The Series X version is $15 cheaper than the PS5 version.
This item will be released on October 28, 2022.
The Series X version is $15 cheaper than the PS5 version.
This item will be released on October 28, 2022.
Battlenet and steam for a premium… No physical copies and no bargains, unless heading to shady key sites once released.
Why PC cost almost double? :(
Yeah a bit atrocious I agree
And chances are it'll be a direct port, poorly optimised for a pc to take advantage of better graphics rendering power. People can spend thousands building a pc only to get the same experiience as a console due to port limitations. Absolutely sucks!
I thought this one was a sequel of 2019, not a remake?
Yeah this is a sequel to the Modern Warfare 2019 reboot so it isn't a remake.
It’s a sequel to a remake/reboot.
I don’t get why everything needs to be rebooted. Are people too dumb to remember the events from a few years ago and the entire story line needs to be reset continually?
Oh ok my bad folks 👍
20th game prefixed with "Call of Duty" since 2003, this one is a sequel…
gaming has been stagnant since 2011
2011 was, to be fair, one of the best years for videogames in history (IMO).
The 3DS launched, Duke Nukem Forever finally released (for better or worse), along with:
Mass Effect 2, Shogun 2, Portal 2, Terraria, LA Noire, The Witcher 2, Gears 3, The Binding of Isaac, Dark Souls, Arkham City, BF3, Uncharted 3, Skyrim, Rayman Origins, Minecraft, Skyward Sword, and Mario Kart 7 (which is actually on the second most recent properly new MK game) - to name a few. Phew!
I do, however, strongly disagree that gaming has been stagnant since then. IMO it's more vibrant than ever - you just need to look outside of AAA studios.
Ow I wonder how many months before this is in gamepass.
its a first party game… so should be day 1.
It's not a first party till the deal is signed. Could be early next year.
We may find out more info on Monday but doubt it.
Yeah I think being a Bethesda showcase news on that is unlikely… we’ll see tho! Can’t wait until that deal goes through!!
COD? Lol
How many CoD games are in gamepass currently?
None. But if the activsion deal passes every cod will be available.
I'm so confused, I thought MW2 came out in 2009
Probably did. Modern Warfare came out in 2007 and then again in 2019 ;)
hey, we got a new game, what should we call it?
how about the exact same title as a game we released 13 years ago, that wont be confusing right?
lets do it!
That was Modern Warfare 2 while this is II. Completely new name.
So a newer title using older numerical symbols. Clear as mud.
Bringing back roman numerals lmao! Soon it'll be egyptian hyroglyphs
Nothing special, I got Modern Warfare 3 day one for 79 and that was over a decade ago, why would I pay almost the same price for the second one ten years later?
Cod games rarely ever go on sale, this is probably a very good price
If this was the price for PS5 , it might be the first game I pre-order
Ahh COD. Each year the same game play, slightly better graphics and more bugs.
No thanks
Hope this game lives up to the hype. Probably they biggest thing that needs work is the anti cheat system.
SBMM has personally ruined COD for me as a casual player
It's the exact opposite in my opinion.
My friends who play it less often end up in lobbies with other casuals who are on the same level as them, making it more accessible for them.
I play it a lot more, every year for the past 4 years.
I have a higher K:D and W:L ratio and I always end up in sweaty lobbies.
Everytime I party up with my casual mates we are put in lobbies that are inbetween our joint SBMM and I am almost guaranteed a 1st place spot everytime whereas my casual friends have a tougher time than usual.
But when they play without me they are always towards the top.
SBMM helps keep sweaty/skilled players, playing against each other and casuals playing each other.
The only people who usually complain about SBMM are skilled/sweaty players who want easy games against casuals.
but this one will be different!
oh no, hang on: a million bad guys pour out, you scope in and shoot them
and the fate of the world is in your hands
but, it will be different, i promise…
Press F
Stop (profanity) pre-ordering games, especially this trash
Whilst I'm not preordering, the feedback of early hands-on experiences from players given the opportunity to play the alpha in house say this is the best iteration of cod since the 2019 MW reboot. Basically the MW 2019 but better. Imo (and I believe the same opinion held by many) cold war and Vanguard were inferior products and massive steps in the wrong direction, plus the introduction of these products cut short the life of MW 2019)(it effectively got eaten by warzone in the end). Such was the outcry about this that the current comms indicate they won't be doing a yearly release next year to give MW2 time to breathe and grow. I'm not a die hard fan for the cod franchise but mw2019 felt so good and it was sad it died so quickly, so I'm on the hype train for this one, though as always only time will tell.
I liked cold war but I agree that modern warfare 2019 was special. They should've left the annual release cycle at that point and gave it another yr to breath.
Cold War was terrible, Vanguard was quite good IMHO.
What is this console peasantry
Why even bother saying this in 2022? Consoles have been really good for a long time now.
are you 14
Tell that to the people advertising xboxX/S or a ps5 as a pre-order or in-stock at full retail value…. yet they get 100+ upvotes!
Never preorder video games…
Hasn't everyone learnt their lesson about preordering after Cyberpunk and Battlefield 2042?
Playing through the OG COD 4 MW now…
Me to the people who named this game:
"How'd a muppet like you pass Selection?"
Thanks OP, good price to lock in if they don’t do game pass day 1
any ideas why it's cheaper for xbox?
Assuming because Microsoft bought out blizzard, probably to incentivise buying an xbox ecosystem
Any chance Amazon does a price guarantee if it goes cheaper before release date?
according to amazon's pre order info box in checkout:
"Qualifying offers
Our Pre-order Price Guarantee covers one or more item(s) in this order. If the price decreases between the time you place your order and the end of the day of the release date, you'll receive the lowest price, either through a price adjustment in your unshipped order, or through a refund within 24-72 hours following the release date."
Before ordering this game, remember what Activision did with 2019 MW. I played that game since day one, 1y later the game was destroyed by Warzone, then CW and VG just made everything worse.
Don't expect MW2 to be any different.
Hasn’t this generally been an issue for the series since forever given there’s annual updates and the fan base moves?
In any event, there’s no mainstream release planned next year based on a number of reports so it should be a bit better in terms of online support.
if anyones keen on pre-order, EB game does 50% bonus trade in for games towards the pre-order, can try to price match it to harvey's $78 price tag take advantage of the trade in bonus.
When pc