It's back again!
As always, mileage may vary if you're a very recent lapsed subscriber, but my most recent stint ended in February and it works for me.
It's back again!
As always, mileage may vary if you're a very recent lapsed subscriber, but my most recent stint ended in February and it works for me.
Ultimate didn't work for me but I got 3 months of PC version for $1
Mileage does indeed vary.
My last subscription ended at the beginning of March and do not have the offer available. Best of luck to everyone else.
Edit: It seems I can however get 3 months of PC game pass which works well for me
It's asking me to provide a mail address in the US
Try switching to the Australian store at the very bottom of the page
Your link looked promising. Then i clicked on the join button and it auto logged me in and the offer disappeared.
Weird as I expired in January and was slightly hopeful.
Awesome - thanks OP ;)
combine with 12 months gold from Enuba to potentially get 12 months of XBGP Ultimate for like $40-45
I got 2 x 12 months from Enuba (for Turkey) and haven't been able to activate either (despite using a VPN). You had success?
So you're ~$80 out of pocket? 😬
Mine worked a couple weeks back, except I paid $15, not $1 to upgrade to GPU
Desperation mode increasing!!!
Rent free mode maxed out
Thanks op, now I get try the new XGP games
What happens if you guys as gift? Can you use later on same account? And will it be for 1 or 3 months?
It is only a dollar, I probably try it
Okie, unfortunately it is trying to charge me $46+ so the $1 deal is no longer relevant
Can I use this pass to be able to play on Xbox Game PC pass?
P.S. Don't forget to cancel subscription and get refund before the end of 3rd month!
Don't forget to cancel recurring billing to avoid bill shock
Yes. Ultimate includes PC pass
Yes. Ultimate includes PC, Console and Cloud
Yup, includes the PC pass. Also has the perks bit, which is mostly ingame items but has 3 months of discord nitro at the moment (recently had 30 free days of paramount+)
I just got the 1 month for $1 just 2 days ago, lol rip
I was about to do the same thing!
Does turning off recurring billing straight away cancel the sub or only once the 3 months is up?
Only once the 3 months is up
Thanks guys!
only once the 3 months are up. You can cancel your subscription straight after..
Came back here looking for the answer! Even though it’s deceptively written as though you’ll lose it all, no, it’s just cancel your subscription at the end of the 3 months!
Thanks for the info peeps.
Unfortunately, it didn't work for me… my GamePass Ultimate expired last month.
Don't forget to deactivate recurring billing and use cashrewards to get $1.60 back.
I didnt have the option to signup for ultimate but when choosing xbox PC gamepass it was available. Suits me as i dont have my xbox setup anyway.
Sorry I meant PC Game Pass — PC 1 Month. 2 months free
Dammit. I renewed yesterday :(
Same here!
You biyoooddddy!!!
Man I swear it is almost better to not pay for a sub hahaha. My partner just subs when we want to play together, and I would say 80% of the time there is a $1 deal waiting for her. So maybe for every 2-3 months she only has to pay in full for one. Unlike ol' chump over here who pre-paid 24 months in full, what a sucker!
Mine is about to lapse, but this time I am prepared! Been saving up MS rewards and got about 150k ready to go heh.
Ours expired a week ago and I still never get these offers. Maybe in a few months it will work for me.
great timing op, mine literally expired today
just clicked on it and it worked :)
3 months for $1 is a bargain
mine expired today as well…no link for me …just comes up as $15.95…any trick or hints you used?
just clicked on the link
but i remember last time this was posted on ozbargain, it didnt work for me, it appears to be hit and miss
mine expired today & link wont work!! bugger!!
Mine expired today and worked for me just by hitting the "resubscribe" button within my account under account management.
Sub expired in December and didn’t get the offer. Almost seems a bit random.
Anyone care to list some specific games I can get for PC with this? Possibly coop games I can grab some friends for.
There's a list here, which you can filter by co-op -
I let mine expire on 13 February and this deal doesn't work for me :-( Oh well….maybe next time.
thanks your link works!
Thanks, Ultimate 3 months didn't work for me but this did which is fine since Im a PC player anyways.
Same for me!
Would I be able to stack this with the Xbox live codes that can be bought on the Eneba website to extend it to a year of GPU?
Any idea when this ends? My gamepass is due next month.
PC Game Pass Expired on Apr 16, 2022
Xbox Game Pass Ultimate Expired on Jun 16, 2020
offer is there for me for XGPU
Don't forget to turn off recurring billing after you sign up, or you will be charged the normal amount after your 3 months ends.…
Any idea when this will end?
I've ordered the Lenovo 3060 deal earlier this week, but haven't got it yet.
Am I best to just subscribe now?
Xbox Game Pass Ultimate
Expired on Apr 2, 2022
No signs of deal on my end besides pc game pass, sad.
Worked for me! I had the Standard Game pass expire today and it let me upgrade to Ultimate for $1
Legend OP! Cancelled for PC in March and got 3 months of ultimate. I was hoping to jag one of these soon. Thanks a bunch!
Thanks OP got the 3 months for $1
Thanks Op. Mine expired last year some time. (have not missed it though).
Battlefield 4 here I come.
I wish there are similar Sony PSN Deals, I have not noticed any.
Don't forget to turn off re-occurring billing in the subscription.
Ok, I managed to cancel my active XGP subscription and paid $1 for 3 months XGP (NOT XGPU). Disclaimer: You'll lose access to XGP immediately by cancelling an active subscription, think twice before you give it a go.
Legend. Took the risk and did it.
Good for another 3 months now haha
Just did this, not working, they want the full price..
EDIT: Worked for PC Games Pass, just not XBGU.
Used a $1 for 3 months deal back in Nov. Expired early Feb. No joy on the above link so took the PC Pass deal instead.
last time I got 3 months PC Pass for $1 and then I signed up for Ultimate Pass for another dollar and end up with 4 months of Ultimate. I havent tried this time though
Thanks OP
Worked for me and mine expired 2 weeks ago. Still can't believe I can play Flight Simulator on my Xbox one.
How does it run?
Works through the cloud. loading times can take a while otherwise amazing.
All good here , thank you.
Damn wont work
Don't have an XBox but have a gaming PC, is this deal worth anything to me?
look up their game collection and decide
Yes, for only $1 for three months it is worth it.
called xbox to complain that this offer didn't work even though I was a lapsed subscriber. Was told that each account was only allowed one three month $1 offer.
Anyway, to cut a long story short…simply set up a new account to get the $1 3month offer & added it to my xbox, hey presto…job done…can now play using my existing (old) profile
"Was told that each account was only allowed one three month $1 offer."
Well they don't enforce that very well. This is my fourth.
Same, I've signed up to this $1 deal in the past as well.
Anyone else just get "Why can’t I change my privacy settings?"
It's for my 13yo son's MS account.
Thank you!!!
does this has cyberpunk 2077? any new recommendations?
gonna get FC5 on 1sy July
Confirm still working for me when I tried to subscribe today. Microsoft really trying to inflate the subscriber numbers before end of financial year. Works for me!
works for me, was a lapsed PC game pass player since April, game pass ultimate 3 months worked fine
thanks, worked
Negatory for ultimate (it switched from 1 month + 2 free into $15.95 per month once I logged in using Ms Account)
and only 1 month for PC Pass at $1.
awesome, thank you.
Didn't even know about this until Xbox told me my subscription expired so I went to renew it and said 3 months for $1 what a great deal!
My subscription expired yesterday, tried this today and it worked. Thanks OP.
Worked for me as well finally!!!
Is it still possible to get 3 months? I can only see 1 month for $1, and have been lapsed from PC Game Pass since Feb.
threw sads for me