• expired

Sony: 10% Cashback (Uncapped); First Choice Liquor: 30% Cashback ($25 Cap, Expired) @ Cashrewards



(ends on 19 June)

Special Terms

  • Cashback is ineligible on PlayStation products & accessories, including any purchases from the PlayStation store.
  • Cashback is ineligible on purchases made with exclusive discounts provided to employees, corporate and commercial partners of Sony Australia. Cashback is also ineligible for Sony X Members, Alpha Pro Support, Student and Educator program members, and Service Centres.
  • Lay-Bys, purchases from eBay, Amazon, parallel import stores, second hand purchases and other online resellers not authorised by Sony Australia are ineligible for cashback.
  • Creative Pro is ineligible for cashback.
  • Cashback may be ineligible if using codes not listed on Cashrewards.

First Choice Liquor

(ends on 17 June 1pm AEST) Expired

Special Terms

  • Orders paid partially or in full with gift cards are ineligible for cashback.
  • Cashback is ineligible if using codes not listed on Cashrewards, including use of 3rd party or staff discounts.
  • This store reports sales ex GST. Cashback is calculated on reported value.

Referral Links

Referral: random (3740)

$10 for referee and $10 for referrer, after referee makes $20 purchase within 14 days.

Related Stores

First Choice Liquor
First Choice Liquor
Sony Australia
Sony Australia

closed Comments

  • +7

    Great, haven't picked up my order through shopback from earlier today yet. 2 good deals in 24h saves me a drive!

    • Just done the same.

  • +1

    Thanks op, will a price match on a TV at Sony track 10% cash back?

    • +1

      How will you price match? Unless they modify the pricing in the website, without a voucher, I doubt it will track.

      • +1

        Works fine
        They just modify your cart with the price match.
        There’s no vouchers involved

    • +1

      Based on past discussion on the previous post, the price match will have cashback tracked as long there’re no codes entered at checkout

      • +1

        Thanks, TVs are getting cheaper and cheaper..:can’t hold out much longer 😃

  • +1

    Sweet! Managed to get that Carlton dry. Here's hoping I win something on them
    Thanks BG

  • bought some wines. Cashback didn't track sigh - will sset a calendar reminder for next saturday to follow it up

    • Lol, tracking isn't always instant…

      1 to 7 Days
      Up to 35 Days

      • +1

        First choice is usually instant for me

        • It's always instant for me though my shopback hasn't tracked yet from yesterday

    • Something going on with CR, normally it works perfectly and tracks more or less instant for me too but this is now 3 purchases in a row that didnt track, i can see them in my click history so i'll have to make claims x 3 in a week or so, frustrating cos it's easy to forget of course.

      • +1

        this happened to me using the website, now i use the app and it tracks faster

        • Yes i am using the website, it's true. Haven't changed anything but 3 different stores all not tracked in a row so you might be onto something. I just dont use mobile much as i prefer a PC unfortunately.

  • Instant tracking for me! Grabbed the Balcones Baby Blue to go with The Gospel Solera Rye I got with the Shopback deal. Too many whiskeys to try!

  • +1

    God, these half day deals absolutely suck

    It's so easy to get caught up in work, and miss the time

    I guess I should be thankful, just saved $100 on wine I don't really need 🤣

  • Was the First Choice $25 cap per member or per transaction?

    • +1

      I didn’t take a screenshot of the promo but the email I received from Cashrewards didn’t mention anywhere on capped per member

      • Yeah I don't recall seeing anything about a cap per member, hopefully CR fix their error as I got capped $25 in total.

        • In deal title says cap $25 for first choice

  • Can I do a price match and get 10% cash back from SONY ?

    • +2

      @kenmizuki: Asked and answered above.

    • -1

      Yes you can

    • +1

      Also if you have Amex:

      -Saved offer Sony spend $500 or more, get $75 back
      -Saved offer Get 20% back, up to AU$100 back.

      Which would bring A80J 55” down to $1620.50=$1995@10%cashback-$75-$100

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