This was posted 2 years 8 months 26 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Gigabyte RX 6600 XT EAGLE 8GB $419 Delivered (Sold Out), Asrock RX 6700 XT Phantom Gaming D 12GB $699 Delivered @ PC Byte


10/06/2022 10:00PM EDIT: PC Byte is now also free shipping
JW Computers is selling the Gigabyte RX 6600 XT for $414, changed now with free shipping
Amazon's Gigabyte RX 6600 XT Eagle is now $418.95 delivered
Harris Technology @Amazon is selling the Gigabyte RX 6600 XT Gaming OC for $436.50 delivered

10/06/2022 1:00AM EDIT: A few other places are now also matching $419 6600 XTs with free shipping
Gigabyte RX 6600 XT Eagle $419 Delivered @Amazon
Gigabyte RX 6600 XT Eagle $419 Delivered @BPC Tech
MSI Radeon RX 6600 XT MECH 2X OCV1 $419 Delivered @Mwave posted a few hours earlier from

Gigabyte Gaming OC models for $439 also matched for those that want a slightly better cooler/performance
Gigabyte RX 6600 XT Gaming OC $439 Delivered @Amazon
Gigabyte RX 6600 XT Gaming OC $439 Delivered @BPC Tech
Gigabyte RX 6600 XT Gaming OC $439 Delivered @Mwave mentioned by nedski in the comments

5:30PM EDIT: Looks like Mwave has just dropped the price on the same model to $419 with free shipping…

Came across this Gigabyte RX 6600 XT Eagle for $419 at PC Byte with $9.90 flat rate shipping which seems to be the lowest price so far(?) for an 6600 XT with most deals coming in at around $450
Also seeing the same exact model for $419 at BPC Tech (free shipping at BPC I think) but currently sold out. EDIT: occasionally coming in and out of stock

The Asrock RX 6700 XT Phantom Gaming D for $699 delivered seems like a decent deal as well for a higher end Asrock model…

Otherwise you can save $20 with the ASRock Radeon RX 6700 XT Challenger Pro OC for $679 delivered @ Mwave…

Recent RX 6600 XT deals for comparison:
Gigabyte RX 6600 XT Gaming OC 8GB - $439 + Delivery
Gigabyte RX 6600 XT Gaming OC 8GB - $449 Delivered
ASRock RX 6600 XT Challenger D 8GB OC $449 + Delivery

Recent RX 6700 XT deals for comparison:
Gigabyte Radeon RX 6700 XT GAMING OC 12GB $699 Delivered
ASRock Radeon RX 6700 XT Challenger Pro OC 12GB $679 Delivered

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closed Comments

  • +18

    Retailers really sweating now, seeing 2-3 drops in a week

    • Bye bye increased profits! - but they could always claim inflation and keep the pricing high - at least for a year or two before the real inflation occurs from new stock orders

      • It's hard to get a clear picture on how much retailers were really pocketing because AIB manufacturers were cashing in as well.

        • +1

          It seems to me that all 3 of them (Manufacturers, AIB's and Retailers) have made out like bandits over the past couple years.

          • @wonderboy4: eventually everyone profited, but initially it was just the retailers.

    • Their tactics of manipulating price drops suck. The asrock 6600xt is still $450. Rather than drop the models proportionally they're hoping to reel a few in with this model first, only to drop the asrock to ie 399 after the sales from this die off. It's basically staggering one drop over like 10 individual AIB's of the same gpu.

      As a result of this shady tactic you end up with a gigabyte gaming oc cheaper than the asrock challenger lol.

  • +1

    EAGLE or Gaming OC?

    • +6

      Assuming Gigabyte follow the same "formula" as their other cards in the past, then from what I remember, the Eagle is usually their "base" model which uses AMD reference clock speeds, Gaming OC is a slightly overclocked version, Gaming OC PRO is again slightly more overclocked. Maybe like 0.5% difference in performance?

      I believe the actual cooler and fans is the same but the Gaming OC and PRO come with a different faceplate/backplate/shroud.

