Aussies are threatening to boycott Supercheap Auto after a worker was stood down, even though many think he was in the right.
Do you think the Employees Actions were justified?…
Aussies are threatening to boycott Supercheap Auto after a worker was stood down, even though many think he was in the right.
Do you think the Employees Actions were justified?
Anime Avatar Detected, Opinion Disregarded.
He knew there was no baby in there.
What if it was a teeny tiny baby, or was wearing camo?
Objection hearsay, call for speculation! Sorry watched too much Amber Heard testimony.
I think it's easy to get caught up in the process.
Back when I was in the gulag of retail, within day 1 lessons was if you see a shoplifter, let them go and report it after they leave. It's not worth getting stabbed or otherwise injured or worse.
One customer one time literally walked out with a stack of 10 DVD players (back when those kind of things were actually worth dollars).. The checkout attendant had to let him go, the guy was built like a tank with tatts head to toe.
The other time the floor manager saw someone putting in a bunch of security locked GPS units (again when these things were actually worth dollars), into double insulated freezer bags. Chased the dude from the store, out to carpark, down the carpark ramp and TACKLED the shoplifter. The shoplifter got away, the manager had some scratches but recovered the units. In hindsight - that could have ended a LOT worse.
That being said SCA are DOGS for standing down old mate. I hope the guy takes the autobarn owner's offer up for a job.
That being said SCA are DOGS for standing down old mate.
Thanks for tip! :)
Same thing here, back in my Woolies days the training was never try and stop them.
I genuinely don't know why you would put your health and safety at risk to protect the profit margins of big companies when you are getting $20 an hour.
A wannabe hero is born every minute.
imagine $300 worth or stolen goods to the business versus a potential thousands if not ten of thousands of dollars in compensation if that employee was injured in the process..
Imagine $300 worth of stolen goods to the business versus (amount) of customers refusing to shop at it due to the businesses reaction to this incident.
TBH, I think that most people that say they will never shop at SCA again, will.
at 2:59pm after I said ** F SCA, not shopping with those a-holes till old mate gets reinstated with recognition from head office and a bonus prize/ ** - I got an email from SCA advertising SUPER CLEARANCE sale. Im not gonna lie. I did click in just in case there was a mad discount HAHA (there was not.).
Or you can whinge when the next time you go into Supercheap and their prices have risen to cover the loss of shoplifting, When the employees are told to just let them go.
It's not just $300 worth of stolen goods though.
It's death by 1000 cuts to our society in general.
Letting this crap go unpunished just leads to more and more of it until it's flipping unbearable. Supercheap packs up and relocates to a different suburb leaving yours in ruins.
So true, basically SCA are saying that "right" isn't "right" just because it's onerous to enforce and they'd rather let the rest of society foot that bill. I wonder though if SCA did have a policy of preventing all theft, how long would it be until someone stole something with the intention of getting in a scuffle to then sue based on physical harm?
I see it like this:
Stood down <> Sacking
Staff have almost certainly been told not to physically intervene
This could have gone very badly:
He or the Thief could have been injured
The baby could have been injured and think of the optics for the company of that
Thieves suck but SCA is in a no win situation when the thieves are hiding behind a baby
There was no baby.
But feelings - there could have been. Won't somebody think of the rotor? Don't you need two of those? Already stolen the first one?
I honestly thought the lady in the video was a comedian pulling a prank. Never seen anything like it.
What lady?
The one with breath I could smell through the monitor…
Oh, you mean mum?
Classy comment (not).
Nah she's a willful feral, not Will Ferrell.
She looks classy. I wonder if she's single?
Somebody give her number to J V :)
Jv be like… MOMMA?
Thought at least JV is an Aussie so, 'MUMMA?'
(no comment from JV yet??? Strange, banned again?)
@pegaxs: I still prefer JV over the Slav guy after following the twos comments.
One is factual, but brutal and abit cheeky.
The other one… Can't think of anything not bad to say about him/her.
@Domicron: I hope you are not referring to SlavOz as being "factual", because they are very very far from it. Most of their cited sources are right wing nut job, confirmation bias confirming, tin foil hat wearing, conspiracy theory echo chamber websites. And when they aren't, they cherry pick the data or manipulate the data or ignore big chunks of the data they are trying to express.
We neg JV because it's a meme/sport. We neg SlavOz because it's our civic duty to smack down misinformation trolls at every opportunity.
@pegaxs: Why did JV get banned? Sure, a lot of his comments are crap and pointless, but I didn't expect him to write something band-worthy.
Or Sis?
It is a shame the dude is stuck in the P Box again.
Yes, I miss jv.
free the JV
The scummy houso probably changes relationship status multiple times a month, flitting from one "stamen" to another like a bee collecting pollen. Anyone interested desperate, just knock on the door every day for a week at 2pm after she gets out of bed for the day, and you'll probably get… [cough] "lucky" eventually.
Were those actions by the employee part of his responsibilities, or did he just randomly choose to do that?
Probably the latter. Most places I've seen are pretty strict about not starting a conflict with a shoplifter/irate customer because it's so easy for those situations to spiral out of control and into 5-6 figure lawsuits. Generally safer for a business to just report a theft to the police and write it off as an operating cost.
