Should Pointless Workplace Employment Tests be Banned?

It has recently come to my attention that some companies are requiring prequalifying tests that are masquerading as a data harvesting exercise. Currently your business might be pro LGBTIQA, but if the investor structure changes then this information can be used against you. The only way to protect yourself against this tyranny is to opt out of the data harvesting exercise. You can say no to pointless workplace employment tests.

The common sense test is to ask yourself whether this test is part of employment related activities or not. However, just asking a few of my friends has come up with a disastrous response that they would volunteer the information even though it was not employment related…

When did we lose our spines? Why should someone's LGBTIQA+ or Abortion stance affect a coding position? Why the heck does someone's relationship status affect whether someone can code? You are hiring a coder!

So you may think this data may seem innocent, but believe me, when the time comes and shit hits the fan and they need to cull people. This crappy pointless information you volunteered will undoubtedly be used by the "Change Manager".

Disclaimer: I don't care what someone does in their bedroom and neither should you. People should have a choice.

On a side note: You thought I'm talking crap right? Well, guess those guys at a social media company are wondering what they put on their applications. You know with the buyout and all.

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    But... Inefficient Labour Allocation is Good.


  • +30

    Bro, you fell for it. You're supposed to just lie about your actual feelings on non-work related topics while at work.

    They aren't testing you because they care about your political opinions, however just like any good (thought) police, they will happily use them against you if you're unwisely volunteering that information anyway. See, what they're actually testing you on is your ability to hide your spaghetti and not chimp out and spout ludicrous political opinions with no care for the audience or decorum.

    Be on your best professional behaviour at work, and save the gamer words and edgyposting for 4chan and Twitter (and OzBargain) like the rest of us do.

    • +3

      Sounds like OP believes “honesty is the best policy” applies everywhere.

    • +3

      what they're actually testing you on is your ability to hide your spaghetti and not chimp out and spout ludicrous political opinion

      wise words dude, honestly eye opening. thanks

  • +13

    You and SlavOz should make team up and go on a speaking tour…..

    • +2

      “Tin foil” gene?

    • +2

      The anti obesity tour?

      • You say that like it's a bad thing. Shouldn't we all be anti-obesity?

  • +7

    So OP, tell us what actually happened to you that prompted this rant. Did someone spread gossip about your stance on things, did HR leaked it, did you get passed over for promotion etc

    • +1

      I had the same thought.

      Member Since 18/04/2022
      Last Seen 12 hours 12 min ago
      Statistics 1 posts / 8 comments

      Move along, nothing to see here.

  • Why the heck does someone's relationship status affect whether someone can code? You are hiring a coder!

    They might just want to know whether there'll be someone at home to nag you when you're coding through the night! 😁

  • +1

    Honestly who has ever had one of these tests? Surely not through any legitimate company?

    Only ever cared about my wpm etc.

    • +2

      It's the first question when getting a job at Disney.

    • Most companies make you sit for a test. They want to see if you fit in with the company. If you have what it takes to lead. etc etc

      • A test yes. The type described here, I'm not sure how common they are.

        Certainly ridiculous team scenarios 🤣

  • +2

    If these tests are banned, it will make it harder for me to avoid these companies. Can we instead legislate that salaries, or ranges be public instead?

  • Loosely

    • You forgot the plus!

  • It's actually part of a companies ESG scoring:…

    The woke world in which we live :P

    • +1

      ESG is a scam by Ser Larry Fink.


    That is a 👄 full.

    • +2

      And yet if it was the name of a new scam crypto you'd be able to say it no worries at all

      • Tickers are normally 3 letters.

        BTC, ETH,

  • +4

    please add to poll I dont care

  • +3

    In Australia an employer should never ask questions in regards any of the 'protected classes' aspects, this includes:
    - gender or sexual identity
    - sexual preferences
    - relationship status, or intended future relationship status
    - religion
    - race

    Asking a question about any of them can raise grounds for a discrimination claim from the prospective employee.
    Do you actually have information about a company in Australia asking a specific question about any of those characteristics (unless exempted from a particular discrimination charter, i.e. acting where gender/race can be a distinguishing trait)?

    • Can employers say that not answering the questions will put the applicants at the bottom of the pile or affect their suitability for the job?

