I've tried all the different Glen 20 flavours and I think lemon is the worst at covering up poop smell after doing number two in the toilet. It just makes everything smell like lemony poop. I think I like Original best because it doesn't really smell like anything. But are there better brands than Glen 20, what do you use? My toilet room doesn't have an extractor fan so even with the door shut after taking care of business the spray is really important.
What Is The Best Scent to Use for Air Freshener to Cover Poop Smell?

but your farts give you away….
I know you'd like to think your shit don't stank, but
Lean a little bit closer, see
Roses really smell like poo-poo-ooh
Yeah, roses really smell like poo-poo-ooh
Air Wick Pure Cherry Blossom. Very concentrated. Tiny spray lingers for hours.
Interesting, haven’t tried this but looks to be half price at coles this week https://shop.coles.com.au/a/national/product/air-wick-pure-a…
This smells lovely. The Lemon Myrtle & Orange one even better. But utterly useless air freshener. Disappears in 10 mins.
I use few spritz for pillow before bed now.
The most underrated, yet most effective solution!
Yep, light a match after pooping. The smell of the sulphur dioxide masks the poo smell.
or any scented candles. better still if you use a matchstick to light it.
V.I.Poo from ColesWorth absolutely works better than anything
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qxaNMe8oDE8Fart Spray… double down on the nastiness I say…
Did your wife ask you to post this?
OP is the wife…
My toilet room doesn't have an extractor fan
That’s your problem.
Get an extractor fan or air purifier… the smell needs to leave or “captured” somehow…
Or wear a gas mask.
He can't afford it now. I reckon they jerry rig something now.
Like put your vacuum cleaner outside, and run the hose through the window. As soon as you start laying, turn that bad boy on, and let it suck out the devil's breath. The sound might also be nice, soothing like a white-noise machine, and drown out your heavy heaving. After you've done the deal, wipe, flush, and flip the switch for the vacuum cleaner.
Just dump outside.
Like the Poop Jogger … who eventually lost his high paying exec job. LOL!
a 48 pack of quilton 3 ply will cover it up
Glen 20 is a surface disinfectant, not an air freshener. That might be part of your “toilet problem”.
The rest of it can be fixed by eating Indian food every dayFlush immediately after splash. Flush again when all your boxes are ticked.
I suspect if you are using a box you might be doing it wrong.
I had this problem for about 14 years. Then I became single and the problem disappeared.
The courtesy flush. sit down, flush after the main event immediately (even though you are still sitting). Will cure 98% of the issue.
Eat more vegetables… (seriously; thats why cow shit doesnt stink and dog shit does. Its the meat/amino acids) Of course, you cant make this totally go away
It also comes down to if the bowel is actually able to break down and absorb the nutrients from the food consumed. I'd say to ensure no malabsorption issues in the bowel, other than just poor diet choice. My work uses v.i.poo , seems to be helpful when people actually use it.
Get an extractor fan installed
If your turds smell like death you could even consider changing up your diet. Sure poop never smells great, but the smell shouldn't be so bad that it makes the dog leave the house.
If you meditate regularly and effectively your No. 2's lose most of that nasty smell.
Just putting it out there.
My sh*t don’t stink…