Security to the car park please, security
I'm going to go with No, but only because people who want to be heroes shouldn't be wasting their lives in retail. They should be pushed into the joining the military, sent to the front lines where they can do the most good.
That's right that "lady" should be sent to the front lines.
Well that would be a waste of good equipment and would only serve to endanger the lives of fellow soldiers.
Better to just throw her in the pit.
Meat Shields have value to.
of Jenny Craig.
I'm with you, assuming that the guy is not the store owner and is a retail employee. The employer should employ people specifically to provide security, if it is a big problem for them.
So does that mean we have 3 shoplifters so far 😳😂😂
About 20 years ago, we spotted this well-built dude, putting an expensive Video Card in to a Pram.
When I confronted him about it he denied it, and I asked him to come into the office, and look at the video surveillance (Our system was pretty good at the time. He then picked up the 'toddler', that was in the pram and took off leaving the stroller behind. I confiscated the Pram, and retrieved the Video card ( as well as a few other things), and called the police.
But here's the best bit. I was looking through the video surveillance, printing snapshots etc and one of the staff asked me what I was looking at etc. I said we had an attempted theft. She said, 'Oh, he's up in Finance at the moment, applying for a loan'. I discreetly rand the finance room, and asked them to say, oh it's been referred. This usually only takes 20 to 30 minutes to sort out. Imagine the look on the guy's face when I walked in 20 minutes later with the cops, the pram, and alleged goods that he was attempting to steal.
About 20 years ago …Imagine the look on the guy's face when I walked in 20 minutes later with the cops
Yeah, right … cops responding in 20mins … lol.
This was 20 years ago, and we are near a 'low-income social area' so there are usually a few patrol cars in the area. My franchisee had meetings with the police LAC previously, as we had a number of theft/break-ins in a short period of time. I assume we were lucky that day, as on most occasions they would take at least an hour or two (or more, or turn up the following day).
I have made another post below, about times when the police took their time.
In VIC it would be the opposite, can't have the popo getting involved in political sensitive subjects. Post #BLM it's probably more so.
Labor state?
Whale privilege more like it.
Underrated comment lol
I’m torn between ‘employee did the right thing to keep prices down for customers’ and the business saying ‘shouldn’t confront whack jobs in case of lawsuits’
Shouldn’t just let them walk out with stuff, just encourages more to do the same. Shouldn’t crash tackle them and cause injuries to either party. Where is the line?
An employee isn't paid danger money etc
A few hundred thousand in stolen goods is less than a few million in damages from a scumbag lawyer.
This is true, but every time someone steals from a shop it affects the prices we pay at the register.
With that line of thought, the price increases 10x every time an employee tackles and injures a shoplifter compared to letting them just walk out?
Welcome to the Gold Coast - aka boganville
I thought that was Logan?
Supercheap: bad thing to do.
Shoplifter with prams: worst of human kind. Two reasons: one, using your kid as some kind of shield. Two, involving your kid in theft (it is a crime, but even if it is not a crime). Some of these people pass it down the generations because they think having kids makes it easy.
Having seen retail (family business) it is worst. Lets just all admit when people are left to their own devices and not think they will get caught they get all barbaric.
Where is the confirmation he was actually stood down? (and I think review then paid reinstatement with a 'don't do that again as it's not worth the risk in the current PC environment' should be the outcome) - and if he was stood down and never warned before, then boycott the brand!
More info please?
With that source you will only ever get a headline.
I would think most likely the guy was 'fired' but was given a nice severance and an nda… thing is shopfront workers at SC JB HN are dime a dozen so why would any company keep on an employee if the blowback is that a few months later the guy was still working there?
I dont doubt the guy is decent… but its been well known that getting it on with shoplifters isnt a thing.
Are Super Cheap really telling their staff to let shoftlyfters go?
Because that is simply shifting that cost onto the rest of the normal paying customers.
Everyone should be outraged about theft and insurance scams etc as WE are ultimately the ones that will foot the bill indirectly.
The businesses have most likely assessed the cost of security vs the cost in theft, and decided it is cheaper to let shoplifters shoplift (and perhaps then claim on insurance, or at the very least as a business expense item).
Imagine if this particular case went to court. The employer would probably be required to attend, the employee would probably be required to attend (on full pay), etc.
I’d guess that they self insure. Many businesses will have an insurance policy that only covers them from eg $50k upwards. Anything less than that comes out of revenue otherwise the insurance premiums are sky high.
I was with a business that had to pay out around $20k to coates/Kennards/??? for a hired mobile light tower that got stolen because their insurance didn’t cover it.
and decided it is cheaper to let shoplifters shoplift
Cheaper for their pocket, but disastrous for our communities.
Are Super Cheap really telling their staff to let shoftlyfters go?
What's the alternative, though? "Hey you, peon, it's your job to risk your safety by confronting a possibly violent criminal mid-act so that I don't lose my precious, precious $100s worth of merchandise. But for legal purposes let me be clear that I'm not giving you an order per se, so don't even think about suing me for medical costs if the criminal takes umbrage to you interrupting his work! And absolutely don't even think about deflecting blame to the company as if you were "just doing your job" in the case that your 'totally autonomous' actions end up hurting our 'treasured customer' and he decides to sue my company for his trouble!"
