This was posted 2 years 9 months 19 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PS Plus] Extra/Deluxe Tier Lineup: Demon’s Souls, Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut, Ubisoft+ Classics & More @ PlayStation


For those not aware, PlayStation have announced they are splitting the PS Plus subscription into three tiers, and today they announced some of the games that will be included with the Extra/Deluxe tiers. (PS Plus Essential is the equivalent to today's PS Plus subscription)

Australian prices:

PS Plus Monthly Quarterly Yearly
Essential $11.95 $33.95 $79.95
Extra $18.95 $54.95 $134.95
Deluxe $21.95 $63.95 $154.95

To learn more about tiers see Playstation Blog

Here are all the included games that will be available in Australia at launch

PS4 and PS5 Game Catalog - PlayStation Plus Extra and Deluxe Plans

  • Alienation | Housemarque, PS4
  • Bloodborne | FromSoftware, PS4
  • Concrete Genie | Pixelopus, PS4
  • Days Gone | Bend Studio, PS4
  • Dead Nation Apocalypse Edition | Housemarque, PS4
  • Death Stranding and Death Stranding Director’s Cut | Kojima Productions, PS4/PS5
  • Demon’s Souls | Bluepoint Games, PS5
  • Destruction AllStars | Lucid Games, PS5
  • Everybody’s Golf | Japan Studio, PS4
  • Ghost Of Tsushima Director’s Cut | Sucker Punch, PS4/ PS5
  • God of War | Santa Monica Studio, PS4
  • Gravity Rush 2 | Japan Studio, PS4
  • Gravity Rush Remastered | Japan Studio, PS4
  • Horizon Zero Dawn | Guerrilla Games, PS4
  • Infamous First Light | Sucker Punch, PS4
  • Infamous Second Son | Sucker Punch, PS4
  • Knack | Japan Studio, PS4
  • LittleBigPlanet 3 | Sumo Digital, PS4
  • LocoRoco Remastered | Japan Studio, PS4
  • LocoRoco 2 Remastered | Japan Studio, PS4
  • Marvel’s Spider-Man | Insomniac Games, PS4
  • Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales | Insomniac Games, PS4/PS5
  • Matterfall |Housemarque, PS4
  • MediEvil | Other Ocean, PS4
  • Patapon Remastered | Japan Studio, PS4
  • Patapon 2 Remastered | Japan Studio, PS4
  • Resogun | Housemarque, PS4
  • Returnal | Housemarque, PS5
  • Shadow of the Colossus | Japan Studio, PS4
  • Tearaway Unfolded |Media Molecule, PS4
  • The Last Guardian | Japan Studio, PS4
  • The Last of Us Remastered | Naughty Dog, PS4
  • The Last of Us: Left Behind | Naughty Dog, PS4
  • Until Dawn | Supermassive Games, PS4
  • Uncharted The Nathan Drake Collection |Naughty Dog, PS4
  • Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End | Naughty Dog, PS4
  • Uncharted: The Lost Legacy | Naughty Dog, PS4
  • WipEout Omega Collection | Clever Beans & Creative Vault Studios, PS4
  • Ashen | Annapurna Interactive,PS4
  • Celeste | Maddy Makes Games, PS4
  • Cities: Skylines | Paradox Interactive, PS4
  • Control: Ultimate Edition | 505 Games, PS4/PS5
  • Dead Cells| Motion Twin, PS4
  • Final Fantasy XV Royal Edition | Square Enix Co. LTD, PS4
  • Hollow Knight | Team Cherry, PS4
  • Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy | Square Enix Co. LTD., PS4/PS5
  • Mortal Kombat 11 | WB Games, PS4/PS5
  • Narutoshippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 | Bandai Namco Entertainment Inc., PS4
  • NBA 2K22 | 2K Games, PS4/PS5
  • Outer Wilds | Annapurna Interactive, PS4
  • Red Dead Redemption 2 | Rockstar Games, PS4
  • Resident Evil | Capcom Co., Ltd, PS4
  • Soulcalibur VI | Bandai Namco Entertainment Inc., PS4
  • The Artful Escape | Annapurna Interactive, PS4/PS5

