if so, what is your threshold/range you'd pay a bit dearer on there??
rather buy it off Amazon or eBay if it were a more exxy???
(i'm having easy returns/disputes in mind and how much you value it)
if so, what is your threshold/range you'd pay a bit dearer on there??
rather buy it off Amazon or eBay if it were a more exxy???
(i'm having easy returns/disputes in mind and how much you value it)
it really depends if there are no retailers that look trustworthy, or if they all charge the difference in shipping fees, but $5 or $10 would be my limit. usually i go on amazon / ebay to get the cheaper prices, not more expensive.
My threshold is 1 cent.
The last 10 things I've bought from Amazon have actually been cheaper than the competition and I've never actually purchased anything from Amazon from the last 6 months at their "normal retail price".
Only buy from Amazon if it’s substantially cheaper or the only option available.
Yep, frak Amazon.
Depends on how quickly I want it. Example, I was looking to buy AirPod case. I could pay $12 and have it in a week from eBay, OR, I could pay $1.29 and get it from Ali in a couple of months.
I picked a couple of months
Ebay lost its appeal to shop there years ago.
I hate Amazon and would only buy from there if it is a lot cheaper. The last few things I've browsed on Amazon I have looked at all the other people that sell them, and looked for their normal websites and bought from their websites. Not going to let Amazon take a big % from them.
cause ebay doesnt..
Ebay gives you full control of your store and business. They don't commit predatorial business practices that undermine your own successful business by competing against you.
They might not commit predatorial business practices like Amazon, but as a seller on ebay, they certainly rape you on the fees that always seem to be 'creeping' up. Like the new payment method that worked out costing ME more….. Hmmmm?
@JimmyF: I was floored after the fees I paid on ebay last year. I hadn't sold there for a few years, and won't be in a hurry again!
@moar bargains: I don't know how some sellers make money on the site with all the fees. Plus like I said ebay is always finding sneaky ways to increase the fees like with the new payment method, oh look no more paypal fees!!! was the selling feature of the change, but oh we are also going to fiddle all our fees around and somehow you now end up paying slightly more than what you use to pay using paypal! Lovely.
@JimmyF: Yep, no thanks!
I sold an old hard drive for $20. They charged 15% just for the handling the listing etc, and then they never estimate enough for P&H etc.
I don't know how some sellers make money on the site with all the fees
I know! I see some little doo-dad for $1.20 or something with free shipping! Costs $1.10 just to stick something in the mail, let alone the envelope, printing, ebay fees and trying to make a return on your time too!
I know! I see some little doo-dad for $1.20 or something with free shipping! Costs $1.10 just to stick something in the mail, let alone the envelope, printing, ebay fees and trying to make a return on your time too!
Oh those ones I always wonder about too. Some of them are new sellers trying to fluff up their rating so treat the 'loss' as a form advertisement or setup fee. Lose $1k by selling 3k items under cost, but now their 60 day old store has a rating of 2000+ so appears 'safe' to buyers for more costly items.
Then some of them just dump letters into the postal system without stamps in hope that most of them get delivered, so the few refunds or replacements they send out they still make money.
Either way, ebay doesn't miss out on collecting its fees!
Either way, ebay doesn't miss out on collecting its fees!
Yes, to paraphrase Christopher Bullock:
When shopping on eBay it is impossible to be sure of anything except one day needing a refund, and eBay getting their fees.
Yeah never support Amazon if you can. People who blindly buy from them are destroying the community around them.
Always try to buy from the original store with the deal.
Amazon deliver your thing faster than the average Australian retailer even notices your order. Amazon is the future, it doesn't matter how evil they are when they are so efficient.
, it doesn't matter how evil they are
Until it does.
Unless you need something tomorrow, then why? I am quite happy waiting a week or two for something to arrive that isn't urgent.
I would pay more if sold and delivered by Amazon AU.
The best price and reputable store gets the money.
My having prime definitely influences this in the affirmative.
If the item is sold, or at least fulfilled by amazon and free same/next-day delivery applies - then I tend to factor that into the total cost.
Knowing that I'm gonna have the item in my hand by the end of tomorrow at the latest, vs the "we'll hopefully process & dispatch your order sometime in the next week, even if you fork out extra for expedited shipping" that I see from many stores nowadays, definitely gives Amazon and edge in my thinking.
