• expired

Exetel nbn, Opticomm & LBNCo Internet Plans: 50/20 $54.95, 100/20 $69.95 Per Month for 6 Months & No Lock in Contract @ Exetel

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Some pretty good plans from Exetel which are in line with prices on the Comm Bank target deal of 40% off. Only catch is prices rise after the 6 months honeymoon period, by that time the big red party should win and we should have NZ like internet UL 500/500 for $50 a month ( I know I am dreaming lol)

50/20 $54.95 per month
100/20 $69.95 per month
100/40 $79.95 per month

Also now the $10/mth Unlimited call pack (VOIP and can transfer your no) which includes the following is now just $5 per month after the Slash My Bill discount.

Unlimited local & national calls
Unlimited 1300/13 calls
Unlimited calls to Australian mobiles (in Australia)
Unlimited international calls to: UK, New Zealand, USA, Germany, Hong Kong, Japan, France, Canada, China, Singapore, India and Croatia. Other country call rates.

TAKE $5/MTH OFF your broadband bill every month when you order this eligible SLASH MY BILL bundle service.

I just transferred across from Origin/ABB free 2 months deal to this on on Opticomm Fibre/FTTP and was transferred without any hassle. I signed up on the 50/20 unlimited plan for $54.95 and pretty much getting around ~55-58 Mbps downloads and ~18-20 Mbps uploads all throughout the time (have Sam Knows box paired up with eero 6 mesh to monitor performance)

  • No $99 activation fee like other providers charge for Opticomm Fibre
  • Download speeds over-provisioned by around 15% as probably they want to stay at No 1 of the ACCC Measuring Broadband Australia Report
  • Currently Ranked 1 in ACCC Measuring Broadband Australia Report from 17th March 2022 (Optus is at No 2, ABB is distant No 7 I think)
  • No lock in contract (there is a 30 day notice period if you want to transfer/churn/cancel)
  • Free VoIP (works great for my alarm system) which works with VoIP handset as well as SIP software
  • Free Home Secure for 3 months (seems to be a decent network security without needing to install any software and works even with custom DNS)
  • Does not seem to throttle torrents etc
  • Good content peering with CDN, all streaming services picked up 4k within 10-20 seconds even with a 50/20 multi user household
  • Uses Superloop backbone network, so international speeds are pretty great (Exetel is now owned by Superloop)

Feel free to use the OzBargain referral wiki to give a fellow OzBargainer 10% off on their plans

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Referral: random (615)

Referrer gets 10% off per referral (up to $10/month per referral) for 6 months.

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closed Comments

  • +4

    Thanks for highlighting this… Currently on Opticomm (now LBNCo) however still paying the original price of $89 p/m.. same plan is $69.95 after honeymoon period… savings to be made!

    • Righto… gave them a call. Got through to someone straight away (yay). She advised me I cannot changed to the $69.95 plan, have to either goto the $89.95 plan (speed to be 100/20 instead of 50/20), or goto $59.95 on 25/5. For some reason, as an existing customer she cannot change me to the $69.95 50/20 plan. Asked her why that is and she said she would speak to her manager. She then advises me she can offer me the $89.95 plan with $10 credit each month for 6 months however you need to go on another 12 month contract….

      I don't understand why I can't go on the $69.95 plan but I can go on any of the new Opticomm plans?

      • +3

        "I don't understand why I can't go on the $69.95 plan but I can go on any of the new Opticomm plans?"

        I managed to stay on same plan for the cheaper 'new customer' rate. Was put on hold around 3 times for them to 'speak to their supervisor'. They kept trying to offer something else and explain why I can't be on the same plan (new customer only blah blah). Told them I expect to be on the same rate as a new customer if they want me to stay, and I asked to speak to their supervisor. Eventually they agreed - just stand your ground.

        • Thanks for the advice mate. I eventually just said I'll think about it and they are going to ring me back next week to see what I decide. Fingers crossed I'll be able to get the same outcome. Very silly I can't move from a grandfathered Opticomm plan to the same equivalent Opticomm plan as an existing customer.

          • @SShannonAU: None of these companies reward loyalty so it's the churning life for me!!

