This was posted 2 years 9 months 10 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Disney Plus via Turkey: TRY₺349.90 Per Year (~A$30) (Update: No VPN Required)


was posted earlier by @M00Cow in the forum section. Disney+ Launched in Turkey

Tried it myself and got it working.

The steps

* create a new google account on your mobile phone (this prevents the mobile number verification)
* add a new payment method on Google Pay using a Turkey address. (to be safe, inform your bank/cc provider so that they dont block your card.)
* install BlueStacks 5.0 on PC.
* activate VPN - Turkey location.
* launch Play Store app and sign in using your new Turkish google account.
* install Disney+ app and create a new account.
* pay using Google Pay

update update update:
no vpn required.

Thanks to fishbomb's comment I was able to get this to work without even needing a VPN.

  1. Create new Google account on phone
  2. Delete cache in Google Play Store (not sure if needed)
  3. Select new account in Google Play Store
  4. Add payment method and select Turkey as Country.
  5. Uninstall Disney+ if you have it installed.
  6. Open Google Chrome/browser on your phone in an incognito window. Set your window to desktop mode.
  7. Search Disney+ on Google Play store in your browser.
  8. Log in on new account and remote install Disney+ to your phone
  9. Open app on phone and pay in TRY.

via this comment by @devize

For Apple Users by @Pricebeat

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closed Comments

  • +5

    why not just use vpn on the phone… is bluestack really required?

    • +4

      Good question. Please try it out and report back.

    • +1

      I asked the same thing in forum post lol

      I'm too much of a pirate to try it out myself.

    • +1

      Confirmed, you don't see my other post below.

      • Thanks Bud. Makes sense

    • +1

      Managed to subscribe using an existing account and a card from wise, without vpn and bluestacks.

      Steps I followed:

      1.Changed the address in an existing google account's payment profile on PC (deleted the one with old address).
      2. Sign in to that account on your phone and clear play store's data.
      3. Open play store using that account and try installing Disney+ (might ask you to add a card to your account, add it there or add later when you are about to pay for the subscription). You can check if it worked by going to the top paid apps section and see if the currency is in TRY.
      4. After installing Disney+ I tried using a VPN but was stuck on the loading screen so I turned the VPN off and the prices were displayed in TRY.
      5. Subscribe to the annual plan and done.

  • Do we need to use vpn every time we want to use the service ?

    • Nah just when you register I think

    • +3

      Yes, at least for India it does. Else you’ll be given the error message of another location.
      Also, some VPNs won’t work well and will be detected and blocked.

      • Isn’t that because of Disney+ hotstar or whatever it’s called?

        • +1

          Yes. Plus Hotstar.
          It also gives you much more content.

        • +1


        • +17

          Hotstar is a delicious chicken shop.

          • +5

            @Munki: Can confirm, hotstar is delicious

            • @CodeXD: Large original fried chicken with chilli

          • -1

            @Munki: Can confirm they sell chicken

      • Which VPNs work @karseeeejaaa ?

        • I use SurfShark for HotStar+DP. Streaming was initially very slow however SurfShark Support was pretty good and suggested to use Tunnelblick. Its optional to connect to SurfShark servers and I haven't faced any slowness since then. Regarding location error since last few weeks, I have to clear Chrome browser's cache and restart my macbook. Works for me!

          • @ashOz: Hey mate,
            Can you please advise how to improve the stream quality on windows/android device? I tried contacting support but it was useless.

        • Using getflix on fire stick getting 4K

        • Nord VPN was a hit and miss for me wrt Disney+hotstar.. So I use DNS proxy on my nvidia shield. DNS proxy in turn allows to select the partcular a app particular location like Disney+hotstar to India, Netflix to US etc..

          • @EssendonUser: Recently regulation changed in India. I think most VPN will stop working. Keepsolid unlimited VPN has stopped their service

  • +2

    When you say mobile phone, do you mean browser or in android OS?

    • Usually I go through the settings - accounts. Add a new google account.

  • How strict is disney when it comes to accoutn sharing like netflix?

    Is it 4 screens at once?

    • +2

      Can't speak for X screens at once, but the main page sometimes has a pop up asking "sharing with XYZ? Try this". So they're chill with sharing.

      • +13

        For now… everyone is chill until they capture the market. Netflix was also like that before. So was Uber with low prices, and Airbnb…

        • +2

          It's fine. My ship is parked nearby.

