Go big with the new .au direct web address. For a limited time, Sitefoundry is offering direct .au domain name registrations from just $8 for the first year. That's the lowest price of any registrar in Australia.
Find your perfect domain name, and the discount will be automatically applied at checkout. Domain names renew at $16 after the first year.
auDA launched the direct .au direct namespace in March. It's a shorter, simpler domain name that tells your customers you are an Australian business or organisation.
Sitefoundry is also offering discounts on other .au domain names. Register your .com.au from $10 for the first year. Find out more about this offer on OzBargain.
Contested domain names are not eligible in this promotion, and this offer is limited to the first 100 direct .au domain names registered. You must hold valid eligibility to register a .au domain name, such as an Australian Business Number. Individuals may request to register a direct .au domain by contacting our helpdesk.
Need to get priority tokens from auda so if you don’t own .com.au then you have to wait till 22 Sept 2022.