    • +1

      Do you actually have information about a company in Australia asking a specific question about any of those characteristics

      I don't think that's what was being referred to as OP's drivel included "…LGBTIQA+ or Abortion stance…"

      It sounds like someone has gone for an interview with a company that has a public position on inclusivity, womens' rights etc. An applicant's own gender identity or sexual preferences doesn't come into it. They are screening-out people who are overtly at odds with the company's values.

      • -1

        If the position has any authority over hiring/firing/people or contract management then it's not just about aligning with corporate ethos, but aligning with legislation.

        You do not want someone saying they hired 'Jonno' because all of the other applicants were of (or not of) a certain gender/race/sexual preference etc.

        Corporations are generally interested in minimising liabilities. If you are racist/sexist/bigoted then you're a liability, and they wouldn't want to hire you..

  • +1

    Should Pointless Workplace Employment Tests be Banned?
    Absolutely. And while we are at it, pointless topics as well.
    That rickety rackety bridge will collapse onto the troll someday.

  • +2

    Why should someone's LGBTIQA+ or Abortion stance affect a coding position? Why the heck does someone's relationship status affect whether someone can code? You are hiring a coder!

    Ideally in a workplace, you'd want every employee to be able to get along with each other, and share the same values as the company- a good fit for workplace. A very talented coder, but argues and can not communicate with colleagues doesn't make them a good team player/employee.

  • Why not add - should companies be allowed to request access to applicants faceplant, instragram etc accounts of people applying for positions.

  • I can see why OP is hyped about this. Most people are compliant with authority and will do what is asked just to keep their job safe. It’s a personal choice however but if you think your job is at risk you might say what the hell I’ll just comply and move on. There is no obligation to give out private information that is not related to your job. To fight against that could go against you. Sounds simple enough on the surface but there are people being paid by companies to profile their workforce for reasons best known to them and their latest algorithms. If you are worried about your privacy then say whatever you think will keep you below the radar or don’t participate. Not participating however could be the marker they are looking for and hold it against you. Just because there are laws regarding employment and privacy doesn’t mean employers won’t break them. Need proof of that? Google wage theft….

  • -1

    How about this?…
    Do you support this move from Netflix? 👇

  • Sounds like more of a survey than a test

  • I’ve never seen sexuality asked as a question, ever.

    Having worked on the data analytics side of this, it’s common to use gender to look for internal bias, see if we’re not getting a good match on applicants to hires and address why. Despite everyone thinking this is a woke world we live in, biases are still massive in recruitment.

  • Why should someone's LGBTIQA+ or Abortion stance affect a coding position?

    For people that are intersexed, trans gender or gender fluid, the pronouns they use might not be the same as what they appear to be. The LGBA part isn't relevant unless they have some diversity quota to meet.

    You are hiring a coder!

    Being a coder is much more than banging on the keyboard. You might be the best coder in the world, but if you lack the interpersonal skills to work with other developers and other parts of the business, you're not going to be a good fit for a lot of companies. Pre employment tests (that aren't coding challenges) are as good as anything to attempt to figure that out.

    • -2

      I wonder of people would feel the same way if the test had a question about your stance on LGBTQ¥^!, but you actually got rejected/bumped down the list for saying "yes" to it. What if most people at the company are religious, they shouldn't have to put up with a gay guy or some outspoken trans activists.

      I say this because Christian institutions (especially schools) have made media headlines in this country for expecting employees to follow their corporate values. There was a teacher who was fired not so much for being gay, but for posting photos of his gay wedding on Facebook. That's like the difference between someone being white and posting white supremacy stuff on their social media. One is OK, the other is a clear statement of principles and beliefs, which a company should be able to can you for.

      However, those who are quick to defend a company when they take a progressive stance on something rarely respect this right for other companies to do the same. Morrison tried to introduce the Religious Protections bill which legally protect institutions or employees who hold on to their religious principles, but it was met with harsh backlash.

      The underlying message in the media is that you're only a private company who's able to make political decisions if those decisions align with progressive values.

  • Businesses ask this information as they use it to measure EEO for company and government reporting. It is awkward but they have a legal requirement to report on gender hiring in their WEA govt reporting. Relationship status would be for if you have an accident , but prob not used anymore it's often just an old legacy type question that systems still require. No one really cares if you answer to be honest.

  • Prequalify should only cover skills or abilities within the role requirements themselves, anything more and it would seem like data grabbing for discriminations sake.

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