  • +1

    Shame hotstar is not included

    • +1

      Hot star is exclusive to India US and Canada I believe.
      Same pricing for India.
      I think they telecast IPL as well.

    • +5

      You can signup for Disney + Hotstar if you know someone in India who has an indian mobile number. You need a VPN to signup and to watch. You can only use it on a browser. But screen mirroring works. Once in a while it would ask for an OTP that is sent to the mobile number. The site takes Australian issued Amex. Disney+ Hotstar Premium cost you approx A$26 for a year.

      • +1

        I have hotstar app on tv and shield works well with Vpn

        • Not able to install the hotstar app on Google tv. Any work around?

          • @jee: Create a new Indian Google account. Add it Google play on your device, TV,shield, mobile. Use VPN connected to India, I use Surfshark
            Install any Indian app there are 100's of them that are exclusive to India like Hotstar

            Login to Hotstar, you will need valid Indian mobile number and Card

        • Did you side load a vpn app to make it work? Hoe did you install hotstar app?

          • +1

            @Mikedrop89: The easiest way to get all the official Indian apps is on fire stick. Create an Amazon India account on fire stick and download all the apps and they get auto updated as well. I find this lot easier than fiddling around with my shield trying to side load apps

            • +1

              @Maxdax: Do you still have to use it vpn?

            • @Maxdax: Great advise. Thanks. Now I need to find a stable vpn. Which one do you use.

              • @Mikedrop89: I think VPN servers are blocked in India now due to new regulations

              • @Mikedrop89: I have been using Nord on my firestick which was working well for Disney and Sony ( for UFC) but is now very intermittent. Keep solid works only with Dysney but very slow. I have now jumped on getflix dns and changed the DNS on the Firestick and it has now become wife and child proof. Switch on the TV hit dysney and watch. I’m getting 4K which is amazing

                • @Maxdax: Using NordVPN too with CCwGTV and it works with no issues, so perhaps it's a firestick thing.

                  Great with HBO, 4k + Atoms. The version of the HBO app itself is slow so can't do much about that. Fairly bulletproof now (and always have it set on Kansas CIty. I also realised that the new Better Call Saul is on Netflix UK, pretty handy.

                  Disney+ no tricks required, 4k/Atmos is great too.

  • +3

    My warning with Disney Plus is that it will likely not work reliably - my experience was that I couldn't use my oz Disney Plus account when visiting my home country, with or without VPN… Can't imagine they wouldn't pull the same thing here.

    The only caveat here is that its just A$30, so its not a significant sum to take a gamble on

    • +4

      Yup, I tried to use DisneyPlus when i travelled and i think the problem is there is another Disneyplus service in some countries in Asia, so in those countries you cant use the AU disneyplus as its different. But I am not sure if you can in other countries that also just have Disney+ like NZ or US.

  • +7

    There's more than 1 of me?!

  • +2

    Only $30 to watch 6 episodes of Reva!

    • What is Reva?

      • +5

        Reference to Obi-Wan Kenobi, a Star Wars spin-off show that features said character.

    • The most amazing character ever imagined in any franchise… Many acting, much character development, big fighting move.

      • To be fair, ep 5 did give her some character development.

        • I couldn't handle it after 3 episodes. Is it worth picking up again?

    • Do not speak of her.

  • +26

    Netflix via Turkey
    Disney+ via Turkey
    My bank will go broke and I’ll be a Turkey instead

    • +2

      If my bank goes broke you'll see me in Turkey

    • +1

      It's time you permanently migrate to Turkey.

      • +1

        Done ✅ 🦃

        • +1

          That's the OzBargain way.

      • +13

        You all mean Türkiye? :-p

        • Fairly soon, I think.

    • -1

      You mean Türkiye :).

      • +3

        I was starving and was dinner time so had to type Turkey

        • +1

          Like that 👍

  • +1

    So can you also watch through the Disney+ app on a smart TV?

    • Yes I would like to know this too

      • +2

        Well I finally got around to signing up for Disney+ via this deal. It was a very quick and easy process and certainly worth doing as it beats paying the $120 AUD we were paying.

        The longest part of the process was logging out / logging in on the Disney+ App for all the devices (11 all up). I can also confirm it works fine on LG smart TV's (CX & C1 models) using the Disney+ app from the LG store. No need for a VPN.

    • -7

      Yes. With a VPN though.

