This was posted 12 years 9 months 17 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Square Enix Ultimate Collection - USD $7.49 (Other Deals in Post)

This post contains affiliate links. OzBargain might earn commissions when you click through and make purchases. Please see this page for more information.

Bundle price: USD 7.49

Just Cause 2 [Steam]
Kane and Lynch 2 [Steam]
Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light [Steam]
Supreme Commander 2 [Steam]
Tomb Raider: Underworld [NO Steam]

You need a US shipping address to purchse.

Many more deals in this thread

Edit: Tidied up post thanks to liveyourlife's comment

Related Stores

Amazon US
Amazon US

closed Comments

  • +3

    Wowee.. go amazon.. now that's a deal! (shame I already have every one of those games).

  • +10

    Just Cause 2 [Steam]

    Kane and Lynch 2 [Steam]

    Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light [Steam]

    Supreme Commander 2 [Steam]

    Tomb Raider: Underworld [NO Steam]

  • Nice, thanks for the bargain!

  • Great deal! Guardian of light is really good, definitely worth it :) +1

  • +2

    Good deal, Just Cause 2 is awesome!

    Also found this for those wanting to play Day Z:…

    Unfortunately it's not Steam version though.

  • +1

    This was in a deal yesterday - it's a dupe.

    • Technically it is. On the other had my spell checker is still working at 100% CPU usage trying to figure out that post.

      • What other had?

        • +1

          "On the other hand"
          I should proof read more. :/

        • Or tune up your spell checker;).

      • Sounds like you should think about upgrading your computer.

        • +1

          Even "Waton" the Jepardy super computer is still struggling with that post!

  • -6

    Too bad: "Game Downloads are only available to US customers".
    It is not just the US shipping address, i believe your credit card too.

    • Wrong.

      • Way to be helpful…

        cookie - it's just the 'delivery address' that matters, not the credit card location.

        • There's no delivery address for downloads, so that's not helpful. Maybe the proxy method can work…

        • There's ALWAYS a delivery address, and you don't need a proxy. I've done this a few times, it's not rocket surgery.

    • OK Got it to work.
      Apparently I got to change the billing address to a US address too, not just the delivery. Don't know how it go through with the credit card. But it did.
      Thanks guys.

    • +5

      Fair enough, you don't like to pay for games. But I don't get why people like you advocate pirating, in a place where people are obviously willing to pay for the game - otherwise we wouldn't be here. I prefer buying my games, you prefer pirating them; its alright to have different opinions.
      I prefer to buy them because, for the extremely low price, in this case, you get none of the problems of a cracked game, full access to any and all features (ie: multiplayer), and you own it pretty much forever.
      And just because a game is a console port, doesn't mean no effort went into its creation.

      • Sorry I almost completely agree.
        However, Steam and its games aren't really owned by you when you purchase them.
        I believe it's been covered before but you essentially "lease" a game license from the publishers which can be revoked for a huge number of reasons.

        So really one day the games you "own" will likely disappear into the myst. Unless Steam lives on forever.

        • +1

          This is the case with pretty much any software you "buy". Read the licence agreement.

          Steam is no worse than (and in many cases better than) boxed copies or other online options such as Microsoft Live (soon to be ex-Live) or the Apple Store.

    • +3

      "The code has to run on PCs before the games are released because they use PCs to make console games so all the work's practically already done."

      So very, very wrong..

    • You think it's okay to act illegally? You don't think it affects anyone?

      I may not think much of music and movie publishers, but I do know that at least a couple of cents from my purchase will go to the creator. Your piracy ensures they don't get even that. I also have a habit of obeying the law - even where I don't agree with it. You're saying it's inconvenient, so irrelevant to your actions. Have you even bothered writing your local MP to complain about the laws? My bet is no, because the law's not the issue - you just think stealing is okay.

      You say games don't cost any effort to make for PC? Where did you get this rubbish - did you make it up yourself or is someone selling it? Do you know how much effort and money goes into modern games? In some cases it's more than a big-budget movie. But you don't care - you prefer to steal someone's work, even if you can buy it for a couple of bucks when the product's been discounted.

      I sincerely hope this site's administrators report any posts that encourage illegal activities to the relevant authorities. Unfortunately doing so would place even more of a burden on those volunteers who already spend so much time maintaining this site. Regardless, I'm disgusted that I even have to share the same page as scum like you.

  • Got one, used US Proxy from google search to create a US based Account, then bought games without any problem with AU Credit card. enjoy !

  • Damn, no Secret of Mana!

  • +1

    No need for US proxy. Just use the following address:
    Federal Reserve Bank
    33 Liberty Street New York, NY 10045
    (646) 720-5000

    that's what i just used to purchase

    • Or alternatively, use 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Washington, DC 20500.

      • Square Enix Inc.
        999 N Sepulveda Blvd # 3, El Segundo, CA, United States

    • Just successfully purchased with that address, thanks.

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