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[eBook] Navigating & Avoiding Awkward Conversations - How to Speak to Anyone about Anything $0 @ Amazon AU

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by Julie Crenshaw, 367 pages, published 1 September 2021

Amazon's Description:

If you have ever laid awake in bed at night cringing at the thought of something you said 10 years ago, you are well aware of the consequences of poor word choice. Why did I say that? What was I thinking? Does that person still remember what I said? I hope not…

You might feel completely confident speaking on some topics, but not on others. Has anyone ever made a comment to you that caused you to freeze up and think, "What am I supposed to say to that?!" If so, you have come to the right place!

How do you politely leave a conversation you aren't enjoying? Would you know what to say if someone asks a personal question you don't want to answer? How do you react if a store or restaurant doesn't have any listed prices? How would you comfort a friend who tells you a loved one is seriously ill? What do you do when someone yells at you?

In this book, you will find out how to address all of these scenarios, and many more, with ease. Let me help guide you as you learn to confidently and authentically connect with others, in any conversation!

eBook is free at time of posting. Please check price before buying.

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closed Comments

  • +12

    The local Pizza Hut was jam packed on Friday, probably because of the Cashrewards promo, it was too awkward to start a conversation, too many annoyed and hungry customers

  • +5

    If you can’t speak to them… write it in a book

    • +2

      Underrated comment.

  • +14

    Here for the comments.

  • +4

    "How to speak to eBay about Price Jacking"

  • +3

    Can't remember what I said 10 mins back. But thats just me..

  • +6

    wife: Why you buy this?!?!?
    me: It was on special…

    • ozbargain life
    • +2

      Buy first think later 😅

    • Really need an appropriate answer to this

  • +7

    I love lamp.

    • +2

      loud noises!!

  • +3

    So uh, how's the weather here?

    • +5

      Yeah its a bit how ya going mate.

  • +1

    Link takes me to a free audio book, not an ebook.

    • Same for me

      • Navigating & Avoiding Awkward Conversations: How to speak to anyone about anything will be auto-delivered wirelessly to Kindle Cloud Reader. You can go to your device to start reading.

    • Link works for me. There’s a “Buy for free” option under the “Free with kindle unlimited” and free audio book options.

      • Audio book free as a trial for 2 month through Audible. Forget to cancel and your free book will cost you just over $16.

  • +2

    Dont you read books so you dont have to start a conversation?

  • +2

    Don’t know what to say

    • +3

      You say it best, when you say nothing at all

  • +22

    Next books in the series:
    * How to Negotiate Like an OzBargain Professional
    * Chasing The High Of A Bargain
    * Coming Down From Bargain Highs
    * Detoxing the Bargain Hunter's Addiction
    * What To Do When Officeworks Refuse To Price Match

    • +7

      Complaining To The ACCC: Professional Whinging Edition

    • -3

      Learn to forget: the last 5 years of Bruce Willis movies

  • +1

    How to start a conversation with someone who knows that he is addicted to shopping bargains but won't admit it?

  • +6

    Can't wait to use these tips at the next ozbargain meetup

    • +4

      Uh this is awkward, I’m not sure how to say this but you’re not invited to the next ozbargain catch up

  • Me: “Man, my elbows feel whet”.
    Other: “You mean, wet?”
    Me: What?!?
    *Leaves room.
    Buys book. driest elbows ever. Focus on other parts.

  • -3

    Page 1. Don't be a pssy.
    Page 2. The end

  • i hear on the grapevine there online 2 week intensive course on how to read and write as well as speak ozbargianian coming up. There be an exam. Course leader will be Tightarse himself.

  • +4

    'let me help guide you as you learn to confidently and authentically connect with others'

    i already have a 100mbps internet connection thx

  • +3

    I had two people walk up to me in the street a couple of weeks back saying they are doing some sort of social challenge to talk to more people in order to build their social skills. I wonder if it comes from books like this.

    It got weird when they wanted my phone number and to meet up for coffee the next day, so it also could have just been an organ harvesting scheme.

    • +1

      Definitely organ harvesting. No doubt no doubt no doubt.

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