  • +3

    Can we schedule installation date next month ? Thinking to move on from Superloop due to finishing honeymoon period

    • -2

      Thinking to move on from Superloop due to finishing honeymoon period

      Has it been consumated?

      • +6

        Are you asking for a copy of his browsing history?

    • +1

      I didn't see any option to set the connection date on the ordering page, at least before the "Place order" step.

    • Good question, went all the way with the order until place order and couldn't find that option.

      Gave them a call and their friendly sales guy placed it for me for 1st of June.

      • Cheers

  • thanks OP any main difference with Tangerine? very similar deal/prices

  • Currently on ABB, if I signup to this without letting ABB know will my month to month contract automatically stop with them?

    • +1

      Keen to know this too

    • +2

      Probably have to turn it off manually with ABB. Changed from Opticomm with Leaptel to ABB and had two connections on different ports on the ONTP till I asked Leaptel to cancel the old one.

    • +1

      Depends if it's a churn or not.

      On FTTP, they usually provision the next available port and you then call up your previous provider to cancel the service.

      Having said that, every rsp has their own T&C's. It's good practice to confirm regardless.

    • +2

      Keep ABB active until your new connection is up and running to ensure you have no downtime. Then you have to contact ABB to disconnect and they are pretty good with it and they only charge you for the days you use.

      • You sound knowledgeable. Do you know if it is the same with Superloop?

        • I have moved from Superloop in the past and they were quite fussy about billing as they wanted me to pay for the whole unused month but I ended up getting charged on a pro-rata basis after arguing.

          I am now again with Superloop afer using various honeymoon periods. I rang Superloop yesterday to know their current policy and she said that they charge on pro-rata basis but I still can't believe that until I avail this. I might disconnect with them in a couple of days and see how I go. I would advise you to call them before cancelling.

          • @Yankyviking: Thanks for the reply. I have now seen on their FAQ that they don't do pro rata now. I'll disconnect from them too in a few days. Good luck to us both!

    • FYI when changing out of Tangerine i had to call and cancel. Didn't realise this didn't happen and got charged the extra month!
      Just go on the chat and double check just to be sure.

  • +4

    I have been with these folks for a couple of years now. Technical support is atrocious but haven't had an extended outage.

    • Do they still use the crappy SMS system for contacting support?

      It was the worst back in ADSL days. Made TPG phone support look good.

      • +1

        I think it’s either call them or drop them an email. Neither of the two are quick.

      • Worse than TPG really says something. I will never go back to TPG or Dodo.

  • -5

    Be prepared for their horrible service and support.

    • i guess thats why they are cheaper than ABB?

    • Assuming what OP is correct with "Uses Superloop backbone network", I have never had an issue with Superloop's service

      • +1

        Superloop acquired Exetel last year, so yes, the OP is correct.

    • +2

      Joined then recently, pretty satisfied with both

    • +6

      I was a customer for years and nothing to complain about. They only lost me due to price.

      • +4

        same here, customer service was ok for me (although I rarely had to contact them)

        also lost me due to pricing after being with them for over a decade

      • +1

        One time back in the 2000's I complained because my Exetel service constantly dropped out. Anyway, I got an email back from the owner at the time basically saying 'If you don't like it, p*ss off'. I though he was being a bit of a prick to me so I went onto Whirlpool to show everyone how crazy it was and when I went to post, I noticed that someone else had posted it already. The owner hadn't just sent that email to me, he sent it to every Exetel customer! … what a character.

        • +2

          lol. And people still go back for more

        • Superloop purchased Exetel in 2020/2021 - and i think he died in 2012

    • +3

      Have been with them for over a decade, back in ADSL days and now nbn, never had a complaint about either. Prices have been on par with or better than the average (I'm lucky to be on a grandfathered plan)

      • @askvictor
        Also been with them for over a decade but I got forced off thr grandfathered NBN plan, even though I did relocation 2.5 years ago.

        I'm paying $69.95 now for fttp 50/20

        Wasn't it $54.95?