      EDIT: After having a look at the gigabyte website, the heatsink seems to be actually different and may be slightly better on the Gaming OC/PRO models

      EDIT2: Simple comparison chart…

      • +1

        Would they do this based on binning of GPUs or they just blindly o/c and assume the improved cooling/heatsink will mean the GPU can handle it?

        • +1

          A lot of these advertised "up to" game clocks (expected/typical gaming) and "up to" boost clock (max burst) speeds can be reliant on the cooling performance, so the better heatsink may be helpful both in performance/thermals/noise.

          That being said though, the factory "overclock" is quite minuscule on these mid range cards that I doubt there's much actual binning (if any) going on I reckon, Gigabyte don't do any AORUS models for the 6600 series either and there's always going to be some silicon lottery.

      • Cant you just overclock the card yourself to achieve same results?

        • Yep!

  • +2

    Now the temptation is kicking in, how low can it go!

    • +5

      My target is under $400

      • +4

        You would have been bashed by ozbargainers if you said that when these cards first came out lol. Oh how times change, bring on further price drops pls.

      • +22

        As soon as it hits $400 I'm moving the goalposts to $350

  • +7

    Scorptec also has the Gigabyte Radeon RX 6600 XT GAMING OC PRO 8G, 8GB for $459. Is it worth the extra $40?

    EDIT: Just did a google search of reviews. Short answer, no

  • Seriously when I wasn't looking for a 12GB 3080 those deals were popping up every two days - now I've been looking and haven't seen a good one in yonks! All these AMD deals lately has me considering the switch just so I can finish my build haha

    • Come join team red!

    • +1

      Just get a 4080 in 2-3 months at full retail, there's your value for money. Seems set to be the same starting prices as last launch.

      • +3

        what makes you think it will be in stock?

        • +1

          Mining demand is expected to be extremely limited, fab capacity is up, used market will be flooded alongside the excess stock being sold off. Should be fine after the first 5-8 weeks.

          • @jasswolf: I can agree with you but what the past 2 years has taught me is the market is unpredictable and if you can afford a card and it has the performance you want then buy it now.

            • @Silent-zai: The market was unpredictable because of interest in Ethereum, that's now dead. Not just because of its value, but because of how far mining difficulty has spiked.

            • @Silent-zai: Well the past 30 years have taught me that the last 2 years were a once-in-a-lifetime shortage unlikely to ever be repeated.

  • very nice. just hoping for some 3060/ti deals to follow…

    • +1

      Think there's been a bunch of 3060 deals lately - the real straggler here is the 3060 ti, haven't seen those on sale for a while now, but fingers crossed

  • +3

    So cheap.. Really interested as to what prices these will bottom out on.

    Edit: couple dollars cheaper, Asrock 6700 XT $659 + del @ Shopping Express…

    • Nice find

  • +5

    rip, i bought the 6600 for 387…looking like it won't be a week before 6600XTs reach that price.

  • +4


  • Hopefully will drop to the $300 mark in the next few weeks?

    • +1

      Pretty sure these are being cleared to allow for the marked up msrp 6650xt. These won't be getting to $300 in the first hand market.

  • +2

    HODL peeps!

  • I paid almost 400 for my 1060 in 2017, and now there is a card twice as fast for the same price… I don't know if I can HODL any longer guys

    • +2

      We believe in you. Stay strong. Dont give Jensen Huang another ivory back scratcher :)

      • +4

        (The 6600 XT is made by AMD, not NVIDIA — Jensen won't get a cent.)

    • +1


    • You're about to miss the next Pascal, plus better way better live video encoding if you're into such things.

    • If it helps, I bought a close equivalent to this card in game performance, the 2060 Super, before the Great GPU Crisis, for $480.

      So we're not were we might have been if there'd never been a crisis, not yet.

      We're still a year or two behind where we should be.

      Catching up fast, though.

