Do You Use VPNs to Take Advantage of Regional Pricing? Which Region Do You Use?

I use NordVPN pretty frequently for this. I think the cheapest region was Brazil, but then they added some sort of number checker (CPFs) to online purchases, and I'm afraid to use generators to fill it in.

I hear Argentina's pretty good though. What other places do others use?


  • +1

    Youtube Premium India is pretty popular around here

    • +2

      I went with Argentina for my YouTube premium and it costs me $1.50 aus a month.

      What's India worth a month? I don't want to pay more than I have to :)

  • +5

    For purposes of cheap Netflix and Xbox games pass I identify as a Turkish resident.

  • I dont watch those streaming services, so the VPN not that much useful, but nevertheless for amount I paid (after cashback) was not much either considering 3 year plan. etc. Those in home, who use those streaming services have not a brain on bargain finding, research etc. (aka JUST cannot be bothered to use VPN for sole purpose of saving money via paying streaming service from a different IP address).

    As for youtube, vanced is still the KING

  • Turkey for Steam and Netflix.

    I used to use Argentina for Youtube premium for around $2.20 a month for the family plan but it doesn't work anymore, so I started using Turkey which is like $2.60

    • I'm using Turkey for Netflix too, Argentina for Youtube Premium Family (still works, just updated my card details using UP)

    • Huh didn't think of Steam thanks. I hope my chopper reaches there

  • -4

    "Do You Use VPNs to Take Advantage of Australia Tax?"

    There, I've fixed it for you.

  • South Africa for NBA League Pass.

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