        • Something like that, I'm still paying $60.49 for a 500gb 50/20, but the price did go up at some point in the past couple of years. I'm not expecting it to last with the new ownership

          • @askvictor: Mine is unlimited, which helps explain the difference.
            $60.49 is $59.95 plus cc fee

    • +1

      Been with them for a couple of years now. Found their chat support to be helpful and responsive when moving house while keeping the service.

    • +2

      Was with Exetel for 6 months and no issues, only left as 6 month discounted offer was up.

    • +2

      The times I had to call them as recently as last week, wait times were near non-existent and they were able to resolve my issues.

  • +5

    same prices as superloop.. any reason to go with them instead of superloop?

    • +2

      Same company I believe.

      • +1

        Huh, TIL. Looks like superloop bought them last year.

    • +5

      Your 6 months is up..

    • +2

      From memory Exetel do credit check and superloop didn't for me

    • Yep. Superloop has made Exetel the premium brand of Superloop and I dont know why they chose that path.

      I think its because Exetel manages their CVC bandwidth better than Superloop themselves. Superloop and Exetel still have their CVC separated even they was bought out.

      If your POI with Superloop get congestion often or nightly congestion then go with Exetel as you wont see congestion on Exetel side (Premium brand of Superloop).

  • +2

    Do people churn often jumping from every 6 month special to another?

    I'm still on a grandfathered Exetel plan from the good old days where the price was not temporary.

    $59/month for NBN50

    • +3

      Yes, need to return to the days of $60pm 100/40

    • Yep. I don't understand why NBN service providers don't have permanent good prices.

      • +24

        Because NBNco charge them so much, that most only make a few dollars/mth on their 50/20 plan.

        Because Abbott/Turnbull/ScoMo buggered the NBN up, instead of going with the fiber to all plan, they decided to force NBNco pay over the top to Foxtel/Optus/Telstra for their existing crappy infrastructure..So most got crappier internet, at a high price.

        • -1

          that most only make a few dollars/mth on their 50/20 plan.

          They don't need more for just sending a monthly email bill…

          • +1

            @jv: @jv: ISP connecting to NBN only would be a shit ISP as NBN do not proceed a connection to the actual internet.
            It would essentially be a massive LAN.

          • +1

            @jv: I suspect they have to pay for their backbone, hardware, support people, marketing, web development, billing, accounting operations.

            That is the case for most workplaces I have been working at.

            Have you come across some business where all they have to do is to send out bills? Maybe I need to find a new job

            • +3


              Have you come across some business where all they have to do is to send out bills?

              The ATO

              • @jv: Isn't ATO the revenue generation department for the government? The government has to spend lots on defence, public infrastructure, education, etc. I don't believe it's just a business by itself.

                Fun example to consider though, good job!

          • +6

            @jv: Don’t comment on things you don’t know about. Be quiet. Listen. Learn.

            • +2


              Don’t comment on things you don’t know about.

              I leave that to you then…

      • I'm with iiNet on 250/20 with home phone for $99.95/month with no lock in contact. Is that any good? On Ethernet I get about 235Mbps down and 23Mbps up on average.

    • Nope. Can't be bothered getting a new IP every time.

      • +1

        getting a new IP every time.

        That could be a good thing…

      • why don't you use dynamic DNS?
        Btw , exetel is using CGNAT which is no no for me.

        • +1

          You can opt out and get a static easily. It's a quick self service switch.

        • Eh? I can open up ports no problems?

        • Because I run servers out of home. Don't want to have to wait for stuff to update when internet goes down and comes back with a new IP.

        • +3

          You can opt out of CG-NAT and get a fixed IP address via My Exetel. Good thing is it doesn't even cost a cent !

    • +1

      I'm on the same plan, they've always been good for me. Would gladly pay an extra $10 for 100/20 but don't want to change every 6 months either. I guess I'll stick with what I have

  • +9

    Horrible customer service, as long as you don't have to deal with CS for my 6 month and it has been stable (uses same backbone as Superloop).
    Beware their cancellation requires 30 days notice, i.e. if you cancel and change provider today, they will still charge you for the next 30 days even you are no longer with them.

    • That's odd, I've found their customer service very helpful. Granted it's only 3 times I've spoken to them in 4 years.

