• out of stock

[Switch] Nintendo Switch Sports with Bonus $20 Harvey Norman Gift Card $48 + Delivery ($0 C&C) @ Harvey Norman


Just checked and saw the price has dropped and now includes bonus $20 gift card.

Free click and collect or $5.95 delivery

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closed Comments

  • +1

    page not found… a bit late for the party I guess

  • +5

    I got a reply to my order…

    Your order is currently delayed. You’ll receive an update as soon as possible. Sorry for any inconvenience.

    Looks like i'm on backorder.

  • And it's sold out now

  • I understand that to a lot of people, Gerry is the devil, but have you seen your "favourite" Aussie retailer doing stuff like this??

    I'll give you a clue, it uses black and yellow colours.

    • +2

      They are polar opposites, did JB lobby to get us paying GST on eBay purchases less than $1000?

    • Pornhub?

  • Some poor Amazon analyst will be sitting there today wondering why all these cancellations are flying in 😂

    • +3

      Cancelled Amazon order
      Ordered HN order (haha jokes on you, soldz out)
      Ordered Amazon priced one again

      Delivery time difference (none).

      Amazon Analytics (WTF!)

      • Hahaha yeah 😂

  • im in a que to get on the page. :s

    • yea this is stupid lol

  • +19

    Classic Press Start grabbing deals that are posted here and not even giving the ozbargain or the op credit, but use us to pump up their readers to make more money.


    • +3

      Yup. They do that alot and they need to get called out.

      I'm pretty sure when they were just starting out they used to steal stories from other sites and rewrite them too. Now they are a bit bigger so they probably get their own Intel. But still.

      • +2

        The worst ones are when they use this site for the amazon deals. Then post them under their commission links to make money off the purchases

        • +2

          lol what?

          First of all that screenshot shows nothing, second of all who are you?

        • +3

          Lol press start defending they didn't copy ozbargain yet post replies on ozbargain on this thread…

      • Why do you come to ozbargain?

        Do you get something of value by coming on here? Ozbargain is a business and they still need to pay for their staff, server fees, maintenance etc. It all costs money.

        Why shouldn't they be compensated?

        The least Press Start could do is provide where they sourced their info from.

        • +2

          Isnt the source of their info the HN Website……..?
          Its one thing if its a case of "we heard a rumour from a source on ozb that this will be the price on X day and stock will land on Y day" but its literally on the HN website!

          • @JuryWheel: Yeah if they indeed saw the deal from the website. My argument is they saw the deal on here first.

            I come to ozbargain as the deals are usually posted here first. Our community is massive I'm fairly sure it gets more traffic than press start.

            Although press start has grown alot over the years.

            • +1

              @Circly: "My argument is they saw the deal on here first." did they though? Im not certain.
              Anyway, it certainly cant hurt to give OZB a little love every now and then, its a great resource, but not sure they need to "quote" it as their source every time….

              • @JuryWheel: I think it might be a common occurrence? But then I haven't really been paying attention or really check Press Start at all.

      • +2

        More screenshots thnx

      • +3

        Ok and you get the heads up for every other bargain you post?

        They just happen to be the same deals posted here.

        • +2

          And is it true you repost the Amazon links as affiliate links?

          On ozbargain you need to mention that the link you provide is an affiliate link. Seems like common courtesy?

          • +5

            @shancake: I'm sure someone will cross reference your deals with the identical ones posted on ozbargain to see which ones were posted first.

            From the ones I've looked at ozbargain posts were first. Could be wrong but would be keen to see the comparison.

            It would be good to get a response from Ozbargain on this. If they are fine with it then all good.

            I still think it's common courtesy to provide a link when the deal was first sighted from here.

            • -3

              @Circly: You do realise that OzBargain is almost solely user generated content and from my understanding none of the contributors are paid regardless of the affiliate relationships in play? Even if we did steal every single post, why would they care? They're literally making money off of other people's work which is a very clever business model, that isn't at all detracted from what any outlet does?

              • +2

                @shancake: I'll leave it here.

                I hope some mods read this communication and can put it to bed. If they don't mind then I don't mind.

                I've been on this site for nearly a decade and I'm proud to see how much it has grown and they deserve to get credit where it's due.

                • @Circly:

                  I hope some mods read this communication and can put it to bed. If they don't mind then I don't mind.

                  Hi Circly, scotty has replied below.

                  I would just add that we agree it is courtesy to attribute the source of the deal, we always encourage our members to attribute their source: Found the Deal Somewhere Else? Stop Plagiarising, Do Attribute! and would hope that other sites would do the same in return.


                  • @hamza23: Thank you for the update and for providing clarity on the issue.

      • +3

        So you get a whatsapp message at 10:25 saying launch offer. The ozbargain post was at 10:12. Could easily be anyone sending you the deal, so you wont see an apology from me.

        • -8

          Okay chief. I'm not about to go leak somebody's number or contact details am I? I can sleep well at night with the fact that I've worked my ass off to build relationships with all major retailers which has helped me build one of the biggest outlets in this country. I hope you can go to sleep tonight knowing the same. Keep being an internet warrior with baseless accusations.