      • Someone else said you only need a VPN to create the account. I thought that means you don't need a VPN running on every device that you watch it on (like the YouTube hack).. I could be wrong though

        • -2

          I have subscribed via India and it asks for VPN every time I launch. Can’t say for Turkey though. Guessing it would be the same behaviour.

          • +3

            @karseeeejaaaa: Are you talking about YouTube? That's weird, I only signed up YouTube Premium with the VPN to India and now watch YouTube on PC, smart TV, phone and tablet without running VPN

            • @[Deactivated]: Haha I did the exact same thing two days ago. It cost me just under $25! Great deal! xD

      • How does that actually work? I'm a noob with VPNs.

        Do you need to install a VPN app on the smart tv and turn it on when using D+, or is something that's done in your router. If you leave the vpn service running all the time does it affect other apps like Netflix, prime etc.

        Sony Android tv.

        • -6

          Yes likely you'll need to install the vpn app on the TV and run it at the same time as disney plus.

          • +3

            @Trishool: No,.not likely. You don't need a VPN to use it.

        • +1

          No you don't.

        • The best(and hardest) way would be to set up a VPN client through your router and add one of your devices IPs(dynamically set) to it.

          • @Beyond: Mini router & dedicated IP = job done

            • @Ulysses31: Are you referring to adding a second router?

              • @Beyond: Yeah. Checkout words like mini travel router, mango etc.

                You can jump on/off vpn service (ie: AU or US content) by switching the wifi network your device is on, just a few quick clicks.

                • @Ulysses31: That option in the form of a recommendation for the user is likely to require them to buy a new device.

                  I have AsusWRT Merlin firmware on my ASUS router, I can set up custom load-outs of VPNs using NordVPN's servers. I can toggle these on or off and have particular devices connect to these automatically.

                  So I can have TVs that automatically connect to X server, in the same sense as if I were to have NordVPN installed on my TV but with many more variables.

                  The only negative to this is that it's a bit of a resource hog when you run it, I have a dual-core router though.

                  • @Beyond: I found for $35-45 it was cheap and simplest method. I’ve done your method, but found it too specific & a learning curve to steep for the average person.

                    • @Ulysses31: I don't dispute that statement at all. It's definitely a learning curve and it took a while to implement for the first time.

                      • @Beyond: The part I forgot to mention, how do you switch US/AU (for example) to get different catalogues via tv remote?

                        I tried nordvpn app on androidtv to get hbomax app working. Only had one US option, and it didn’t work. Torguard app was simple on/off

                        • @Ulysses31: It's a bit funny that we've been having this back-and-forth conversation that's completely hidden because of the poster's rating. Lol.

                          I had a bit of difficulty completely comprehending your circumstances with that post, feel free to PM a response back to me(preferably quoting this msg or just copying it into the start of your msg), sometimes I ignore my notifications or hit read on them and then forget to follow up.

                          Is TV Remote an application? Are you saying that the NordVPN android app on your smart TV had limited functionality/location-choices?

    • +4

      No once you sign up, you can use it without a VPN. You'll get the Disney+ Content available in the country you're in (i.e..i OZ, you'll get Oz content, in the UK you'll get UK content).

      • If VPN is only required for registration. Can we instead ask someone from Turkey (I have friends) to register with my email and credit card. And just logon to my Disney plus here on my computer, google tv etc.

  • +1

    seems to be cheaper than argentina, thanks op

  • +3

    I may as well move to Turkey at this rate.

    • +2

      Yeah, such a lovely place to live. The fact that currency devaluation is so fast and thus the cheap prices to us has nothing to do with having a terrible economy or and unliveable conditions.

  • +6

    I got Indian Disney+ Hotstar for $28 a year. However you have to sideload Indian version of the app and use smart DNS or VPN service. My Getflix lifetime subscription works well on nVidia shield.
    They also have all HBO original shows and plenty of live cricket. So I save on Binge and Kayo subscription as well.

    • -2

      Plus 1.

    • +1

      steps to get that combo?

    • +1

      Do you need mobile to sign in??

    • +2

      Isn't it require indian mobile number?

    • Which vpn do you use for india??

    • I had this last year, hotstar app is trash compared to disney plus but it has a lot more content and sports included. I used surfshark on NVIDIA shield but Ive heard surfshark has pulled their servers from India now.

    • An Indian mobile number and an Indian credit card are needed, aren't they?

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