    • @pgsheng How often do you really need to deal with them?

      • They massed up my service transfer in, caused few days without internet, had to call many times without result. Then wrong billing, no discount and somehow managed to put me on a business plan instead of residential. 6 month of use was ok, I didn’t need to engage them. Until I got bite by their cancellation policy, basically double paid for the 7th month, which took all the previous discount away.

  • +3

    Just checked my address on their Opticomm plans but says “ Unfortunately we are unable to provide a service to your address. You may wish to try an alternative supplier. Thanks for visiting Exetel.”

    I’m currently with Launtel through Opticomm

    • +1

      Same for me!

      • +1

        Seems Opticomm address checker is down, give it a go later

      • Had the same issue's when I signed up and my complex was exclusively Opticomm.
        Checker would work sometimes, others not. Signed up no issues and was connected within 48 hours.

    • Yeah same. This seemed like a no-brainer. Same fibre. Cheaper price. And dual IPv6/IPv4 stack with CGNAT opt-out.

    • +1

      Its back up and running for Opticomm/LBN Co Fibre plans now

      • Still the same message for me “Unfortunately we are unable to provide a service to your address. You may wish to try an alternative supplier. Thanks for visiting Exetel.”

      • +1

        Yeah, same here.

  • Is there any downtime experienced when changing NBN providers?

    • Yes, could be anywhere from 10 minutes to a few days.

    • +1

      Generally not. I just joined this plan the other day. Had my own moden. Exetel sent me through all the login details. I waited for my old internet to disconnect. Changed the details in router to exetels and connected straight away. Called old ISP and cancelled service.

      • How long roughly between ordering and connection? I have until Friday before I'm charged another month by Superloop.

        • I need to switch before 26/06, did you find out the time it takes?

  • +1

    I was with Exetel and found them very clunky when initially connecting. Had a drop out every now and then.

  • +10

    Be aware there is a credit card surcharge and they use PPPoE.

    • PPPoE is the kind that requires username and password on modem settings right ?

      • +1

        That's correct. I changed from Exetel to TPG and not only do I have to use PPOE but also a VLAN, it's crazy. The vlan has a lot of trouble connecting, I can "disconnect" on my modem and have a new IP address in under 5seconds but if the power goes out or I reboot the modem it takes 15 minutes for the connection to come back online.

    • +2

      After nearly 10 years on FTTP with skymesh/superloop I changed to Tangerine and they told me I needed to enter a username and password. I had ADSL flashbacks and had to lie down.

  • +2

    wake me up when they have a real plan like a 250mbps/100mbps plan or higher.

    • Lightspeed nbn™
      for first 6 months
      then $139.95/mth ongoing
      SAVE $120.00
      over 6 months
      nbn 500/50 Mbps
      Typical 245Mbps evening speed
      Our fastest plan for Fibre-to-the-home or HFC homes

      • I have Fibre to the home I have a constant night or day speed at 250mbps with 100mbps upload speeds.

        500mbps at only 50 upload speed its pitiful.

        • Agreed, this lower upload bullsh!t needs to stop

          Where in NZ is the 500/500 OP?
          Time to cross the ditch?

          • -3

            @bobzor: FTTP is every where in NZ. there is no HFC or FTTN like the BS we have here in Australia. They actually did it properly in NZ. everyone got FTTP (fibre to the home some also call it)

            This is what happens when you stupidly vote for an idiot government if you were with labour you would have got all FTTP but because you left it up to the liberals its all screwed. you all have nothing ot blame but yourselves if the orginal plan was carried out we would be all siting on FTTP today.

            • +1

              @kungfuman: you sound angry.

              a big brekkie'll fix that

              • @andresampras: unforturnatly big brekkies don't fix stupidity of others.

                • @kungfuman: I think you'll find there's nothing you can do that can fix the stupidity of others.

                  the most you can do is handle your reaction to their alleged stupidity.

          • @bobzor: Pretty much anywhere, its apalling to see 99.98% of Aussie nbn/internet users are not even aware whats available across the ditch and dont make a furore. Not sure why bogan investors dont care about THE INTERNET !


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