Ubisoft+ Classics - PlayStation Plus Extra and Deluxe Plans

  • Assassin’s Creed Valhalla | Ubisoft, PS4/PS5
  • For Honor | Ubisoft, PS4/PS5
  • The Crew 2 | Ubisoft, PS4/PS5
  • Child of Light | Ubisoft, PS4/PS5
  • Eagle Flight | Ubisoft, PS4/PS5
  • Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon | Ubisoft, PS4/PS5
  • Far Cry 3 Remaster | Ubisoft, PS4/PS5
  • Far Cry 4 | Ubisoft, PS4/PS5
  • Legendary Fishing | Ubisoft, PS4/PS5
  • Risk: Urban Assault | Ubisoft, PS4/PS5
  • South Park: The Fractured but Whole | Ubisoft, PS4/PS5
  • South Park: The Stick of Truth | Ubisoft, PS4/PS5
  • Space Junkies | Ubisoft, PS4/PS5
  • Star Trek: Bridge Crew | Ubisoft, PS4/PS5
  • Starlink: Battle for Atlas | Ubisoft, PS4/PS5
  • STEEP | Ubisoft, PS4/PS5
  • The Crew | Ubisoft, PS4/PS5
  • The Division | Ubisoft, PS4/PS5
  • Trackmania Turbo | Ubisoft, PS4/PS5
  • Transference | Ubisoft, PS4/PS5
  • Trials Fusion | Ubisoft, PS4/PS5
  • Trials of the Blood Dragon Game | Ubisoft, PS4/PS5
  • Trials Rising | Ubisoft, PS4/PS5
  • Valiant Hearts: The Great War | Ubisoft, PS4/PS5
  • Watch Dogs | Ubisoft, PS4/PS5
  • Werewolves Within | Ubisoft, PS4/PS5
  • ZOMBI | Ubisoft, PS4/PS5

Classic Games Catalog – Original PlayStation and PSP - PlayStation Plus Deluxe Plan

  • Ape Escape | Japan Studio, Original Playstation
  • Hot Shots Golf | Japan Studio, Original Playstation
  • I.Q. Intelligent Qube | Japan Studio, Original PlayStation
  • Jumping Flash! | Japan Studio, Original PlayStation
  • Syphon Filter | Bend Studio, Original PlayStation
  • Super Stardust Portable | Housemarque, PSP
  • Mr. Driller | Bandai Namco Entertainment Inc., Original PlayStation
  • Tekken 2 | Bandai Namco Entertainment Inc., Original PlayStation
  • Worms World Party | Team 17, Original PlayStation
  • Worms Armageddon | Team17, Original PlayStation

Classic Games Catalog – Remasters - PlayStation Deluxe Plan

  • Ape Escape 2 | Japan Studio, PS4
  • Arc The Lad: Twilight of the Spirits | Japan Studio, PS4
  • Dark Cloud | Japan Studio, PS4
  • Dark Cloud 2 | Japan Studio, PS4
  • FantaVision | SIE, PS4
  • Hot Shots Tennis | Japan Studio, PS4
  • Jak II | Naughty Dog, PS4
  • Jak 3 | Naughty Dog, PS4
  • Jak X: Combat Racing | Naughty Dog, PS4
  • Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy | Naughty Dog, PS4
  • Rogue Galaxy | Japan Studio, PS4
  • Siren | Japan Studio, PS4
  • Wild Arms 3 | SIE, PS4
  • Baja: Edge of Control HD | THQ Nordic, PS4
  • Bioshock Remastered | 2K Games, PS4
  • Borderlands The Handsome Collection | 2K Games, PS4
  • Bulletstorm: Full Clip Edition | Gearbox Publishing, PS4
  • Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning | THQ Nordic, PS4
  • Lego Harry Potter Collection | WB Games, PS4

Time-Limited Game Trials - PlayStation Plus Deluxe Plan

The time-limited game trial benefit will enable you to try select games before you buy. After downloading a trial of the full game, you can play it for two hours for most games – the playtime counter only counts while you are in the game. It’s a great way to try games before you decide to buy, and any trophies and game save data from the trial period will carry-forward if you purchase the game. Here are some of the titles that will be part of the time-limited game trials.

  • Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection | Naughty Dog, PS5
  • Horizon Forbidden West | Guerrilla Games, PS4/PS5
  • Cyberpunk 2077 | CD Projekt, PS5
  • Farming Simulator 22 | Giants Software GmBH, PS4/PS5
  • Tiny Tina’s Wonderland | 2K Games, PS4/PS5
  • WWE 2K22 | 2K Games, PS4/PS5

The following PS3 Games will not be available in Australia at launch

Original PS3 Games (via streaming) - PlayStation Plus Premium Plan

  • Crash Commando | Creative Vault Studios, PS3
  • Demon’s Souls | From Software, PS3
  • echochrome | Japan Studio, PS3
  • Hot Shots Golf: Out of Bounds | Japan Studio, PS3
  • Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational | Japan Studio, PS3
  • Ico | Japan Studio, PS3
  • Infamous | Sucker Punch, PS3
  • Infamous 2 | Sucker Punch, PS3
  • Infamous: Festival of Blood | Sucker Punch, PS3
  • LocoRoco Cocoreccho! | Japan Studio, PS3
  • MotorStorm Apocalypse | Evolution Studios, PS3
  • MotorStorm RC | Evolution Studios, PS3
  • Puppeteer | Japan Studio, PS3
  • rain | Japan Studio, PS3
  • Ratchet & Clank: Quest For Booty | Insomniac Games, PS3
  • Ratchet & Clank: A Crack in Time |Insomniac Games, PS3
  • Ratchet & Clank: Into the Nexus | Insomniac Games, PS3
  • Resistance 3 | Insomniac Games, PS3
  • Super Stardust HD | Housemarque, PS3
  • Tokyo Jungle | Japan Studio, PS3
  • When Vikings Attack | Clever Beans, PS3
  • Asura’s Wrath | Capcom Co., Ltd., PS3
  • Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 | Konami, PS3
  • Devil May Cry HD Collection | Capcom Co., Ltd., PS3
  • Enslaved: Odyssey to the West | Bandai Namco Entertainment America Inc., PS3
  • F.E.A.R. | WB Games, PS3
  • Lost Planet 2 | Capcom Co., Ltd., PS3
  • Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 | Koei Tecmo, PS3
  • Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare |Rockstar Games, PS3

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closed Comments

  • +33

    Couple things to note:

    • Existing PS+ subscribers automatically convert to PS+ Essential when goes live on 23rd June.

    • PS Plus Premium won't be offered in Australia as we do not have PS Now, but will become PS Plus Deluxe at cheaper price to be confirmed.

    • Ubisoft+ Classics is included with PS+ Extra and Premium (Deluxe). More info:

    • Previous purchases of PS1 and PSP games do not need to be repurchased nor require PS+ sub to play.

    • The games list in the official blogpost is only a selection of what is being offered. Plenty more to come.

    • +1

      Does that mean in Australia we can't play those PS3 games listed above?

      • +10

        That is correct. PS3 games are only available via streaming (no downloads) and Australia does not get streaming games.

        • +14

          lol. lmao.

        • Do you know why PS3 games specifically can’t be downloaded but PS1 and PS2 ones can be?

          • +1

            @zzzman: PS3 emulation is too hard

          • +2

            @zzzman: This is a good video on it


          • +1

            @zzzman: Short answer is the PS3 uses a different architecture in the Cell processor that is not easy to run on more common hardware no matter how powerful. Similar to how Windows cannot run on M1 Macs.

            So the only way for Sony to offer them is by streaming the games off a datacenter full of PS3 actually running the games. Alternatively, they can invest heavily in creating emulators for the games but have clearly deemed it too prohibitive.

