• expired

$100 Referral Bonus (Was $50) When You Create a New Account and Request a Wage Advance (5% Fee, Minimum $5.00) @ MyPayNow


To earn money through the MyPayNow Refer a Friend Program:

$100 is only for today only and expires at midnight.

Your friend must be a brand new MyPayNow customer.
Your friend must create an account using your share link.
Your friend must meet eligibility criteria, be approved and draw a wage advance before midnight tonight.

Yes you do login to your bank online through a secure third party browser so they can scan for your wages in your account.
Yes the bonus money is instantly deposited into your account
No a credit check is not done

Refer to the website for full terms and conditions.

Expires midnight 15th June 2022

Make sure you use the referral links to get your free $100 well essentially it’s $95 free as it’s a $5 fee to get the $100 out.

Hello everyone i signed up, put in my details and did a wage advance. Literally no more than 5 minutes work and i had my wage advance and an extra free $100 instantly transferred straight to my bank account.

Mod: Use referral randomiser below, no referral requests or solicitation in the comments.

Referral Links

Referral: random (264)

$50 for referrer and referee after referee takes wage advance.

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closed Comments

  • +77

    "they ask for you bank log information"
    Have we lost our collective minds or something?

    • +12

      Might as well pm me your credit card info while your at it

    • To be clear, you don’t give them your bank login. You login to your bank online through a secure third party browser.

      • +17

        You login to your bank online through a secure third party browser.

        At the end, you are still passing your credentials to that "third party browser"

    • +1


    • +7

      a lot of them now do this. i prefer this as no credit check is required and you can always change you internet banking password after you receive your $100

      • +3

        and you can should always change you internet banking password after you receive your $100

        Fixed that for you.

    • +2

      This is done under the Consumer Data Right legislation - you're authorising MyPayNow to connect to your bank and slurp up you transaction data via an API and an OAuth token.

      Under https://www.cdr.gov.au/ you have the right to request them to delete any data they have collected in you by withdrawing consent

  • +8

    Despite the fact this company is money hungry, they pay their referral fees honestly and immediately.
    Largely Positive reviews on productreview too: https://www.productreview.com.au/listings/mypaynow

    • +2

      Just some info:

      What is the minimum amount I need to earn before I can apply to MyPayNow?
      The minimum income requirement is $450.00 take home per week.

      What identification documents do you accept?
      Currently the system will only accept an open drivers licence, Medicare card or Australian passport. We cannot accept proof of age cards or a learners licence.

      Why can't I get more than my approved limit?
      MyPayNow offers up to 25% of your income up to $2,000.00. We are unable to increase this.

      My last pay is missing or below the minimum requirement.
      Unfortunately we cannot assist you until your most recent wage meets the minimum income requirement of $450.00 a week or $900.00 a fortnight.


  • Expires midnight 16th April 2022


    • Apologies good pick up, it is midnight tonight. Just updated.

  • +2

    Got my referral :) cheers, good find

  • +3

    Already paid. Thanks OP. Easiest $100 I've made.

    • And another $100 from someones referral! Cheers!

  • +1

    Thanks OP. Easiest $95 I have ever made $100 referral was paid instantly

  • +2

    excellent! no support for adding niche banks like ubank. and I signed up and provided mob/lic/contact details. where do I hand in my due diligence licence? 🤦‍♂️

    • +1

      i tried to do some dd but there’s no list of banks without signing up?

  • Do they do credit check

  • Confirmed $95 profit for 5 mins work

  • +1

    Just got paid yay! Someone click my link!

  • +2

    Not eligible, I’m unemployed 😭

  • +1

    Can someone walk me through this? Sign up, get a wage advance for $100. Get bonus $100. Withdraw $195 (lose $5 fee) and they garnish my next salary for the $100 I advanced?

    • +1

      Ditto. V confused.

      • +3

        The repayment fee is 5% of your wage advance.

        Minimum "advance" you can do is $100. So this makes the repayment $105
        So take a $100 advance, get your bonus $100 (Ie you have just had $200 show up in your account). Repay the $105 and you are left with bonus $95 in your account.

        Note, if you do nothing the $105 will be deducted by direct debit when you get paid. You can opt to pay back early (with CC), which is what I did. So you can literally get $95 whilst only being in debt for ~10mins :D

        Edit: Gramma

        • +1

          Is this like some money borrowing service or something? I don't understand any of this, I'm getting an advance on my wage, from someone other than the person who pays my wage? Maybe I'm just out of touch.

          • @TheDukeOfNukem: Essentially they send you an 'advance' of your wage. For example you request $500 before you get paid. They take a cut (5%) and then expect you to pay the $500 back.

            • +1

              @danny1213: Tried my hand at it for the poo of it, got

              "Unfortunately the income our system detected was too low."

              and a sad face. Don't know how they figure that one, but big poo.

    • +1

      For me it was as follows:

      1. Sign up
      2. Request advance for $100 (the minimum amount)
      3. Receive $100 requested + $100 bonus
      4. Instantly repay the $100 advance + $5 fee for $95 profit
      • $100 both for referrer and referee ?pls confirm

        • Looks like it based off the banner on their homepage

        • Yep $100 for both

  • Unfortunately the income our system detected was too low. Please try again after your next pay. over 3k a fortnight?

