Shopping in Aldi, put my groceries on the conveyor belt, kept 1.5m from lady in front of me and waited. Next customer comes along, stands right next to me and proceeds to use the divider to push my groceries further forward then when that didn’t work used her hands and reshapes my loaf of bread in the process. I said to her “Please don’t touch my stuff”. She responded with “there’s so much room”, I said “it’ll move forward and can you please stand 1.5m away” she then proceeded to stand at he start of the aisle and says “is this far enough away” wanted to say no, but thought better of it and ignored her.
Should Another Customer Touch My Groceries?

Poll Options
- 604No - keep your hands to yourself
- 66Yes - they’re touched by everyone on the shelf anyway
Agree - if she’d asked then I probably would’ve moved them forward if the lady in front of me was ok with me doing that too
If an adult female is rude she's a woman not a lady.
I thought she was a Karen or Pam.
OP had it right - referred to 2 adult females: (a) the "lady" in front, and (b) the subject "customer" that followed behind with the touchy-hands… who was not so lady-like and so didn't earn the polite term.
However, I could think of some other words to use (other than woman) that apply regardless of gender for her.
Some have a C- word for that?
I've rarely had my stuff nudged because I place my shopping carefully (hard/heavy to medium to soft/light things) so they can get bagged quickly.
I have "nudged" some items before, and I think that was acceptable. Only if the lady in front was being inconsiderate and hogging the line/spread out. It wasn't to be pushy but rather place them somewhere because I was holding everything in my hand like a douffous.
These days I hardly ever see the checkout options available, and when they are, it's backed up by three persons or more. Effectively been pushed to the Self-Serve aisle where I have my own system of doing things.
u do physical shopping? I thought U only shop with boot pick up or via new patented us air force white house obama x trump limited edition drone technology
Technically, It's not your stuff before you pay for it, it still belongs to ALDI. It may sound unpleasant, but it's true.
I think there is a bit of grey area in between. Once you have picked something up then 'temporarily' it belongs to you and you have the right to purchase it. When it was on the shelf every customer had the rights to touch, check it etc.
So something in someone else's cart is now theirs for the time being.
Yes ALDI may have powers to retake them as technically it still belongs to them (but that would be a rare case and they won't do unless necessary).I wish this sentiment was adopted by online stores. The amount of times a had a PS5 in my cart only to be slapped and told 'not today boy'.
Then you'd just get slapped one step sooner instead
In fact, some online stores do reserve the stock in your cart. But the thing is people don't always go through with the purchase, they might forget or change their mind and it sits in their cart, reserved and no one else can buy it. Usually it'll reset and go back into stock after a period of time, which isn't too bad if it's a short timer - but it really isn't that much better of a solution.
Following on from your logic, if someone took the last box of toilet paper I could just wait at the conveyor belt and grab it for myself.
Why wait that long? Just grab it out of someone else's trolley! It's exactly the same as if it was still on the shelf, because it belongs to Aldi /s
..and then the chances of you ending up with a goat is 2thirds.. wait, that was a different thread
I just came from that thread 😂 Why isn't it 50/50?
Of course you could. This is exactly what people were doing during the shortage. Before the toilet paper was officially purchased, people would grab, kick, and scream at each other on the way to the counter, trying to take the remaining packets. If the staff or police didn't see what happened, it's very likely that they could just rule in your favour or tell you to share the remaining stock, even if the other person rightfully picked it off the shelf first.
What is this, a Seinfeld episode? Haha
Technically, you just pulled that out of your arse.
More his than hers and rude in every way. The person sounds like a wank.
I don’t think we’re debating the legality of the woman’s actions
But once they're in your trolley or on the conveyor, you've made your choice to purchase it and other people shouldn't be touching it out of courtesy. It's up to you if you change your mind before purchase.
Unless you also think it's fine if somebody was touching groceries you've placed in your trolley.
Alright I’ll come and move your shit around when it’s on the conveyer belt at checkout.
I guess I'll just go through the checkout counters and pick stuff that I would have anyways picked….saves me a trip to the various aisles? Then once I'm done cherry picking what others have spent time picking, then I go pick stuff missing from my trolley from the aisle?
Maybe I should put a net over the trolley at that point because technically it's my net and nobody should touch it? That way others can't pick back from my trolley?
If she was respectful with moving them I wouldn't have an issue with it.
She was respectable according to his/her story. This person asked her to not touch "his/her stuff"
used her hands and reshapes my loaf of bread in the process
You are saying that is rude?