        • Thank you shitty 3rd rate LNP NBN

          • @Geoff-bargain: Is that really to blame on NBN or due to inter-continental latency issues? I know there's a new sea bed data cable being commissioned in July sometime which supposedly will significant improve latency between Oceania and USA West.

            • @m0usju1c3: Absolutely we will blame everything on the LNP NBN

              • @muncan: My friend it's called the National Broadband Network. My point above addresses the fact that the PS Now servers are likely located overseas. For the record, I get excellent pings on my FTTC connection, typically 10 and under throughout Australia.

            • @m0usju1c3: No reason they can’t stand up servers here tho

              • @ldawg: Servers that would have to include the PS3 machines as well I assume, I guess so they probably could. Wouldn't have an issue if it was local.

    • I've had a US account since psp….I remember you could use psnow when it released like that. any idea if that's still the case?

      • PS Now is now PS Plus Premium.

        You can continue to use your US account.

        • I was mainly asking if anyone had tied psplus recently with a us account as it was several years ago that I tried it out.

          I doubt they'd turn down money from people willing to play with high latency. Guess I'll find out in about a month;

          • +1

            @xentar: Still not clear what your question is?

      • how to get a US account?

  • Thanks for the info

  • +1

    Now I just need a PS5, settled for a Series X due to stocks but that list looks promising

    Aus pricing not yet stated has me a little concerned, better be cheaper by a fair bit since we don’t get any PS3 games

  • +36

    Essential, Extra and Premium. Almost like someone at BP/Caltex came up with these names

    • +34

      Essential = E10
      Extra = ULP
      Premium = 98
      Xbox live = Diesel

      • +51

        PC gaming runs on Steam

      • Except there's no excise until September. But inflation with price soaring for more content.
        I don't believe this will drive up sales

      • Will Xbox live require Ad Blue?

      • So with essentials, will it break down my PS5 if I don't use it for a while?
        That's what that E10 crap does to the car.

  • +3

    Wonder what the cheapest path is to upgrade from essentials to extra… Probably by using discounted PS Store gift cards?

    And whether at the extra tiers there will be bonus games every month vs essential tier…

    Miles Morales, Demon's Souls, Returnal, Ghost of Tsushima and Death Stranding makes it a pretty good starting point

    • +2

      Can’t use gift cards stacking at the moment, Sony disabled it.

      • Yep disabled as I tried to use a card I had saved, it won't let me add it.

        Does anybody know when we can ? Otherwise it's wasted.

        • No news yet, Sony are meant to announce something soon.

  • +19

    I think I’ll stick with game pass but buy the individual PS titles I want like miles morales as these titles will soon flood the market.

    • +2

      Problem is, you get used to GamePass (digital games) and you start to become lazy swapping discs.

      • True but i went digital about 5 years ago.

        • +2

          True but i went digital about 5 years ago.

          You were looking to buy a physical game 1 month ago

    • Was thinking that too. Most of the third party games are already on gamepass and gamepass lets you stack membership super cheap (I got two years worth for $100!!)

      Will just buy the 5isj games I want from that list or use trials to finish them as they're mostly story ones (Days Gone, Miles Morales etc).

      Hopefully Sony aren't too strict with the restriction on cheaper methods of accessing thing. Strangely, MS doesn't seem to care how much you pay for GP as long as you use the service. You can do the currency exchange thing and get massive subscriptions for crazy cheap. Hopefully you will be able to do the same with PS Plus Extra in the future using like Venezuelan currency or something haha.

      • My theory is they dgaf because those options are helping them capture a demographic that would otherwise pirate or simply not use the service while growing the userbase, goodwill, word of mouth etc. and hurting competitors. They cam afford to run at a loss.

        Once they are happy with their market position and everyone is used to using and enjoying the service as their primary method of gaming, they might be a little more strict in enforcing regional pricing.

    • If you've already got PS Plus then isnt it generally less or equal to one game to upgrade?

