This was posted 2 years 3 months 22 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[Pre Order, NSW] Tesla Model Y RWD $74,311, Performance $105,590 (Drive Away) @ Tesla


Long awaited Model Y orders have opened

RWD has estimated arrival dates of Aug-Nov 2022
Performance ETA of Nov-Feb 2023

Telsa haters need not apply

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closed Comments

  • +2

    Whats so special about Tesla. Why aren't other car models listed here when released on sale

    • Because they're not Teslas?

    • +3

      Yea, I want to know when a toyota camry is available….. said no one.

    • this is one of the few cars you can flip for a 10-20k profit in August if you got in quick enough

  • +4

    Paid the deposit. Will sell my model 3 to fund the purchase of this, can't wait!

    • +1

      Spoken like a true fan boy lol

      • +2

        Haha…Elon ftw!

      • $TSLA makes the best EVs with the best software.

    • Already sold my 3

      • Did you buy it this yr? What did you end up selling for?!

  • literally booked one

  • I'm here for the negative comments

  • If I manage to save enough money through Ozbargain. Should I buy this or Prado Kakadu?

  • +2

    Non refundable deposit is a bit shit.

    • +3

      They will make the car, ship the car to your specs. What do you expect? It's a small cost TBH

    • +2

      4 hours now, over 3k+ orders were placed, maybe even more. we are going to see a lot of Y on the road by christmas.

      • 3000+ order in 4 hours? Sources ? Where did you get these number ?

    • +2

      Lol are you kidding?! $350 as a deposit for such an in demand car and you expect it to be refundable too….

  • +3

    Tesla?..Lol no. Over the next year the EV market will be flooded with EVs from car manufacturers that actually know how to make cars. i can wait a bit

    • +2

      Exactly what people said when iPhone was announced. Oh wait!

      • +1

        EVs are easily done and can be done very well. But real car manufacturers follow the market, and now is the time to make them. Tesla ran at a huge loss for most of its existence. They noticed and didn't want a part of it. Now that tesla is starting to make a profit and EV sales are exploding they will step in and take over. Tesla will be a shell of the company it is now within 3 years.

        • Not to mention they've been quietly pouring literally billions into their own self-driving research.

          There's a reason google's captchas all moved over to identifying objects on the street. They've crowdsourced training their object recognition AI.

        • It might be too little too late, but definitely welcome more EVs for competition

        • Yes exactly EV's are easy for these so called legacy car makers? So would building software stack? Or building their own neural chip for full self driving?
          Landing rockets must also be easy given legacy aviation companies are coming in and competing? Disruption in the market always comes from legacy incumbents. Infact nothing in this world is difficult, everything is easy for legacy. Possibly the stupidest comment on the whole thread and there are quite a few here but this is on a separate level altogether.

          • @dealsucker: No your comment was the dumbest comment on this thread lol. Yes its easy for them. Your comparing batteries and electricity to space travel lol. Its pretty damn simple for them that most car makers are now starting to roll out fleets of EV models because they now see that its finally profitable.
            Maybe lithium batteries are just a complicated concept to you. Buy a Xiaomi scooter they are like 400 bucks, It will blow your mind. Or start with a Ryobi drill, work your way up Lol

      • +2

        And the market was flooded with Iphone equivalents. Lets be honest though, nothing really revolutionary has come out of apple for a while.
        They're largely relying on their ecosystem and fanboys now and their market share has pretty much plateaud.

        The innovation/cutthroat approach to development is long gone, they're now a bloated company with a lot of people coming along for the free ride.

        • Oh so building the best computer chips on the face of earth from a non chip company isnt revolutionary? Or Apple Watch which is still the best in its class by far? Or phones which are the most powerful, have the smallest battery and yet last the longest? Or bluetooth headphones which still dont have an equivalent?
          People dissing Tesla are the same people who keep dissing saying there is no innovation but the fact is they have utterly no idea of technology. Simpletons who are easily pleased because they have no idea what so ever.

          • @dealsucker: May want to take the Rose tinted glasses off.

            The most powerful chip is good, but hardly revolutionary, it's all about bringing chips in house to make more money off them.

            The battery efficiencies are up there but hardly groundbreaking

            And then they release 'widgets' which android had for a decade
            The Bluetooth headphones are overpriced for what they are and have many equivalents

            Apple watch is ok but not a stand-out, a garmin fenix can get weeks of battery an apple watch, a day.

            It's OK though if you want to be a fan boy, just there are other alternatives

            • @Drakesy: So giving intel money for underperforming, over heating chips is revolutionary? I give up dude. You take the stupid cake.