Perfect thread for a poll.
No, unless it's only a very small saving elsewhere
Amazon delivers within 12 hours sometimes even in Adelaide. Order from a random Australian website and it takes two weeks. eBay normally takes a week, probably because I try to order eBay Plus items usually. The only retailers who ship as fast as Amazon are Apple and Telstra in my experience.
Do You Pay More if The Product Is Available on Amazon and/or eBay?
Compared to what though?
Walking into a store and buying it today? Compared to ordering online from somewhere else? Compared to waiting a month from China?
What store sells stuff cheaper than Amazon? The overhead on a retail store is higher than that on a warehouse.
Many things are cheaper outside of Amazon. Amazon has overheads too.
As someone who doesn't live near any traffic lights, Amazon is not any faster than eBay, or even Kogan for that matter.
Price is the single biggest factor in purchasing decisions, since timeframe is irrelevant. In this instance, eBay generally wins over Amazon.
I buy Amazon for the reviews. eBay for cheap stuff that takes a long time but is so small Amazon won't deliver.
But as def depends on the store.
AliExpress or bangood has good reviews too. But it's around the same price
I’d only pay extra on Amazon if I really need it in a rush and can’t get it in store near me.
Otherwise no, not paying extra if it’s cheaper elsewhere (after accounting for shipping costs)
Everyone hates on Amazon but are happy to shop at Bunnings forgetting that they have destroyed 99% of the indepently owned hardware store competition that existed 20 years ago.
Isn’t that the point? To stop monopolisation of industries.
It’s too late for hardware store industry, not much choice exists as you point out. But that doesn’t mean you should want it to happen to other areas, particularly if they aren’t even the cheapest option
Businesses come and go.
Bunnings won't be here in 20 years.
I doubt what you said. My prediction is Bunnings will be here in 20 years and same is Woolworths and Coles and Commonwealth Bank and NAB.
Interesting take. I can't see them going under in the next 20 years.
Lots of their items are too big and bulky so someone like Amazon wouldn't be able to push them out without opening physical locations.
Amazon's model is online shopping so it seems pretty unlikely.
Not cheaper or price matched, no deal, bezos
Selling through amazon drives up prices. "Easy returns" just means the seller loses money and amazon doesn't.
I have Amazon Prime. When I go to buy I check my preferred web sites and then Amazon. Amazon only gets the business if they are cheaper on the delivered price. Another factor is I get Amazon parcels delivered to the local servo. Couriers and Auspost just dump the stuff at the door and run although Auspost will sometimes take it back to the local PO.
Because I have Amazon Prime and because I do like their parcel locker location far better than where the parcel locker is located for AusPost, I prefer buying from Amazon.
Plus I do find it slightly difficult to know whether someone on eBay would put deliver things to parcel locker or not, whereas Amazon I don't have to worry about that. Though I do accept that this might be just because I haven't really bothered to use eBay for a very long while (if there is an easy way to know, I'd be more than happy to hear about it).
That said, I would probably not buy something at a higher price, I'd probably wait for a bargain (preferably from Amazon, but I am happy to buy it from other places if it is cheaper and urgent).
I wish I knew the secret to locating this within the Amazon app. I can never find what I’m looking for to Compare
Always Amazon. I never had a good experience with eBay especially from asian sellers. With eBay, Product is broken, don't arrive on time or not as advertised. While ordering from eBay, I look at the location, and if it is close by and not available anywhere, will go. It has been 4 years not and have not touched ebay. Amazon could be a bit expensive sometimes, but reliability is much better.
100% agree. eBay is so full of poor titles, misleading descriptions and outright scams that it's almost intolerable to use any more unless you're buying from a real store.
I had this exact scenario last week. Same thing available via Ebay, Amazon & 3rd parties for the same price. I chose Amazon because their returns process is by far the best.
I've had good experiences with both Amazon prime and eBay plus with returns. Both have been easy and painless
I even returned a product purchased from Amazon US website with ease, they were so good that they sent the replacement immediately (even before I shipped the return)
5 to 10% Sold and delivered by Amazon