I created a previous thread where I had just had the surgery and it was one month out. Now it’s been 4 months so I thought I’d do another AMA.
On a sad note, I mentioned that I wanted to lose weight so I could chase after my son who was due in May. My wife had an emergency C-section and we had a rare (less than 0.6%) occurrence that caused our son to be still born. It’s been hard grieving and a huge test for me to not eat my feelings.
As for weight loss, I’ve gone from 101kg to 77kg. That’s been in 4 months. I’ve also dropped from a size 22 to a size 12. It’s been unreal. I’ve also managed to do things like go on a hike without absolutely dying, and do more at the gym. I can eat a bit more now, but have to make sure I’m getting protein in first.
What is your skin like after losing so much weight?
Was the surgery one of the best decisions you've ever made?
How is your overall confidence going and how was it before?