Slightly cheaper than the current half-price deal at Woolies if you S&S the product.
Get it quick before running out.
Slightly cheaper than the current half-price deal at Woolies if you S&S the product.
Get it quick before running out.
Same price for regular pepsi
Edit: also Solo, Sunkist and Mountain Dew
Also the caffeine free Pepsi light.
thanks, bought some pepsi max and sunkist zero
Hook it into my veins.
OOS already, darn.
It's back
Good lord that went fast.
OOS already, somebody got greedy and bought it all up
back in stock lads
4c cheaper than the usual deal, bought, thanks OP
I think they just put their prices up on this at Amazon.
You can also get the 8x2L carton for $17.20 on amazon, so slightly better $ to litre.
Hope not short expiry date like last time with the coke deal
I wish I could get Mountain Dew no-sugar from Amazon in this quantity, either that or cases of cans.
You can, I just bought a box yesterday for 13.50
I hadn't checked again since last time, just ordered it.
Edit: for those who want to try it out. It's lower carbonation than normal soft drinks so it's easier on the stomach, it has higher caffeine than normal at 200mg per bottle, but I find the caffeine to be less peak & crash as it is diluted and takes longer to digest than coffee.
The no-sugar option doesn't taste as good as the regular, but it's not bad and you quickly get used to it.
Significantly cheaper than E10.
I'd still rather drink the E10.
Thanks OP,
Got a max, diet sunkist and diet dew with s&s. Good deal.
the pepi max challenge reminded me how horrible this stuff is compared to coke.
I bought this last time round. They were flat :(
Always speak to Amazon over online chat, they usually give you a refund ofr replacement.
I find their chat excellent. Never had an issue getting something refunded. They've never asked for the original order back either.
If you have three Pepsi’s and drink one, how much more refreshed are you?
S&S option gone for the Max, still valid for the ordinary Pepsi
Just got mine, expires Dec 22
Cheaper than an official Sodastream bottle refill.