    • Rofl I literally just made this same comment.

    • +1

      First mover advantage is usually a significant help based on history

    • +1

      Other manufacturers have been going to do this for a decade when the first Model S came out. Still waiting.

    • +1

      $TSLA isn't like the rest of the junk out there. They've 18Y of data and the software to utilize it.

      The car is just a box with wheels to house the software.

  • just add another 25k to add self driving, change colour etc :D What is this?

    • +2

      Self driving is $10.1k. Paint is a couple of grand at most. Where are you getting $25k from?

      • +2

        $13k for some designer bags to his wife to allow him to buy model Y

  • +1

    Waiting for the 7 seater

    • Just be sure to disconnect legs before use.

  • +4

    Not a discount… How is this on front page?

    • +1

      same reason PS5 shows up on front page all the time.

      • slightly different
        PS5 is delivered within a week. this is a year away pre order.

        • soooo what is the recommended timeline if neither were discounted

  • Will Model Y Performance be made in China as well?

    • It is made in the same mega factory as 3, in China.

      • I think you mean tera factory

  • This special price is only available when purchasing using MuskCoin

  • +1

    Now to grow 7430 Lettuces and sell at the markets, for $10 each.

  • A lot of the actual car companies are bringing out EV's in the next 12 months. Wouldn't catch me dead buying a Tesla until the market expands a bit. People that have a track record of building reliable cars are getting in the game, at the least it's goin to drive prices down.

    • +3

      In the EV world, Tesla have the best track record of building reliable cars…

      Seriously, go look at a 10 year old Leaf (Nissan) or iMiev (Mitsubishi) compared to a Model S and tell me which has stood the test of time.

      • Tesla is literally the least reliable of all available electric vehicles. The leaf spanks it.…

        "Perhaps more surprising is that Tesla, the face of EVs and the manufacturer with the most experience building electrics, is the least reliable of the lot. According to the Which? survey, a whopping 39 per cent of Teslas up to four years old had at least one fault, and one in 20 had had a serious no-start situation or a breakdown serious enough that it had to be taken off the road."

        Versus the leaf

        "Only 12% of owners reported an issue with theirs, and the brakes and non-motor electrics were the only culprits. Even better, all repairs were made the same day, and at zero cost to owners."

        With people like Toyota and Hyundai bringing full EV's to Aus, again, you'd have to have your pants on your head to invest in Tesla right now before seeing how those cars go.

        There's also plenty of "teardowns" on youtube by experienced former automotive engineers that go into all the bad/poor engineering and manufacturing (like the extreme amount of varied fasteners instead of using a few, standardised ones throughout internally) and other such nonsense.

        • +1

          I mean….Leaf's are renowned for their early battery deaths due to lack of active heating/cooling.

          I'll grant you that Tesla has had more than it's fair share in quality issues - but it's important to note that the Chinese built cars, which are what Australia gets, are considered far and away better built than the Fremont cars that the US/Canada get.

          • -2

            @loksmack: Okay, but nobody cares. Even if you were correct, which is highly debateable, the point stands. There are a shitload of EV's coming from much more established, reliable manufacturers coming this year.

            Even if they are only "on par", and they won't be, they'll be better, it's going to drive Tesla prices down.

            • @[Deactivated]: The existing manufacturers have not had 10 years of experience with BEVs, they are WAY harder than people expect. Tesla has a considerable lead in this field, and yet people still judge them on what they were doing 10 years ago (where everyone else is now)

        • +2

          I have a Tesla 3 LR and I know 5 others with them. Not one of us has had a single fault causing the car not to drive.

          1 car had the stereo die. That's it.

          The car with the dead stereo had it replaced at Alexandria in 2hrs.

  • +2

    People are fighting the inevitable.

    Don't resist, embrace.

    • What are we fighting?

      • +1

        Moving form ICE to newer tech.

        • What's ICE?

          • @dust: Holden

          • +1

            @dust: Google ICE cars

          • @dust: Internal combustion engine… Or the drug that melts your brain over time.. I think he meant the engine but I guess it could be the drug…

  • -3

    Are these hybrid? Or no back up fuel tank when the battery doesn’t work properly?

    Anyway 80% of a cars lifetime emissions are used in manufacture and transport to Australia, But I guess some emission saving counts, and you can get props for doing your bit too

    • -2

      no back up fuel tank when the battery doesn’t work properly?

      i think you can just jump start it…

    • +2

      That is blatantly untrue. Tailpipe emissions account for MUCH more than manufacturing emissions. Over the life of the car, an EV is substantially better.

