received cashback, want to cancel the card now but how to get the $300 off the credit card without transfer fees?
CBA Low Fee Credit Card Transfer Cashback?
Last edited 19/06/2022 - 01:31
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Thanks for the suggestion. But it’s possible to get the cash transferred to cba’s transaction account if you call up
Glad you got the result you were after.
StGeorge gave me a creditcard and a savings acc
I can only deposit to card at post office, linking is no longer possible.
Everytime I have to arrange a fee free transfer!You can do a cash advance to a bank account with a different bank to get your balance down to exactly $0.
But before you initiate the transfer, go to the option to close the card and there it will tell you that your account currently has a positive balance and that there is a fee (I think $3) to transfer your balance out to a different bank account. You need to deduct that fee from your positive balance to know how much to transfer out so that your balance ends on exactly $0.
Transfers to Commbank accounts may take 24h and transfers to different banks up to 72h, after which you can close the CC.
Thanks and you are right. It’s $3 or 3% whichever is greater.
However, after giving them a call they told me they could do it manually without incurring and fees at all but takes about 3-5 days.
So if anyone’s in the same position and can wait for the money to transfer, give them a call or go into your branch to get the money out of the credit card without fees. As payless69 mentioned.
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