      • Close. Arguably the RX 6600 non-XT is the more comparable card to a 2060 super in performance. The XT version is closer to a 2070 super

        • +1

          @slapmedo Looking at tech power up GPU chart values and you are 100% correct in this assessment!

  • -5

    Last year when counting the GPU price, use ROI way for 250days, then move to 365days, due to now per MH only pay out 0.0249, so every card MH multiple by 9.1 can be a guideline for basic GPU price…

  • I wonder how many 6700 XT cards there are left floating around now with the intro of the 6750 XT and the like. Seems like 6800s are thinning out too?

  • +1

    300$ by end of the month? That will be enticing.

  • +2

    JW just dropped theirs to $414. Done, im pulling the trigger.

    • +2

      Sheesh, hoping to see some <$400 deals soon

    • Shame their shipping seems to be more expensive (normally it'd only be $5 for something like this). good if you live near them though

  • Is it the same as this? guessing not, otherwise would have been ozbargained

    • +1

      Not XT model

  • +1

    No, that's not an xt

    • Figured performance is app 20% diff.

  • Bought when dropped to $499. Win some you lose some.

    • How is the performance?

    • -1

      Unfortunately all the upvoters on that deal were miners or millennials who love AMD. I tried my best and even reported the skewed voting to mods but they did nothing

      • or happy HODLers

        • hodlers would downvote. Encouraging people to buy raises demand which delays price falls. Hodlers want no demand ie nobody buying. Maybe hodlers will like this deal but honestly it's $20 below msrp for junk models. Unfortunately all the good brands like XFX/Powercolour/Sapphire are still $499 for their mid tier.

          Under $500 gets you undesirable models only. Asrock/ventus/eagle. Or the bad mech oc1 with 6600xt cooler.

          • +2

            @Jimmy77: At this tier of cards does the brand really matter? Seems to be marginal improvements if any across the brands. Maybe Sapphire/XFX might be better build quality, but even as price drops - they will still markup ~$50 above the lower tier cards - making it undesirable if you only care about performance?

            • +1

              @ozbagends: Of course it does. A lot of people just watch youtube reviewers and disregard the quality. There's more to it than the cooler/vrm. Quality of the pcb itself, materials used and a cleaner manufacturing process.

              Cheap fans & bakerlite plastic backplates which insulate the card. The laws of physics say all this stuff shortens the cards life.

              For the fans of alone you'd be basically trying to argue a 1 ball bearing vs 7 ball bearing fishing reel doesn't matter. Heaps of this stuff matters. If the reel still spins it may be good enough for you. But for most It would definitely matter.

              Why pay the same for a card that runs hotter and is made with cheaper materials. Both these things shorten the cards life indefinitely

  • Anyone know the difference between Eagle, OC and OC pro? is it just the cooler?

    • +1

      Has already been answered in the comments

      • You're right. Sorry I missed that

  • +1

    Waiting for 6700xt to drop more, RX 6700 non-XT on the way as well.

    • +1

      wow, the gap between the 6650XT and 6700 non-XT will be pretty small i reckon!

  • Pulled the trigger on the Mwave Gigabyte OC for $439 with free shipping.

    Im half excited to finally build my machine but also half dreading anymore price drops.

    • Curious what made you decide to pay $20 extra for OC version?

      • +2

        I was thinking of what was written above and reviews elsewhere. The OC has better thermals for overclocking than the Eagle. A number of forums also mentioned that the eagle's fan was noisy.

        Also I think im going to hold this card for about 6 months and the extra $20 is not bad to squeeze out a little more performance to tide me over for that time period.

      • +1

        The Gaming model has better fans, a better cooler and RGB - probably worth the extra $20.

    • You'll be alright nedski, enjoy your new gpu and pc build!

      • I'm looking forward to 8t but Mwave still haven't shipped it. I was hoping to get it before the weekend but alas.

  • +1

    Clowns on fleabay are asking for more than the price of a new card.

  • scorptec on ebay is selling Gigabyte Radeon RX 6600 XT GAMING OC 8G for $415.8 if you use afterpay.

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