This was posted 12 years 9 months 21 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Diablo III for $58 at Big W

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Diablo 3 is in this week's catalogue (starting Thursday) at Big W for $58. $1 cheaper than Dick Smith.

Most stores got the stock in today (only about 20 copies at my local store – under embargo) and will be selling them tomorrow for the $58 price (despite the catalogue not starting til Thursday).

Cheaper than Dick Smith, JB, Game and EB Games.

Mod: Link directly to the product.

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closed Comments

  • Good find!

    • +1

      instead! I price matched at JB when picking up my pre-order. Thanks.

  • nice!

    • +14

      hahaha, give me a break..

    • +1
    • +8

      Funny since you're the one posting playasia deals.

    • +1

      thats not funny

    • +19

      I was kidding people! I hate EB as much (or more!) as anyone else :)

      It was mainly just to show the rip off price of being $30 extra

      • +33

        Remember the sarcasm tag next time would save you from getting negged…

        • +7

          Oh noes Off Topic! Someone think of the children!! DELETE haha

        • +3

          It was obvious he was being sarcastic to anyone who can read.

          If you need a tag you aint doing it right.

        • -3

          Ah if only there was a tag to protect us from every idiot in the world.

        • +1

          Actually, no - it wasn't obvious he was being sarcastic, Poxy. Sarcasm is more often than not lost in text because there is no well known way to denote it in written form. It is especially difficult when your audience is a bunch of people that don't know you, and your sense of humour, personally. This is why people have suggested over the years (as in, over the last half-millennium) punctuation like the irony mark or percontation point. I am pretty well versed in reading, but did not take that as sarcastic. Though it may just be that my literacy is no match for your incredibly superior brain.

        • have a whinge

    • +7

      They're shutting down because they weren't competitive enough.
      You expect people to hand money to businesses that choose to rip off their customers, just so they won't go into administration?


    • +67

      They probably only have 1 copy available, and it will take 1 month to get it delivered.

      • +2


      • +4

        Be a bit more realistic, they will probably have 2 copies but the staff already bought those copies and the website will simply overload and you'll get to see the resented "sold out" image. (It's ridiculous they can do this even though they got 500+ likes which probably means more then 500 purchases would happen)

        • Its not ridiculous if they have 500 people visit there site and without having to give away below cost products :-) it is the most pointless "sale" I've ever seen… I would believe they have 0 stock and the server crashes are part of the cover to make it look like they actually have something…. lol

      • +2

        And shipping will be $84.

        • +1

          Yep, a dollar for every day it takes them to process the order & eventually ship it to you! :p

    • I think we know where the unpaid GAME orders went!

    • For that price, they must of got it from overseas.. hahaha…

    • -5

      U fr rel bro, betta f5 that shie all nite nd wen the serva crashes rage all nite.

  • we can price match bigw price in jb hifi, so i can save petrol and time not to rush into local bigw.

  • Confusing description… is big W selling D3 tomorrow? the release date? which is a Tuesday? or is it selling it o Thursday at $58

    if they are selling D3 tomorrow, il buy it tomorrow if its a decent price..

    • +2

      Tomorrow. Like the description says.

  • 20 copies in stock?? Is that some sort of joke? I suppose if nothing else it will force DSE/JB/EB to lower their price on release.

  • Big W generally don't sell a lot of PC games besides Sims, and never get enough adequate stock… I remember when Battlefield 3 came out they got about 100 copies of both the Xbox and PS3 versions, but 5 of the PC version…

    • Sounds like PC gaming isn't the core focus of BigW, though one must ask why bother at all with the 20 copies per store sale? It will probably generate more frustration amongst gamers. Food for thoughts, that's all.

      • You could try a Big W at a regional area…

  • 20 copies…hahahahaahah…I live right near Brisbane CBD can you imagine how many people will be going to anywhere in the City that sells PC games tomorrow like BigW to pick up a copy. Good luck to you if you manage to get a copy though. I pre-ordered via battle net ages ago so it's already ready to go for tomorrow.

    And catch of the day is a bad joke like someone else said there site is hit with so much traffic it can rarely handle customers on good stuff. Every time I've wanted to buy something on one of there deals I've gotten server too busy messages. I'll pass on buying from them.

    If I had to buy a copy I would go Dicksmith Online for $1 more.

  • +3
  • which page of this catalogue does it show diablo 3? I've looked though it and there's nothing.

    • It should be on the front page

  • Not on the website yet. But it's definitely $58.

  • Nice! Will most likely pricematch with EB & trade some games

    • Also infringing on copyright..?

    • +3

      community edition ftw.

    • +4

      Trying getting online with friends with that.

      • +1

        maybe he doesnt need friends lol.

        • +1

          maybe he doesnt have friends lol.

    • +1

      Not gonna happen as it's an online game.

    • -1

      You'll be waiting a long time for cracked Diablo 3 servers. It'll be just like WoW.

  • OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. now that GAME went into adminstration.
    Big W stock wont last 10 minutes I reckon.