          • +6

            @shancake: No worries Champ, I know my comments are well backed. So keep living under your tree of rehashing things. I will sleep quite fine knowing I have the common courtesy to acknowledge that Im using someone else's information if I do ut. Clearly your parents forgot teach you about common courtesy.

          • @shancake: I mean you shared the text message in the context that it was before the deal when it's not lol. You could be telling the truth but then the proof you posted proves nothing, in fact it shows you could've indeed copied the deal on OzB without credit.

            • -3

              @Yuri Lowell: Okay, you win. Your proof that this post was the source for our article far outweighs what I've provided and what I know to be true, as the poster of the article. Not sure what else you want me to say? Do you want me to retroactively edit the article to source this post for something that I genuinely hadn't seen it until someone sent me this comment lol?

          • +3

            @shancake: it took you 13 minutes to reply to a random comment about press start. Pretty quick for someone who doesnt keep prowling ozb ;))

            • -2

              @kazer: Multiple people had sent me the comment and when did I say that I didn't use OzBargain? I use it almost daily, but for things in my everyday life that aren't video games related.

              it is one of the biggest, if not the biggest bargain sources in this country and it always will be? I've used it for my entire adult life and don't plan on changing anytime soon, despite this community continually being one of the worst that I've experienced on the internet.

              • +1

                @shancake: Really I think the community is pretty great. Sure there are Brodens here and there but people taking out time of their day to share bargains to others is pretty cool.

                Most of us here have saved/wasted lots of money because of this site. It's always one of the first sites I open every morning.

                • -3

                  @Circly: Well this is a prime example of the community maybe not being not so great? Imagine being piled on for something you didn't even do by a group of randoms and think about how that might feel?

                  I appreciate a passionate community more than most, but this is not the way.

                  • +6

                    @shancake: Prime example has been you, bringing this community down. Imagine trying to degrade someone for sticking up for OPs and calling them Chief.

                    Thats not the sign of someone contributing helpfully to the community is it? And yes I acknowledge I called you champ in return, but maybe look at your own actions before you try to neg a community

                    • -2

                      @Thunder-Wombat: Just curious. How is it helpful to the community, that you've totally derailed a thread with a baseless accusation that didn't have a single ounce of truth to it?

                      I totally understand your initial comment and why you may have thought it, but to not at all back down at all is honestly mind blowing to me?

                      • +6

                        @shancake: I made the mention of it cause it happens so often, and you have done it to posts I have made also.

                        There is no evidence to back up your claims, not a single ounce. You have posted one message on whatsapp which could easily be from the same people who told you I had made a comment.

                        The facts are that many of your deal posts come after the fact its been posted on ozbargain, and I would highly doubt that for example harvey norman is messaging you every single deal, even ones that are sold out.

                        For instance this deal, https://press-start.com.au/bargains/2022/04/26/harvey-norman…

                        It was posted on ozbargain at 5am and by the time you posted which was around 11am the main games were already out of stock. Not a single mention of ozbargain but somehow you knew the prices of items that had already been removed from the website when you posted.

              • +4


                when did I say that I didn't use OzBargain? I use it almost daily, but for things in my everyday life that aren't video games related.

                I don't believe you.

                If that was true you wouldn't be here posting in this video game deal.

                The fact that you did post was actually a huge mistake as it just egged everyone on and now there are so many comments about it that everyone skimming through the comments is bound to take notice.

          • @shancake: Wow shancake - typical AWM with an inflated ego. Hope he is not in his teens :rofl: Anyone care to post his Full Name, Linked In Profile and other deets here ?

            • +2

              @regenade: I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess "shancake" is Shannon Grixti - the managing editor. Very active in the Facebook groups - which I actually quite enjoy. I've had the same thoughts though when I've seen posts on there after they've been on OzB. Hasn't bothered me much, though.

              I wouldn't usually do this - but it seems pretty obvious + he's the head of Press-Start + he seems to be an almost-one-man-show for that site - it's a tough business. Credit where credit is due, I think he mostly does a good job.

              • +1

                @Lockdude: "Press Start is owned by Southern Cross Austereo, Australia’s largest media company."

                Might look like an almost-one-man-show if you're going by the Facebook groups, which I also appreciate and participate in regularly, but the website is owned by SCA, a multi-billion dollar media corporation that has deals with almost every single radio and TV network in Australia.

                • @Qualbert: Gee. With that backing they should know better.

                  It's good the line in the sand has been drawn.

                  • @Circly: I mean they've done well to build up a bloody gaming empire that pumps out daily content, reviews, and affiliate links. Slightly jealous to be honest as somebody attempting to do the same! Kudos to Shannon and any Press Start staff for what they've created. I'm not gonna take sides in this argument as I value both OzBargain and Press Start, but honesty and transparency truly are vital to online communities like both of these.

                • @Qualbert: Sounds like Shannon started it then got their backing later on?