    • Agree. I assume this could have a similar effect to the PS4 essentials collection where the discs go on sale under $20 (sometimes 10). If subscriptions are popular then physical copies will hold less value / become cheaper to obtain

  • +9

    Demon's Souls! Heh, now I feel less bad about missing this morning's Target clearance :P

    Cool, some nice stuff there. I was honestly hoping to see more about the back catalogue stuff too (Where's my Persona 3!) but this is a nice start.

  • +9

    Spiderman PS4? So not the remastered? Cmon Sony…

    • Exactly my thought

    • +1

      I reckon they want to have some stuff up their sleeves to add to the service every month…

  • The following PS3 Games will not be available in Australia at launch

    Did they announce we will be getting PS now after this launch?
    afaik we aren't getting PS now at all.

    • We won't be

  • does anyone know why ps3 games can only be played via streaming and not off a drive like the xbox backwards compatibility? ps3's architecture related?

    • +2

      Apparently yeah.

    • +6

      Unlike Microsoft, Sony haven't invested into emulation. Sonys justification for dropping BC on the PS3 (removing the PS2 hardware) was that only a small percentage of players even used the feature so they felt it wasn't worth the effort to support it. The PS5 would be able to emulate PS3 games but it's not going to be a dealbreaker for majority of players since the PS5 can play PS4 library which is pretty fleshed out and has remakes of some of the most popular PS3 titles.

      • It's cause sony sucks

      • It's less that Sony didn't invest in emulation, rather that the PS3 architecture was a total pain to work with, even developers hated it, so emulation on current architecture is too cost/development prohibitive. This does not apply to Xbox in the same way.

  • +2

    insane value, if you're new to gaming this generation, just buy the premium tier and you're SET.

    • +3

      The Plus Extra tier will likely suit most ($135/year). The Premium/Deluxe ($155) gives access to the Classics catologue and trials:

      Classic Games Catalog – Original PlayStation and PSP

      Ape Escape | Japan Studio, Original Playstation
      Hot Shots Golf | Japan Studio, Original Playstation
      I.Q. Intelligent Qube | Japan Studio, Original PlayStation
      Jumping Flash! | Japan Studio, Original PlayStation
      Syphon Filter | Bend Studio, Original PlayStation
      Super Stardust Portable | Housemarque, PSP
      Mr. Driller | Bandai Namco Entertainment Inc., Original PlayStation
      Tekken 2 | Bandai Namco Entertainment Inc., Original PlayStation
      Worms World Party | Team 17, Original PlayStation
      Worms Armageddon | Team17, Original PlayStation

      • pity the classics catalogue is so small. As am alll in one gaming service I would have liked some of the great ps1 games and psp games. Pretty sure MGS Peace Walker never got a digital release unfortunately.

        • I expect it will expand quite a bit after launch

  • +10

    Demons Souls, Returnal, Ghost of Tsushima, Miles Morales all on PS5 to be included day one is incredible for anyone making a new console purchase.

    Syphon Filter, Kurushi/IQ and Ape Escape from PS1 as well, are killer!

    Plus, those classic games get rewind and save states? Sweet!

    • +4

      I've held off buying all those games since I got my PS5 2 weeks ago, and now I'm glad I did.

  • +10

    Sony making customers pay for backwards capabilities 😭

    Im glad i have my PS5 for PS4 + PS5 games, and OG Fatboy PS3 thats plays PS1, PS2 + PS3

    My Series X is an all in one 😂

    • +5

      yep, I love my series x for that. wish ps5 ran did full backwards compatibility for ps3&ps2 and not a streaming type of thing.

    • +1

      But the games come with that price.

      Xbox just do it differently - give the the BC free but you still need to own/buy the games.

      • +9

        Games Pass includes a large number of Xbox 360 titles, you can play them with your subscription.

        • +1

          Which is exactly what PlayStation is doing.

          The dude above was saying PlayStation is charging for backwards compatibility…

          • +9

            @9674784: Not really, Xbox allow you to play games you purchased on other systems or still have the physical media for.

            Sony are forcing you to use their new service to play older games you may have purchased on other systems or own the physical media for.