  • OMG………this is great news…i was worried that i have to pay huge bucks for the game since ppl already pre-ordered. thanks

  • Good find, but bought one from Dickie online yesterday.

  • interesting how they put up price differences even though both stores are owned by woolworths

    • +1

      Cause they're more than likely run by two different teams?

  • Anyone got the "shipped" email confirmation from DSE? Mine is still processing, and their website suggests 1-4 business day for metro area delivery. So I may even end up getting mine by next Monday?

    • The site said it would be shipped tomorrow.

      • call'em this morning was advised that it will very likely get delivered tomorrow. BUT no updates at all till now. Frustrating.

  • +2

    Thank god I've seen this, I've really been wanting to get a Diablo 3 bargain. Never thought I'd see one on here!

    • Not sure if serious.

    • I have also been struggling to find a D3 bargain. It's like there aren't any gamers on this site.

  • Wondering if I should cancel my pre-order and attempt a local pickup…

    • Will it cost you more than a dollar to get to the nearest shop?

      • +1

        Not unless you count the calories burned in my legs.

        But the point is my pre-delivery was with with Gamewave and they sent an email out saying that their stock, which is supposedly coming from the UK, will arrive between 15-17 May and then take another 1-3 days for local delivery. That is potentially a week after local release!

  • +1

    Not buying it. I'm a sheep and I will pay $79.95 AUD.

    • May I ask why?

      • got too much cash to burn….prob got the time too when he gets the key!!

        i want the game for under $40. tight-ass gamer

        • But most people come to Ozbargain to save money… He needs to go on a trip to OzSpend.

      • Whoosh…

    • +1

      Buying a digital copy from is only $69 if you change your currency to a non-Aussie region such as Mexican/US.

  • OMG!! This is such a great news :)!!! Now all I need is a new comp….;;;

  • Yes… I will be there at open :-)

  • Awesome deal. I used to work for bigw and they wouldn't get much stock of pc games opposed to consoles games. Or sims as mentioned above. Goodluck everyone!

  • +4

    Where is D3 in the BigW catalogue?
    I didn't get past the page with the bra's and boobs.

    • That's last weeks catalogue ;) This weeks should be up tomorrow/wednesday

    • +4

      Dude, you're about to get farmed for negs like Mephisto back in the day…

      • ahhhh Mephisto, thanks for the Tal-Rasha set XD

    • +3

      Everyone is entitled to their opinion…But having said that,

      Noone cares what you think.

      • 31 people do, just remember what age you were when u last played diablo and you will know what im talking about

    • Thanks for the insightful review; almost as good as this:

  • +1

    Catalogue link:

  • Just installed the game and its not working yet :(

    I guess we have to wait until the 15th in the USA before we can play (tomorrow)?


    Looks like if your account is registered in the USA then you have to wait until 12:01am PDT before you can play. Global Play, which will allow you to play on other server groups other than you're attached to, doesn't go online until 12:01am PDT as well.

  • Woohoo!! D3 ordered from JBHIFI just got delivered @ 8.47am!! JB u done it again as promised! ON TIME

  • Melbourne Big W is not in stock until this Thursday. Melbourne Dick Smith has 9 copies left as at 904am today.

  • Purchased this morning, ticket price at $58, used Woolworths Staff Discount and purchased for $55.10. Thanks OzBargain!

  • Box hill sold out. Dick smith out the front had 30 or so copies at 9.15

  • yay jbhifi price matched big w's price, thank goodness i did not have to fight the crowds

  • i got this at jb hifi for 58 price match melb cbd bourke street chinatown

  • Dicksmith still had copies at the Melb Bourke St store at 9:30, didn't think to match Big W price!

    Lost $1 :(

  • picked one up from DSE for $59 when BigW was only 50 steps away. on the flip side that's 100 steps less that I would have to take to throwing the disc into the cd rom.

  • bigw price matched by jbhifi. easy! got my copy from sydney george street.

  • BigW Macquarie Didn't want to sell today, but DSE did.
    They "BigW" said they only have 5 in stock to sell tomorrow.
    Bought it today from DSE.

    • You're lucky man I went at 2:10pm and JB HiFi had one copy left without the box and wouldn't sell it to me. And DSE was sold out.
      I got it for click and collect at another DSE close to home though.

  • DSE Rhodes, plenty of standard copies

  • Just matched BigW at JB Bourke st Melbourne. No fuss, just matched straight up, great service. Also let me know it wouldn't work until 5pm, lovely customer service :)

    Seemed to have many copies behind the counter.

  • Heads up guys, if you're looking for the CE, JB-Hifi seems to have them back in stock…

  • Easily price matched $58 at JB Chermside

  • EB Game do price matched too …
    I got it for $59 at EB this morning :)

  • Just grabbed two at Frankston. The person serving didn't really know where they were and I had to insist that they had them in stock, eventually they got them from out the back

  • BigW had no stock till Thursday, this was at Macquarie Park. EB however price matched it, so either way it's a win!

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