    • +7

      Either the guy who runs it or an editor for them is in a gaming group I am in on FB and he constantly posts deals that were posted 30mins-1hr before on here. Pretty obvious he gets most things from here. I guess if he says it people will just go here rather than them getting the clicks.

      • -1

        If there's nothing in the group that isn't just grabbed from here, can I ask why you (and clearly so many others here) are even in the group? Seems a bit redundant to me?

        • +1

          They do reviews of games as well. The actual group I'm in separate to press start anyway. Just seems that guy in particular is the most active (he's an administrator I'm pretty sure)

    • We are marking this comment-thread as off-topic. The moderators are looking into likelihood that the other publications are copying deals from OzBargain. However meanwhile, please refrain from making accusations here.

    • You’ve added to their clicks, by sharing their link. LOL

  • +1

    Screw you jerry! I spent 15 mins trying to get the gift card to work, kept saying invalid even though it's an instant gift card. And now it's OOS and I'm stuck with a $50 gift card trying to save $2.50.

    • +2


    • same situation here. Exchanged $50 Harvey gift card from Prezzee. Harvey website crashed. And now out of stock.


    • I was in the same boat. I am assuming your gift card number was an alphanumeric one starting with 'H' In my case, I tried adding a pin to the end of the giftcard number and it worked.

      • So u just didn’t understand how it worked and not that it didn’t work

    • +1


  • Ordered at 10:39, they ran out of stock and it's on backorder, estimated to be ready within 2 weeks.

  • +8
    • +1

      posted too early!!! by the time I got to payment screen, I couldn't get through. damn you

    • +1

      Worked for me and got a confirmation email. Just waiting for the cancellation now…. :-)

      • Also, this was for delivery, plus $5.95,

        • I am unable to open the link to switch sport. How did you get to work it?

  • -1

    I couldn't add it my cart in the last few minutes before it sold out. Tried to get Amazon to price match or at least provide the difference via an Amazon gift card as I had mine on preorder and they refused.

    I should known better not to preorder so will return and wait for another deal or price drop.

    • The people you interact with have no authority to change pricing as they are CS. Only the pricing team can and they don't take request by customers as they don't have price match/beat policy. Sometimes they may take a day to find out somewhere selling cheaper.

    • +1

      That's crazy…

      You were happy to pay the pre-order price previously but this sale has made you cancel your order because you now feel slighted by… the universe? Sure it's $10 more and you don't get a gift card, but the game should still be good regardless of the price. Is what you're missing really worth the remorse in the long run?

      Just live life and be happy this is the worst thing happening to you today…

      • Not quiet…I've purchased more Switch games since I originally pre-ordered this so made me re-think on how quickly I will get around to playing it.

        Without getting too analytical or justify my reasons, it's a compilation of sports game! It will likely be played in groups or at parties so I can see a few copies being traded in the coming months and possibly further reducing the price of both new and pre-owned copies.

        You start getting a little selective once you have a few to many games or systems to choose from. That's all.

  • Not working anymore. Must have sold out.

  • Ordered an hour ago. Just got this email

    "Hi OP! Thanks for placing your order with us. However after careful review, we have decided to not accept your order. We apologise for any inconvenience."


    • +7

      That's one way of wording f**k you in particular

    • +1

      which store is this?

      • +1

        Broadway, Sydney

        • +1

          ill make sure to avoid them in the future

    • -3


      • Exactly the same here, my payment wouldn't have gone through if the info was wrong, super weird

        • i think they have not enough stocks for all the orders

      • Not surprised at all. My last switch game order, they only sent me 1, suppose to be 2

    • +2

      That email sounds a bit rude!

    • How many did you order?

      • Just 1. Payment went through and then an hour later got this email

        • Hi
          Thank you for contacting Harvey Norman Security.

          Harvey Norman Online endeavours to provide a safe online environment for our customers by implementing routine checks for orders, this is to ensure that no purchase is made without the card holder’s authorization.

          Unfortunately we do not disclose the actions as to why your request to purchase was reviewed with our system and as per our Terms and Conditions and Pursuant to clause 5(9) of the Harvey Norman Online Terms and Conditions of Sale (available at www.harveynorman.com.au/terms-and-conditions/)

          A refund has been processed back to your account for the amount you paid by paypal, you will get a confirmation of the refund via the email provided on the order.The funds can take up to three business days to appear back in your account.

          You will be issued a same value new gift card

  • Ready to collect. Thanks OP!

  • Thanks OP. Ordered and ready for collection received.

  • Oh dang! I snooze I lose. Buying two copies of this today and missed this!

  • Managed to get one in time - thanks for posting! :) Keen to pick it up tomorrow.
    I assume the gift card will be like a voucher on the receipt or something?

  • thanks OP.

    PissLUR, your Click & Collect order is ready for collection.

    • +1

      Oh man, I had no idea that was your real name

  • +1

    Spoke to the Nunawading store in VIC. They are -21 orders down with no ETA on when the next shipment will arrive. Bit disappointing was hoping to play it over the weekend

    • i HATE this…

  • -1

    I wonder how hard it will be to cancel if you want if the delay is going to be 2-4 weeks….?

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