            • @bobmonkey17: For visibility just commenting PS1/2/3 cloud streaming not announced for Australia. So gamepass still holds more value for older titles here if you wanna stream some prerevious gen classics (+ can be done on PC without a console)

    • +3

      I may as well buy a cheap ps3 since it's obvious they arn't giving us PS now ever.
      Been wanting to play through all the ratchet and clank games for PS3.

      • +1

        yup.. I'll be updating the CFW on my jailbroken PS3

    • Alas, there's still a huge number of Xbox games that can't be played on Series X.

  • +2

    Wow, between the new games and those back catalogue remasters and classics, this is a great deal. Count me in!

  • +2

    now i'll just wait for another 50% yearly sub.

    • +3

      Gonna be a VPN situation from now on

      • What's your internet like? Are you saying so that you can use ps premium?

        • +2

          Nah, in terms of discounted deals for the sub, probably not going to see any good AUS offerings for a while knowing Sony

        • +1

          We all live in Turkey

  • +9

    Australian prices were announced some time ago:

    Essential: $79.95/year
    Extra: $134.95/year
    Deluxe: $154.95/year


    • thanks updated

      • +1

        Im confused, what am I missing if I choose Extra instead of Deluxe?

        I can see you listed all those games available on both plans…

        • +2

          Looks like the only difference is the ability to trial select recently released games for 2 hours before you decide if you want to purchase (right at the bottom of the OP)

          Also hence why the cost between the two tiers isn't a huge jump

        • Sorry upon further research (it's a bit confusing to work it all out to the T) but from what I can now see is, all the Classic games are for the Deluxe only tier.

  • +1

    Need upgrade details.

  • +3

    I’m stacked for 3 or so years, I wonder how the hell this is going to work.

    • +5

      It's very simple. Your PS+ sub converts to PS+ Essential. Pay the difference if you want to upgrade.

      • +3

        same here, 3 years left, if only it was $1 to convert it all like xbox is haha

        • That’s basically what I’m asking. Is there an upgrade path? Do I just pay $60x3? (Diff between essential and top tier) Does it convert my essential time left to half for 1 year and a half of Premium? That’s what I’m asking here.

          • @JMxoxo: Your current PS+ sub converts to PS+ Essential for the same duration.

            The specific upgrade paths haven't been released yet but expected to be the price difference between the tiers.

            • @Hybroid: Yeah I assumed as such, I assume it’ll be choose plan, plan now expires on XX/XX and can’t be undone until it expires (assuming choosing highest tier here)

              I just hope there’s some cheaper one time path like the $1 Ultimate path which I still haven’t gone through haha.

              • @JMxoxo: Yeah we can work out price difference… But what's the OZBARGAIN way?

                • @Drj55: I’m stacked till mid 2024 and it’ll be $140 to upgrade to premium to mid 2024

      • This only applies for redeeming vouchers after the service goes live. Current PS+ subs converts to PS+ Essential.

      • That’s if unclaimed codes though, not if you’re account is stacked till 24-25

  • +2

    The Australian Prices are already out last week.…

    PlayStation Plus Essential
    Enhance your PlayStation experience with core features, including online multiplayer access, two PS4 and one PS5 game to download every month, exclusive discounts, and more.


    1 month $11.95/ 3 months $33.95/ 12 months $79.95

    PlayStation Plus Extra
    Enjoy all PlayStation Plus Essential benefits, and explore a world of incredible gaming experiences with the Game Catalog, featuring hundreds of downloadable PS4 and PS5 games.


    1 month $18.95/ 3 months $54.95/ 12 months $134.95

    PlayStation Plus Deluxe
    Get all PlayStation Plus benefits from the other plans, plus game trials, and access to definitive games from years gone by in the Classics Catalogue.


    1 month $21.95/ 3 months $63.95/ 12 months $154.95

  • I've got a few PS Plus 12 month vouchers, they wont become invalid right?

  • Any word on what you get on the pleb basic Essential tier?

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