@[Deactivated]: Are you just taking the against side here because OP mentioned the 1.5 metres thing? Talk about blinkers mate.
With or without COVID if I was in OPs situation I would be pissed too.
@[Deactivated]: You're acting like you wouldn't be pissed if someone rolled up on you at the checkout and started moving your groceries around, you're either intentionally being disingenuous or you're a beta cuck.
Beta cuck
someone rolled up on you at the checkout and started moving your groceries around
I would say Thankyou. (Especially when you don't know exactly what happened there)
@[Deactivated]: It also wasn't 'just moving a loaf of bread' OP said that they reshaped it in the process. I'd tell the lady to go fetch me another.
@Cheaplikethebird: I was thinking reshaping means placing a vertical bread horizontally. If it gets squished in the process that's different thing.
I would say Thankyou. (Especially when you don't know exactly what happened there)
Another customer: puts peeltheonions groceries on the floor /launches it across the store
Peeltheonion : Thank you!
You're acting like you wouldn't be pissed if someone rolled up on you at the checkout and started moving your groceries around
I wouldn't be a jackass in the first place and try to pack my groceries close together on the conveyor belt so that other people can start putting their stuff there as well.
you're either intentionally being disingenuous or you're a beta cuck
FWIW, I think if something as benign as someone touching your groceries makes you pissed, then you've just lived a really sheltered life, and I don't know how you actually deal with the real challenges in life.
You're talking a big game because you're privileged enough to have not grown up in a world where being a jackass will get you knocked over the head. At some point, you grow up and learn that the bigger man avoids conflict.
On the note of being a "beta cuck", I once thought like you until I said the wrong things to the wrong people and got knocked. Gave me a real perspective on what's important in life and what's worth getting into conflicts for. Hope for your own sake some day you learn as well.
@p1 ama: I’m not saying square up with the woman jfc. I think you might have read a bit too far into my comment and you’ve taken a couple of wrong turns.
@[Deactivated]: Because if you were walking around with a trolley full of stuff and I just strolled over and starting picking things up and putting them back again you'd be totally cool with that and wouldn't say anything at all
Should have emptied two litres of milk over her head.
That wasn’t any of the options going through my head of things to do to her as a result of her rudeness - waste of milk though
One litre?
less wasteful than that 2 liters of full cream milk in my fridge that expired after using 200ml for my 1 bowl of cereal that i eat once a fortnight
Why buy 2 liters then? Also, milk freezes well.
I wouldn't be worried about the groceries being touched, I would be more concerned about the invasion of my personal space
Was her name Antonia by the way and was she buying Moser chocolate?
sure Karen
So you don't find this rude? FFS just wait. Not like you need to bags the conveyor.
Yes that probably was that woman's name …
Forgot your medication again?
Last time I was in Aldi the person in the line behind me was so close to me I could smell and feel them without turning around - gross
Maybe you were wearing Lynx that day and that's all that saved them
I really wonder if stinky people know they stink
Covid aside, there are some creeps that like to stand very close to women. I was shopping with my mother and she was behind, I noticed this man being very close to her. I asked her to move forward as I took her space.
I do despise conveyor belt hogs
this would never of happened if schomo was still in charge
That's "not his job"
looks down at large man at checkout
"I don't hold a hose mate"
Pam x2.
It's the fact that the other customer
used her hands and reshapes my loaf of bread in the process
Did you just completely glance over that part?
That's not reshaping. That is rotating.
@[Deactivated]: Hey I agree peeltheonion is argumentative and should be shouted down….but this comment was gold?! Perfect execution! Respect the play.
Why would you thank someone for moving your stuff that didn't need to be moved in the first place? They moved them because they didn't want to wait and wanted to put their own stuff down.
Exactly, only case I can envisage is OP put all his things right at the back of the conveyor and woman had no space, so she moved some of this things. A case of OP being overly covid safe and taking a liberty with the belt space, causing an issue to another shopper, and that shopper then taking a liberty with his bread, the OP escalating things.
This ain't woolies or Coles, the second person in line has a right to some belt space. I usually use he divider to push people's stuff down the belt so I am not handling it specifically
probably cooties
You’d say “thank you” because you’re submissive.
Whether or not what she did was wrong, you could have packed your things more tightly to begin with from the sounds of it and avoided the whole situation.
How would that avoid the situation if they wanted to keep 1.5m apart? People clearly need to be patient. And yes what she did was wrong, no question about it. I mean yeah technically OP could have avoided the situation by online shopping at Coles instead, but they shouldn't have to inconvenience themselves just because others don't respect boundaries.