The alternative is not instructing your staff to allow crime to take place, and not punishing them if they actually prevent some crime.
If a person sees a crime being committed and has the inclination to do something about it then he should have that right to act.
It should be a legally enshrined right to remove this decision and/or responsibility from the company though.
The goods are insured.
A confrontation leading to personal injury can cost $1,000s.
It's not worth playing hero for a box of junk.
I think you will find that they are not insured. Quite often a large store like this needs a certain amount, of stock to be taken in one instance to raise a claim. With my Employer its at least $5,000
The only other option, I assume is when they do Stocktake, is to claim missing items as a 'known stock loss' and claim it back as a Tax deduction?
The goods are insured.
Lol - you understand that large business struggle with simple things like inventory control. Most of them have no idea how many units are actually on the shelf vs damaged vs misplaced instore vs stolen.
Imagine the logistics of trying to claim insurance on 1 unit and disproving that it wasn't just lost inside a store/warehouse.
I've worked for a large retailer for 30 years, and my current boss is a control freak (and 2IC), that knows everything is and is placed etc. Has been this way prior to me. There are 60 cameras (plus the 4 i installed) throughout the place, and data is stored for at least 6 months (I know this from when I was accused of signing for a Sony TV, when it was a small brown box from Sony- Mismatched Connote).
When is comes to focusing on work, he is a 110%, but forgets to pick up his daughter from training etc.
I am from a similar mold, but never forgot my kids.
But yes I agree, most large businesses have no idea. I have 2 friends that are store managers for a large Hardware store, and the amount that goes missing is incredible.
If someone want to play 'hero' at his own risk I am fine with that. We need to encourage this kind of thing.
If someone want to play 'hero' at his own risk I am fine with that.
It's not 👌 on company time.
The business would be liable if the customer got injured during the altercation.
@rektrading: I agree, it is a bit unfair for a business to be forced to make these kind of decisions.
Should be a protected right by law.
Much to my surprise (and allegedly inspired by events in the PC and litigation happy USA) let 'em go is indeed the response as we'll just raise prices to cover it… there is a similar 'what is the world coming to?' thread currently on NZ Reddit discussing the let 'em go store policy.
I wish I could neg this, but I agree. Hence a +1
It's a sad indictment when the staff member is stood down for stopping a thief.
If we just let people go, consumers will end up having to cover the cost.
We consumers cover lots and lots of business expense costs.
This is not new.
Damned if he did, damned if he didn’t. If he had have just let her walk off and management had have seen the security footage of him just letting her go, he would have lost his job over that as well.
“No good deed goes unpunished…”
My view is slightly different. If the employee had identified or suspected that shoplifting was occurring, he could have:
a) called store security to attend
b) challenged the customer at the register
I doubt he would have lost his job (unless maybe he was the specific security person).
a. Maybe they had no Store Security (which most don't-I've never seen a guard), despite their fake security announcements over the PA
b. Technically, the goods are not usually stolen, until they are a certain distance from the premises, or he may have been caught up with a customer.
I very much doubt that, day 1 of my training back when i was at woolworths was never try and stop someone that is shoplifting, you let them go and you report it. Most large retailers would have the same policies for this.
Seemed like a "hero" vid. But when you think about it, it's not his job to search people, retrieve goods or arrest them. Probably why no complaint was made by the store, because they would have been somewhat in the wrong. If reported, she might be known to the cops or could have her rego flagged if she had a car.
If he saw a rape taking place would that be your same view? Not his job to intervene, just let it happen.
terrorist logic, nice…
what if they were committing genocide?
I know on 2 occasions we caught someone, and called the Police. However, both of these people (One was a 13-14 Year old Male), were high, and were starting to become aggressive. We decided on both occasions to let them go, and serve them a letter/form, that they are no longer welcome at the store, and if they visit again, the Police will be notified immediately (which they sign on the condition, we don't proceed any further. These were 2 occasions (like many) when the Police didn't arrive 20 minutes later (as I stated above in another Post). This was in the early days of Ice, and you just didn't know what damage the person was capable of.
In regards to the 13 year old, we had previous images of him breaking into Playstation lockboxes, stealing games, and he even left his Leatherman 'pliers/tool" behind. When we confronted him, he denied it was him in the picture etc, and I'm like calling BS, that's you. When the Police finally arrived (after he left), the female Police officer said, it probably wasn't. They were twin boys, and used this as a means of avoiding being caught, or both blaming each other.
It's a minimum, but atleast your workplace serves these letters to some. Wow, perfect cover as a theif, My twin did it!
What was she going to do with one brake rotor?
i would understand if he was cautioned for his actions, but to stand him down it is pretty dramatic.
at the end of the day a lot of big retailers don't want insurance and other claims against them for actions that are preventable.
imagine $300 worth or stolen goods to the business versus a potential thousands if not ten of thousands of dollars in compensation if that employee was injured in the process..