This was posted 2 years 10 months 6 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PS4] Metal Gear Solid V: The Definitive Experience $4.99 (Was $24.95) @ PlayStation Store


A good deal on a good game!

$5 now! 80% off and a must play.

NOTE: The online services of the PlayStation4 version of METAL GEAR SOLID V: GROUND ZEROES will be terminated by May 31, 2022 at 06:00 UTC.
The main game can still be played offline after the online service ends.

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closed Comments

  • This thing under $4 before…

    • Awww, should have brought it then. But still $5 ain’t a bad deal.

      • +2


        • +6

          They like to take it with them

          • +1

            @FabMan: I find this one isn't even a typo, people actually say the word brought instead of bought.
            Blows my mind.

    • +4

      On PS4 it hasn't, going by previous deals. And even then on PC only TPP by itself went to $3.99 once (not including Ground Zeroes).

      $4.99 at the moment which matches previous low.

    • +3

      Inflation mate $1 is nothing compare to your grocery spikes!

    • Inflation

  • +6

    The last passable Metal Gear game. Worth a buy.

  • +3

    Price in title, L plater!

  • +1

    Why is a PS4 title tagged as 'PS4, PS5'?

    • -1

      Game can also be played on PS5

      • +11

        should be [PS4] only, [PS5] means there is a specific PS5 version listed for for the title

  • +3

    What a thrill

  • +1

    [Important Notification]
    The online services of the PlayStation4 version of METAL GEAR SOLID V: GROUND ZEROES will be terminated by May 31, 2022 at 06:00 UTC.
    The main game can still be played offline after the online service ends.

    • any bonus that from online play to be used on offline?

      • interested in knowing this

  • +2

    wow "-$4.99" what a bargain.

  • +5

    I'm not sure how I felt about MGSV. There were certain aspects of it that were really, really well thought out and executed. Like the actual gameplay. But the way the game organised itself from a story point of view, and how the map was consistently reused, kind of made the game unfun. I never ended up finishing it.

    • +2

      Dang that is a shame, the end twist I felt was awesome and I still think about it now and then.

      Finished it quite a few times on pc. Stealth for first 30 seconds of game, then guns blazing for the other 99.99% of it - every time HAHA.

    • +3

      Yeah that's a pretty common view, the action and gameplay is awesome, but the story is so disjointed and butchered, particularly in the back third of the game. Still it was enough for me to finish the story.

      Would love a 'director's cut' of the game with the missing content and further fleshed out gameplay, but sadly it looks like the big two Ks are destined to never cross paths ever again.

      • -1

        I'd be open to playing it again and trying, but I hate games that have an epic story, but it's like they make it a huge slodge to get through.

        The absolute worst example is Nier: Automata. It's like the disjointed MGSV experience on steroids, even though the gameplay is fun.

    • +2

      Yeah I never actually finished it due to feeling the same =(

      I looked up the big spoiler just to see what I'm missing out on but for me the series pretty much ended with Snake eater, even MGS4 was like, 20% gameplay 80% cutscene and fell off after the first few chapters :(

      • IMO I really enjoyed MGS4, I thought that was an epic game in it's own right. But it's interesting going back and playing the older games, because they really haven't aged too well, especially 2. Actually, mostly 2, the others aren't so bad.

        • I liked the camo system and seeing all the quirky stuff you could do to mess with the guards and AI like Hideo always throws into each iteration at the start, but around about the third chapter the gameplay and freedom just kept getting cut down significantly more and more to the point where it really did embrace that 'MGS is a movie' meme that it's known for.

          I dunno, it has been a good decade and change since I played it last (compared to 1 and 2 which I played on gog recently) so maybe my opinion will have changed if I played it again.

        • +1

          I finished mgs2 just yesterday and it aged just fine. Much better than 1 in terms of gameplay and graphics.

          • +1

            @Azro: I played 2 (and 3) for the first time last year. 2 might be my favorite in the series, it's aged fine.

    • Pretty much

      I thought it was a great stealth / action game, but a pretty poor Metal Gear game.

    • It was basically cut in scope during development, so the variety of maps (there was going to be multiple open worlds) was shit and the end of the story kind of rushed and not paced well. It had so much potential, they nailed the mechanics.

    • Gameplay was smooth as butter, and most of the mechanics were fun, if not a little under utilised by mid way through the game. Story was typical of Kojima; Bombastic, cryptic, convoluted, cheesy but MGS5 turns all that up to 11. You know the kind of story you're getting with a Kojima game and that's half the fun….but here, every act of the game was premised on absurdities that were a bit too much even for him imo.

      The world itself was a bit dead as well. I expected patrols, kill teams, vehicles moving between bases regularly, helicopter 'squads' hunting you, reinforcements. The map just felt like a series of bases and outposts tailored to be snuck into, without anything in-between. Made the whole thing tediously easy by even early-mid game imo

      I think the most disappointing thing for me was the lack of well thought out and complex boss battles. Was a big of a hallmark for the series imo. MGS5 had the worst of the series to the point where all of them were uninspired and dare I say pretty damn lazily designed? None of them felt like Kojima's style at all. Bullet sponges with zero complex mechanics. Miles away from fights like from 'The End' or 'Fatman' or 'Sniperwolf' etc.

      Still I enjoyed it. Was fun and entertaining, but it's the only MGS I never picked up again once I finished it. MGS5: Ground Zeroes amazing though, not a single downside to that taster other than it wasn't the full game…

  • +4

    D i a m o n d D o g s

  • +1

    I really wish they'd bring the Legacy Collection to modern consoles, the MGS games are absolute gems!

    • Can play MGS 2-3 and Peace Walker on Xbox One and maybe the series consoles as well via backwards compat… If they are still on sale? I bought them ages ago. I think there's some controversy about analog triggers or buttons or something in the Xbox ports but I'm not even sure if that's relevant beyond PS2/PS3 anyway.. I played and finished MGS2 recently on Xbox One and had no issues other than getting used to the control scheme again!

      • The digital versions of 2 & 3 were removed from sale due to archive video licenses expiring. Konami said it was only temporary while they were renewed, but they have been gone for 6 months now with no update.

  • Loved it! Worth it for 5 bucks

  • +4

    Kept you waiting huh

    • Wonder if we'll ever see the movie

  • got launch day, re-got it when it first went ~$5. can't go wrong.

    surprised its not part of the playstation plus collection free on ps5 to be honest… defined the ps4…

  • they should remake Snake Eater

    • They did. On a (profanity) Pachinko machine, and it actually looks good visually. Bloody Konami

  • The base game version was part of PS+ a few years ago if I remember correctly.

    Worth checking your game library before purchase!

  • +1

    The only MGS game I've played is Phantom Pain - I absolutely loved it! Would you say that this game is worth playing if I enjoy the Phantom Pain style, pace, gameplay etc?


    • +2

      This is The Phantom Pain (plus Ground Zeroes which was kind of a demo/preview set before the main game).

      • +1

        Ah right, that's a shame! Thanks for your help.

        Also, great UCL match this morning, congrats on the win!

        • +3

          Yeah it is a shame, and with how things went down between Konami and Kojima we might never get a follow up.

          And yes it was a good win!

  • +3

    You're pretty good

  • +1

    Easy buy for $5 if you haven't played it before, gameplay is fun, story is decent too.

  • Was gonna buy but turns out I already got it free from PS plus

    • that didn't include the dlc though


    • +1

      I never picked up on that.

  • !

  • as if i we don't use this as an alert sound. nothing else gave me palpitations like this sound

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