Sugar me timbers
Sugar or Shiver?
They were packed tightly - gap was left between myself and person in front due to me respecting 1.5m between people
so should i ask around when i put things on the conveyor belt to see if they are tight enough to everyone's liking? weird
If you don't want people touching your bread then it's worth a shot.
maybe people are just more polite where i live
Did you ask a staff member? Nah, post on OzB first.
ask them what? If its socially acceptable for others to handle your items?
“Please don’t touch my stuff”
Fair enough.
"can you please stand 1.5m away”
Karen : hug me Darren.
That's someone worried about their health and safety. Have we further expanded the definition of Karen?
Probably a neurotypical, they seem have no concept of personal space. Like if I'm looking at a particular shelf of books in a bookstore, some rude person will walk right up close to me and look at the books on the exact same shelf. It's extremely unnerving and downright rude!
Or clothes shopping. It's like they think you're about to take the best and only piece of clothing. I think lots of people just don't bother noticing their surroundings. This person just sounds like someone that has a different rulebook for their social norms.
Yeah, they're allowed to browse the bookstore, same as you. You don't own the place. You might not consider that an appropriate distance, but you're the abnormal one (considering the fact that you're the one calling them neurotypical, aka normal).
OP time to order stuff online, oh wait, oh no, then there be someone else definitely be touching your groceries.
OP, you sound like the twat in this situation.
1) Basically, you are being annoying by leaving a huge amount of space between your stuff and the stuff of the person in front, making it more difficult for everyone behind you.
2) You decided to escalate a situation and cause drama - (i) it's technically not "your" stuff as you haven't paid for it yet, (ii) even if you preferred her not to touch it, the better response would have been to either push it up yourself as to not annoy the people behind you, or to simply say that you want to stay 1.5m away from whoever the person in front is for XYZ reason. No need to be passive aggressive.
3) Next, you further aggravate by engaging with her and it's clear you are the one starting it this time. You've literally been shopping next to people, around other people, touching stuff other people have touched, so your "please stand 1.5m away" is simply to just further inflame the situation. No need to do this.
4) You then think about potentially aggravating the situation even further when she has already moved as far away as she possibly can to the start of the conveyor belt.
Basically, you are acting as if the world revolves around you and that other peoples' actions are somehow directed towards you personally. If you dislike human interaction, then do yourself and everyone a favour and get your groceries delivered.
I'm sorry to say this, but you sound like an #amberturd supporter. It is perfectly obvious to everyone else who is in the wrong here.
Don't you hate how there's an expectation to "pick sides" on every issue? It's pretty clear here that both OP and the other person were aggravating each other, and the entire situation could have been handled much better.
OP cannot control the other person's actions, but OP can control their own actions. Hence, if OP wants advice as to how to deal with the situation, then the advice should be to communicate, de-escalate and not be passive aggressive.
At the same time, should the other person be the one asking the question here, then the response would have been that it was unnecessary to aggravate OP, that OP clearly had no intention of moving their stuff forward, and to live and let live.
So your saying you supported Amber! OMG like she hit johnny man she like shit on his bed man like she smirked in court man like she sniffed coke in court man like she drank mdma in court man
So your saying you supported Amber!
I don't know why we keep bringing showbiz nonsense into places where it doesn't even belong. I have no opinion on this because I think the entire drama is just stupid and nobody should care. But if you want to know what I think…
I didn't watch the trial at all, but from my limited knowledge, I think it's clear that Amber abused Johnny, was clearly vindictive and out to get him, and simply appeared unhinged during the trial. On the other hand, it's also clear that Johnny has his own issues with alcohol.
FWIW, this isn't even what the trial was about - it was about whether Amber defamed Johnny, and it's clear that she did and that he has lost public standing and/or money from that. This was also what the jury found.
@Tightbungholio2: How you managed to jump from an Aldi queue to the bed with Amber's Turd is beyond me. But you do you.
Ah shut the hell up, justifying shitty behaviour makes you a twat. Stop touching other people’s groceries.
Pick your battles
It's not clear if the other customer had a lot stuffs/heavy on her hand while op didn't bother to make space.
It's not an issue that this lady physically touched the groceries, as you mention they've been touched by everyone on the shelf anyway.
It's the disrespect of touching them after you have taken them and placed them on the conveyor belt, with you standing right there.
If she had an issue she should have asked first, then again you would have had every right to say now and she should have had to accept that