      • ? Manufacturing either car has no bearing on tailpipe emissions.

        Tailpipe emissions from a fuel car versus emissions to make electricity is the issue

        • +1

          You said:

          "80% of a cars lifetime emissions are used in manufacture and transport to Australia"

          This is not true because tailpipe emissions are higher than manufacturing emissions.

          • @loksmack: Are you counting the mining of metals and all emissions to make a car in your manufacturing stats?

            • @grasstown: Of course. Manufacturing emissions account for a minority of total emissions in both ICE and EV (assuming grid charging).

              • @loksmack: Are you counting all emissions to make a car (eg employees getting to work each day, factory lighting and operation, students getting to universities to learn skills), in your manufacturing stats? Or do those emissions don’t count because the planet can deal?

                • @grasstown: The same could be said for the extraction of oil to power the car… these employees need to get to work, stations need powered, students learning…etc.

                  All emissions count. I'm obviously pro-EV and pro-environment, and I'm trying to tell you that its the emissions from running the vehicle that accounts for most of the lifetime emissions. Because of this, EVs are more environmental, despite actually having higher emissions for manufacture than ICE.

                  • @loksmack: I’m trying to show you that you should not have a car if you care for the planet. As your actions buying an ev are not helping in the scheme of things. The owning a car is the issue

    • no back up fuel tank when the battery doesn’t work properly?

      is that any different from when your car runs out of petrol or breaks down? Do you have a back up?

      • Yes different, replacing a fuel tank is unheard of. Batteries aren’t good enough for cars

        • replacing a fuel tank

          come on keep things in context. How often do cars break down? Look at servicing schedules, spare part requirement and so on between electric and petrol driven cars

          Have a look at how many electric cars are out there and you are saying batteries aren't good enough for cars….LMAO,

  • +5

    Not a deal - more like a public service announcement

    • +3

      public disservice announcement

  • +6

    This should be at OzzRRP.. not a deal..

  • +4

    Where's the bargain

  • +3

    Fisker Ocean would be a better choice IMO..

  • good deal, poormen seething

  • -2

    My 3 cents ( 2 + inflation) , electric cars have got bigger problems until they resolve recycling issue with battery otherwise these landfills are more polluting than gas + remember source of electricity in Australia is still Coal. Until they resolve these issues gas cars are better environmentally and economical

    • +1

      resolve recycling issue with battery

      Also, mining issue to get enough new batteries.

    • +2

      Gas cars are not better than EVs environmentally or economically (when you do a Apple to Apple comparison). Where do you get these cokes up ideas? The Simpsons?

    • Are you taking into account all the deaths and health issues as a result of air pollution?

  • It is telling me that I will save $2k in fuel over 5 years. My servicing is $1k over 5 years. I'd probably be paying 2x for tires ($500 vs $1k). This deal is going to have to escape.

  • +1

    Should I take out a loan of 90k on this or not?

    • You shouldn't take any loans on cars.

    • +2

      it's a high yield investment

      • 😂… The comment lives on.. Thank you my friend!

    • 100% go for a loan. Why pay with your money when you can use someone else’s money. Not like the interest rates will go up anytime soon right 😂

  • Friday sorted. 🍿

  • +2

    I honestly don't get why people would buy a Tesla. The prices are insane for these cars. I'll much rather buy a nice BMW or Merc and pay a bit more for the petrol (Happy to pay a bit more for the convenience of not having to plug in my car to charge). The build quality is so much nicer in them than in a Tesla.

    • +1

      Would you buy an electric BMW or Merc?

      • +2

        My big problem isn't with the electric part, it's more around the pricing of electric vs petrol cars. It seems like as soon as someone sticks "Electric" on the vehicle the price goes up by 20%. I like the sound of a nice engine and I would rather pay a bit more pm for petrol which gives me the convenience of not having to charge it at certain times/places. But I have to say, I do like the performance that electric cars give. It is insane. So if I look at a BMW and it has an electric alternative for about the same price I'll definitely struggle to choose but if they load the price with 20%, easy choice for me to make

        • That's a valid argument, I originally interpreted your comment as I prefer European brands so that's why I asked if you would go electric European. The ICE variants of BMWs and Mercs have been tested and proven while their EV ranges are still in their early adopter phase.

        • +1

          pricing of electric vs petrol cars

          Which other car can you buy brand new that does 0-100km/h under 4 seconds for $105k?

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