    • Same here.. they're just looking at what goes into the bank account and most of my pay is salary packaged, so got rejected

    • So you wont get the $100 at next pay?

    • +1

      Wrong account. It works now. Put in exact amount and date.

  • Worked for me, thank you OP!

    Note that if you got paid today as I did (the 15th), the system seems to think it was the 14th

  • +6

    Thanks OP! Referred the other half as well and made $290

    Also made a lucky ozbargainer $100 richer. Enjoy your iceberg lettuce

  • +1

    Nice find OP got my $100

  • +1

    Maybe I'll actually get 100$ from someone this time haha

  • +4

    "Our system could only identify one salary deposit. In order to assess your income, we require two consistent deposits of your salary on your bank statement.

    Please update your employment details or try again after your next pay."

    Got pay for higher duties piss offfffffffffffffffff

    Edit: Confused, put my pay in again, it says I'm eligible now but no mention of any bonus, will I get a bonus if I borrow $100?

    Edit 2: Got the bonus!!!

  • Rejected. We're sorry but we're unable to process your request as you did not meet our automated assessment criteria.

  • +1

    Would this ping you for a credit check at all?

  • -3

    Unfortunately the income our system detected was too low.

    Please try again after your next pay.

    Does that mean I missed out on the $100? Would I get paid the $100 for the next pay?

    • -1

      Don't whinge to us, work harder.

      • Scomo
    • +1

      Make sure to use bank account you put your salary into and use exact amount and date it went in.

  • Wow, just got $100 for the wife and i immediately

    • +1

      Why don't I understand what to do. Can I cancel this once I get $100?

      • Yes you can or don't just burrow anything after

  • Confirmed they accept ING.

  • Can confirm super easy $95 profit, no credit check and is safe to provide bank details

    • Why don't I understand what to do. Can I cancel this once I get $95?

      • Yep - can pay back the amount straight away

  • +2

    is there a list of banks that they do support? since ubank isn’t apparently one of them

  • We're sorry but we're unable to process your request as you did not meet our automated assessment criteria.

    Please try again after your next pay.

    Looks like they ran out of money to give out haha

    • Make sure to use bank account you put your salary into and use exact amount and date it went in.

      • +1

        I did, still did not like it

  • Worked thank you!

  • Got this error
    We're sorry but we're unable to process your request as you did not meet our automated assessment criteria.

    Please try again after your next pay.

    • Make sure to use bank account you put your salary into and use exact amount and date it went in.

      • I have done exact amount including fractions but not sure

  • +3

    Got mine and then another $100 from one of you using my referral code… cheers!

    • And another one! Keep em coming haha

  • Lol I never added my referral code from a year ago, costly mistake lol.

  • Got mine $100 yay!

    How do you pay back the $105

    • +2

      With a debit card in the "Payout early" tab

      • ahhh

  • Thanks OP got the bonus easy $95 profit you wonder how they can afford to do it?

    • If someone borrows $2k, they'll make the $100 back

  • Do they accept ING? I don’t want to sign up if they don’t. Cheers.

    • yes, worked for me

  • +1

    Got rejected lol - no problem ever getting credit cards

  • Anyone with UP Bank and managed to get this to work?

    • Tried but they don't have up bank

  • +3

    The URL for your bank login appears to be bitloan.com.au
    If you type that URL in, it gets redirected advertise blockfi bitcoin wallets. I would tread carefully sharing your Internet banking details
    I would strongly suggest to change your login details immediately as a precautionary measure

    • Yes change before you login then change again after. No bank fraud protection covers you if you willingly give out your login info (ie not a phishing scam site that tricked you).

  • Haven't received 100 and lost 5 in repayment 😭

    • I got it in my bank account

      • I only got one ( early pay) but not the promo 100

        • +2

          I got two in my account and I only made one early payment of $100 which Ive repaid now.

          Funny this is like laundering money

  • How do you tell if you got the bonus?

    • +2

      Your bank account will show two payments one $100 and another $100 (you made yourself)

  • What happened after the sign up? I can't see my $100 anywhere. Do we need to actually use the service before getting the $100 bonus? Used a ref link above from the randomiser.

    • +2

      Your bank account will show two payments one $100 and another $100 (you made yourself)

      • So we need to use the service to get the bonus right? Not just sign up. Thanks!

        • +2


          Pay a $100 advance

          • @Turd: Can you please help me? What do you mean by "using the service"? I choose the 100 dollar option, what do I do next?
            How do we pay it off?
            How do we cancel the service?

            • @noskich: With a debit card in the "Payout early" tab

      • Agree, same here.

  • Weird, but I'm not getting the phone confirmation SMS.

  • +4

    Not sure about entering my internet banking username and password!

    • It's safe, otherwise just change your banking password afterwards

  • Got rejected - oh well.

    • Did you put exact date and amount of money that went in? I was rejected until I did this.

      • Amazing - it worked after I did this :) - how long till bonus come in?

      • How to updated the payment amount and again verified with process.

  • We're sorry but we're unable to process your request as you did not meet our automated assessment criteria.

    Not sure if rejected due to $2100 a fortnight being considered too pov now, or because I only really use that account to receive salary and keep it at zero all other times…

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