This was posted 2 years 9 months 22 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

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[eBay Plus] Xiaomi Himo Electric Scooter H1 - Grey $278.20 Delivered @ Allphones eBay


This previously popular small portable electric scooter is back on sale and a little bit cheaper than last time at Allphones with the coupon code.

It's small/compact, can be folded up, has a max speed of 18km and a range up to 35km. These aren't really suitable for adults weighing more than 75kg but they're a good option for kids/teens and I've seen plenty zooming around recently.

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closed Comments

  • +37

    A chick magnet for sure

    • +1

      slap a lamborghini sticker and you'll be fine

    • In this case, translates to:

      A face that only a mother could love.

    • +1

      I'm sure the birds love to sit on the handlebar.

  • +2

    I find it weird that these are called an "ebike"

    it's an escooter, not a pedelec.

    • +1

      Because JB and Xiaomi AU call them an Electric Scooter I've updated the title to reflect that. Afterall there's no pedals on this - only foot rests.

      • Hey Clear, I want to check a legal question only for NSW: is this officially recognised as E scooter or E bike?
        E-scooter is not allowed on the road in NSW.

      • So Harley Davidsons are motorscooters?

        • Legally this can't be called an ebike because they're not pedelec. There's no pedals just foot rests.

  • +3

    what if buy two of them and join them together?

    • Then it's twice the size.

    • +4

      Quad bike here we come!

    • +10

      You will become king of the land.

      • +6

        actually ill fit within the weight limit!

    • Then you will get twice the amount of weird looks

    • Yes, you can weld them together. However, you have to balance the speed of both motors in order to avoid spinning.

      • Some proper thought here. Haha.

    • +2

      You then get a TESLA Cheap

      • 7000 elenoops should do the trick

  • Not recommended to anyone over 170cm height. Otherwise you will feel very uncomfortable riding on it

    • +12

      you will feel very uncomfortable riding on it

      I think the general discomfort it’s unconditional…

    • +4

      Depends on whether you get satisfaction from that feeling

    • +1

      *riding with it in you

    • +4

      I feel very uncomfortable just looking at the design, and now you're telling me that I'll feel very uncomfortable riding it too?

    • +6

      “This was the largest automobile I could afford”

      • +1

        "Do you find something comical about my appearance when I'm driving my escooter"

    • I’m 176cm, I find it quite comfortable.

  • this is a legit question, but why is this so cheap?! Was looking at a replacement 36v ryobi battery the other day and just the battery itself was already $300!

    • +13

      Why’s it so cheap?! Take a look at it…

      • lol😁… that's the price of it being uber portable I suppose.

    • +5

      They probably built a metric crapload of them, and it turns out no one wants them, so they heavily discount. It does seem cheap for what would have gone into it.

      • Or they are illegal in most states and my state of Victoria. (sad but true)…

        • -1

          But mobility scooters and chairs are fine. Just another stupid rule that the vic gov come up with!

          • @cookie2: Mobility scooters and chairs are for people with no other choice

          • @cookie2: It's called road tax

            • @mousie: Wonder if there will be vicroads if you drive your mobility scooter on the road

              • @wasdw246: Depends. If it's useful or addictive it will be taxed based off consumption.

    • +2

      Seems like it was developed to a premium standard, but put simply, the product failed and they have lots of stock left over.

    • +1

      That's a pretty expensive battery, getting the same capacity in Ozito batteries would be $144. That would leave $130 for the rest of the scooter which honestly looking at it, seems about right.

      • You're being too kind

  • +3

    can't image if this runs into a pothole

    • +8

      Certainly would be time to consider getting a free eye test at Specsavers if you do.

      • At night hard to say

      • As an e-scooter rider, it's not that hard to miss a pothole. I've never hit one, but I know many who have. It's just like hitting a pothole when driving, sometimes they are seriously hard to see

        • +3

          The difference is this doesn't go fast like a normal escooter. If I'm going 10-15km on my scooter it's a lot easier to see them than when I'm going 45.

          • @Clear: In cars, I'm sure many can agree it's easy to hit a pothole even when you're driving at a slower speed. Sometimes… You just don't see it.

            For an e-scooter, absolutely, that's why I usually ride slower when I'm in an area with dangerous objects on the ground (sticks, rocks, possible potholes).

            I'd assume people wouldn't want to go very fast on this thing. It doesn't look very comfortable if you hit even a peddle with this :/

            What scooter do you have that goes 45 though? 👀

            • @Zackeroo: Once you go suspension you never go back when it comes to escooters. I still think the Himo H1 should be directed towards kids, but then most states require people to be over the age of 16.

              I currently ride the Dragon Raptor and will be upgrading soon. It gets about 60km unrestricted and I've set mine to 50km/h.

    • +3

      Saw a guy riding one of these the other day and he purposely slowed down and made sure to go around some tactiles on the footpath. I don't think it likes bumps of any kind lol.

    • +2

      you will get a free vasectomy

      • +1

        *surgical castration

        You can still (profanity) with a vasectomy.

      • Where can I get one?
        Asking for me

  • +1

    indoors use only

    • Dunno about that. The kids I've seen riding these outdoors were handling grass and paths just fine.

      • +8

        yea, after handling grass I would do something stupid too

        • But not weed!

  • -6

    It's got a strong Asian look to it that's for sure

    • haha u r funny, what car has the most Asian look to you?

  • Can you take this on an international flight?

    • You can't take e-scooters on a flight, so I'd assume this can't be taken either

    • +1

      Anything above 160Wh can't be taken on the plane and must be sent by freight. The battery in this is 36V/6Ah or 216Wh.

    • +4

      If you can have it classified as a mobility device for disability then you're allowed up to 300Wh…

  • +1

    that looks ridiculous lol

  • +6

    Thanks, bought for my grandma so she can ride it to the bowls club.

  • So…. Is it technically a scooter or a bike?

  • For the owners, what’s this like uphill?

  • +1

    I keep seeing these drop in price. At this rate it will be $100 mid next year and at that point I'll buy one.

  • +1

    The lengths people will go to to avoid walking or cycling haha

  • +8

    i bought one already. i am 95kg, still wont feel the difference to ride it on a flat surface. however, if ride uphill, i can feel difference very slow. hence, it still can be ride by a over 75kg person,my gf 55kg, ride uphill wont feel speed slow down at all

    • Being 6 foot 1, will it look stupid riding on such a tiny bike like this?

      • +4

        to me it looks stupid regardless

      • +2

        The stupidness is part of the aesthetic

    • Um me, and Mr Isaac Newton among others would beg to differ

  • Whom we deal with for warranty claim? Or just hope it won't have any issues.

  • some reason it reminds me of scotty puff jr.
    Not recommended over 75kg :(

  • +5

    Near 70kgs here, will start my weight loss to maximise performance

    • +1

      Shave the head for better aero aswell

  • Just waiting for next these to drop further, let me know when it’s under $250 then I might get one.

  • -2

    You think these will ever reach $200?

    Edit: Just consulted my magic 8 ball, it says "Without a doubt."

  • Will this work if you're a fat (profanity)? Asking for a friend.

  • I bought this for the office commute - hopefully it'll do an 14 minute bike ride comfortably

  • Time to become uber eats delivery man

  • sadly code no longer works

    • +1

      Should be good now

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