Should I Accept Insurance Claim Amount on Damaged Carport?

Just involved incident where my carport was damaged by the storm came in not too long ago. Which lifted the roof and became out of alignment with supports. Since the structural integrity was compromised I was worried that if another storm came back it may collapsed the whole roof leading to more of a headache.

So place a claim with my home insurance to see if they compensate for the damages. Somebody then came to survey the damage and to say that it had been structurally unsound even before the storm came in and that my claim had been denied.

So then I called Customer Service to appeal the discussion, which took 5 months for them to come back with a resolution today Which was lower than the amount needed to cover the cost of repairs. They also added as a clause if I accept that I can’t talk and make a complaint to the CFA, small courts or media.

So I asking for anyones options of what if I complained to the CFA about this? And is there any other suggestions for seek better compensation?



  • Take the money.

  • +1

    I can’t talk and make a complaint to the CFA, small courts or media.

    OzB ok!

  • Somebody then came to survey the damage and to say that it had been structurally unsound even before the storm came in and that my claim had been denied.

    So was it dodgy before the storm came?

  • +1

    How much difference in money are we talking here?

    And as Seraphin7 asked, was it dodgy before the storm? If it was, you've got no leg to stand on in an external appeal.

    • 1k off the total of the repair cost needed

      • +1

        Why are you avoiding the question about whether or not the structure was dodgy or not before the storm?

        • Looks to me that answering that question honestly in a public forum would not be in his favour. I'd take the money and run, frankly.

      • How much is the excess for making a claim?

  • I would refuse the money and take it to the insurance ombudsman (if that's the next step)

  • Take the money, otherwise big chance they know something you don’t about why it was not structurally sound to begin with and if you take it further they can just deny the claim. Save the headache and cop the $1K on the chin and move on

  • Op could claim that he has no idea if a structure is “structurally sound”

  • CFA? Do you mean the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA)?

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