Just checked and saw the price has dropped and now includes bonus $20 gift card.
Free click and collect or $5.95 delivery
Just checked and saw the price has dropped and now includes bonus $20 gift card.
Free click and collect or $5.95 delivery
He's the best!
Great minds think alike.😜
Gerry is smart. He is possibly testing the waters with this one to see if this is the only way around Amazon price matching. If Amazon doesn't join the party with this deal, all future deals may be similar with a gift card offered instead of a massive discount.
Yep. This could be the way he does deals in the future.
This will be $29 in next couple of months anyway, cheaper in EB preloved bargain bins
Trust me. If it is indeed their marketing strategy, it WOULDN'T have been thought by Gerry. I've worked there long enough to vouch this statement.. Lol.
Amazon has a great return policy, return it and buy this one.
I'll definitely be doing this.
you have to pay for shipping though if you're returning it to Amazon
It's free to return
@MiscOzB: Lol what are you on about? It’s free. Done it plenty of times. And they accept any reason. Just had to be within a certain timeframe of receiving it. They are very generous with returns.
@[Deactivated]: If the reason is simply change of mind they charge a return fee. I’m not surprised that lots of people on OzB wouldn’t be honest about the reason though lol.
@MiscOzB: This must be for orders that have delivery fee and/or non prime members? I’ve returned at least a dozen things simply because I didn’t like them and I never had a single issue.
@Duc609: I always thought returns were free but Amazon charged me last time I returned something. Here is their policy:
Original shipping fees for change of mind returns are not refunded. However, you may be eligible for Free Returns shipping for eligible items which display the “FREE Returns” message on the product detail page.
@Duc609: Not all change of mind purchases are free to return, you get slapped with a $7 return shipping fee.
You could get around it by stating that the item didn't meet your expectations
Not anymore… Recently returned an item and I had to pay for return shipping. The free return items now apparently have “free return” label on them. They also are not open for price matching, previously I remember they used to offer gift card for the gap.
Just checked my Amazon order hasnt even shipped yet! Cxld & ordered this one thx OP
Yep, cancelled Amazon and ordered this! Thanks OP
Done the same just now - thanks op!
Mate, this is BS to the people that preordered it from Harvey's for $58 with no gift card.
Learn your lesson, don't pre-order. It's a scam.
Yeah, I don't normally. I just had a HN gift card that I wanted to get rid of.
To add insult to injury, I didn't even get notification that my order was ready today. I ordered at the beginning of the month, and yet others that ordered today got their orders straight away.
got 1 . thanks
Thanks OP, ordered.
Was planning to go digital for this game but can't pass it up at this price.
Digital doesn’t come with the strap accessories
Yeah but I have one from Ring Fit, plus they're like $5 from aliexpress.
I’ve been trying to work out if I need more than one…
And Ali takes too long but yeah fair enough
@bowtiehoon: Ive bought a few things from Ali in these last two months and in surprised that I get my items within 2 weeks, the most is 3 weeks.
cant stand jerry but geez this is a decent deal
My exact thoughts when I saw it!
Thanks op glad I waited
No deal ya thieving dogs! Never spend a cent with em.
Cool story
Thanks bro
Bought it. Thanks. :D
Btw comes up as $48 on my bank statement
Why wouldn't it? You get a $20 gift card in store
Yes I also got a $20 gift card in store as I picked it up so total comes down to like $28 crazy deal
Thank goodness we are in australia with the return policies
Thank you That's so cheap!
Nice one! Ordered for pick up tomorrow
Will be hard for Amazon to match this.
Just tried returning it to Amazon, need to pay $7 return shipping fee since the return is not their error.
Just tell them its in their error.
Imagine if Amazon joins the party with a bonus $20 Amazon gift card. I don't see it happening but how good if it were to happen.
Would love that, coz then we get to stick to HN again when we do mass returns.
Is this game worth it? Seems like only 4 sports on it?
It's not as good as Wii Sports Resort. There are 6 games iirc with Golf coming later as a free DLC.
From the reviews it seems the same as Wii Sports.
ie great party game, fun factor is probably a bit limited if playing solo.
Difference being that Wii Sports used to come free with the console but if you can get this for a decent price then it'll be well worth it.
I really don't want to support Gerry, but I know I will kick myself for missing this deal…
I hope amazon comes to the party with a gift card of $20. Or even just make it $10 less so that Gerry has mass cancellations on their system.
You win this time Gerry ya pr*ck
Thanks OP. Do we get the gift card digital or in-store?
Cheers mate!
Thanks OP picked one up!
I'm gonna skip this one as it has too little games for $48. Yes I know there's a $20 gc, but I really don't have anything to buy from HN and don't think I want to buy from them again given their sh*t system and services.
Thinking the same. It’s not net cost of $28 if you don’t have anything worthy of spending the $20 gift card on at HN…
Thanks OP
Looking forward to another deal on Switch games to spend that $20 gift card
Are you trying to seduce me Mr Harvey?
any idea what $20 gift worth for from HN
$20 ?
Say what? As in what’s it worth to HN? I assume they just do some formula to get a rough idea what each GCdollar equates to them in ‘real’ money. I’m guessing $20 GC is probably worth around $5 to them. Could be even less since it brings customers back who could buy more things.
price error? this makes amazon look like a joke. canceled and jumped ship
Something to consider - Unless you aim to buy an apple accessory for that $20 voucher - You'll end up losing money when trying to redeem HN voucher in HN Store
price beating exists
At the manager's discretion, you'll be better off sourcing the same item elsewhere at a discounted rate - discounted more than what would be paying out of pocket to HN.
Not really, I was trying to match $10 off a $60 item and they refused. It’s bs..
or you can buy cheap games? they have many cheap games promotion?
true that. Most of the recent amazon price matches for switch games have come because of HN
Not considering the tremendous deals they have on lately
got one thanks OP!
They have a online queue now
Site is getting smashed ..
Not available for pickup anywhere near me so I guess I miss out!
I had not planned on picking this one up…..thanks! Thanks but no thanks from my wallet ;-)
Thank you!
Bought way too many games recently already, but it was available for click and collect so I couldn't resist.
Edit: it's already ready for pickup
Tempting to get for the kids but I like my TV unsmashed
Same, I want to get this but cant take the risk of a smashed TV?
Maybe we should get those Covid Plastic protectors and place it in front to the TV while playing this game.
fk you gerry. first time i caved in to hn and I hate myself
Thank you OP, ordered for C&C
Got the pickup confirmation. Thanks OP.
cancelled my Amazon order and purchased with HN
Bought soooo many switch games after promising I would stick to digital only…..great deal!
Why stick to digital only? Can’t sell second hand later on? But if you do digital you can share with a second console? Curious to know.
i have 3 young kids - i thought it was best to not buy little game cards they can use (also makes it much quicker when switching between games like they do…)
You can share to a second console but I don't think they can play at same time.
site not working?
I feel dirty but I got it. Thanks OP
i want to use my 20 dollar amazon credit on this, i hope amazon does a price match
Looks like it sold out, stuck in queue.
Sold out it seems, page is gone
Goode ole gerry with the best deals