

    • +2

      I will start with 1, 2 then 0

  • What order should I play these in? 0, 1, 2? Which games released first?

    Snagged Kiwami 2 when it was this price, will grab the other two now

    • 0, 1 then 2

    • You gotta play with 0,1,2

    • +2

      You can start with any as they all contain their own stories although each entry has recurring characters with a lot of backstory that will be brought up a lot in later games.

      Kiwami 2 is very different to 0 and 1 because it features the new engine. The graphics, physics and beat 'em up gameplay are completely overhauled. That's not to say 0 and 1 are bad or dated though. Personally I feel 0 perfected the Yakuza beat em' up gameplay even though it's not as physics based its much more technical.

      Anyway, as for play order I would start with 0, then 1 and 2. I would not start 1 first because it's a direct continuation of 0 in terms of story. Even though 1 is the first game, Kiwami 1 is a remake and takes a lot from 0. Another play order could be 3, 4, 5, 0, 1, 2, 6 then 7 (Like a Dragon). This play order lets you enjoy the series in terms of a gameplay perspective as 3, 4 and 5 are quite dated and would be hard to enjoy after experiencing 0, 1 and 2, 6, 7. Also 0 is the best game in the series in terms of story so you could get more out of it if you're more connected the characters after beating 3, 4 and 5. Hopefully that all makes sense. If you just want it simple just play in chronological order or start with 7 because it's basically a reboot with new characters for the most part.

      • +1

        I really fell in love with Kiwami 2. The ability to walk through the streets and shops definitely makes me feel like I'm a tourist in Japan. Hope that it could be possible to undertake this year in person. :)

  • +8

    yakuza 0 10/10

  • Technically 1 and 2 came first, so either way feels fine.

  • Are these Play Anywhere?

    • It appears not

      • I would prefer to play games on PC even though I have an X1X
        maybe XSX is better, but I don't have one.

  • +1

    So sad that they got pulled from Game Pass but great deal regardless.

  • +2

    Dame da ne dame yo dame na no yo

    • +1

      Anta go suki de suki sukide
      Dore dake syoui osake ke demo
      Yugamanai omoide ga baka mitai

  • Got Yakuza 0 for 18 dollars and still worth it. A game that mixes goofiness and seriousness real well.

  • Y1 is the worst of the three and I'd only recommend playing if you are extremely interested in the story after finishing Y0. At the start of 2 you are given the option to get a recap cutscene of the story in Y1.

    Y0 is the best in the series and chronologically the first.

    • It's also super short and lacking in side content. I treat Kiwami 1 as more of an expansion of 0 because it basically is story-wise.

  • I finished all of them up to 5 playing $1 game pass for 3 months. Now doing 5 and 6 using $1 game pass til september 2022. :)

    • +1

      Yakuza 7 aka Like a Dragon is also on Game Pass. Well worth playing after 6.

      • Yes true, though I'm not sure if the graphics will look a bit shite on my 2016 xbox one…

  • Y0 has loads of content and has some extremely well done Japanese music made for a game. Both characters have amazing stories but my favourite is majima. On pc you can use mods…here's a sample level of Majima with a killer track

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