• expired

Earn up to 140,000 Qantas Points (after 60 Days Qualifying Period) @ Qantas Health Insurance


Higher than last few months bonus
Sign up with Ozbargain referral code to get the 2 & 6 Months Waiting Period Waiver.
Look like you can signup for cheaper plans then switch to the most expensive one around the 60th day https://www.ozbargain.com.au/comment/11897573/redir as well.

Terms and conditions:
Qantas Frequent Flyer members who purchase a Qantas Health Insurance policy between 26 April 2022 and 11:59pm AEST 3 May 2022 will earn up to 140,000 sign on Qantas Points. During this time 140,000 is the maximum number of sign on Qantas Points that can be earned upon purchase of combined Gold Hospital and Top Extras Cover for Couples, Single Parents and Families. Each Qantas Health Insurance policy has a maximum number of points that can be earned upon purchase, which can be found here. Points will only be awarded to the primary policyholder after the policy has been held for 60 continuous days and will be based on the level of cover held at that time. Offer only available if you buy your policy through the Qantas website or call centre. Not available to customers who have held a health insurance policy with Qantas, nib, AAMI, Apia, GU Health, Suncorp, ING or Priceline at any time in the 6 months before purchasing a new Qantas Health Insurance policy. Qantas may withdraw or extend this offer at any time.

Referral Links

Health Insurance: random (80)

5000 points for referrer and referee on select products. Details

Qantas Wellbeing App: random (518)

150 Points for the referrer (up to 20 times) and referee for signing up to the app.

Related Stores

Qantas Insurance
Qantas Insurance

closed Comments

  • Of course right after I signed up two days ago when it was 110k points.

    When I installed the Well-being app it synced the last 3 months of data and gave me points for the default target, if you do more than 2k steps a day I recommend updating the target straight away in case it backtracks more points against it.

  • Will have to do my research tonight, but has anyone sussed out what the most cost effective method is to get the points if you don't care for the health insurance?

    • I'd love toovknow too cheers and thanks OP👍

      And actually what worth is 140,000 Qantas points?, I guess always best deal using points for flights, I think 140,000 points would get one travelling one overseas, maybe? Honestly not sure

    • +2

      Getting a CC with a 100k signup bonus is gonna trump this by a lonnnnnng margin I think :/

      • Yeah, get that too, just considering if this is worth the hassle if you don't want or need the insurance but would love the points for future trips.

        • You gotta hold the policy for 60 days before they give you the points , so I'd say no.

          I plugged in a random quote, skipped the hospital and only chose extras on the top level and it quoted 38400 points for 257 bucks monthly. So 500 odd bucks at least for 38K points. Pretty poor value even when compared to annual fees for platinum credit cards.

  • +2

    Not sure if anyone had any success recently however I signed up in early Feb and upgraded to higher cover before the 60 days and now 3 weeks have passed still no points let alone the max points bonus. I was passed around a few times on the call when I enquired bout it and one of the staff questioned me why I upgraded and whether its for the points. He said that I may have to wait a further 60 days on the upgraded plan if I want the max points. At the moment they are investigating so looks like they are onto it.

    • conditions say held at that time.

      I'd cancel the policy and get them to investigate and honor it.

      • I'm just worried that if I cancel the policy before points arrive, I may forfeit everything but you are right, it says held at the time so even if I cancel it should not affect it.

        • Just wondering the weekly or monthly costs for the health insurance side

          • @Italkdigital: Depends on your age and income. For me, its just under 600/month for top extras and hospital.

        • More hurdles.. but saves you $$

        • +1

          Has there been any update to this?

          • +3

            @Tom088: They ended up giving me the points.

            • @runamuck: Thanks for confirming - planning to do the same thing

            • @runamuck: Thanks for the update. Did you stay on the higher plan until they awarded the points?

              • +1

                @rarelyscene: I was on the higher plan when they awarded the points as I was still within the 30 days cooling off period. Would be good to know too if they will award me the points if I downgraded the plan before I get the points but I wont know now.

    • On one of the previous deals they changed the way they paid the points to be paid slowly over a few months, I guess to counter this method, surprised they reverted back to the 60 day option.

  • +2

    To earn 140k points, you need max cover for a couple, so spending like $800+ per month. I suppose in theory, you could claim through as many of the extras as possible in the first couple of months, cancel after 60 days and it might barely be worth it. But this isn't a good deal for me.

  • do you get the points immediately after the 60 days? Thinking of cancelling immediately if that is the case

    • +1

      On previously deals it was reported points landed day 61-62 after the policy was taken up.

    • +1

      Day 60 for me

  • -1

    What's stopping you from signing up, getting a whole load of work done in week 1, and canceling two weeks later (or the day after)?

  • +3


    Qantas health insurance is a rebadged NIB Health insurance, widely considered in the healthcare industry as one of the worst health insurances you can have! (I work in healthcare)

    Nib are the only heath fund in Australia that still stubbornly doesn’t use a ‘known gap policy’ which means if your specialist doesn’t accept Nibs rebates as the full payment (and they won’t as they are a abysmally low) then nib will drop their rebate by 45% to Medicare rebate only (so it’s almost like you have no insurance).

    Those qantas points will cost you many thousands of dollars if you ever have surgery.

    • +1

      so which insurance would you recommend?

    • Legitimate question - what would be the harm of going to them, claiming your 140k points after 60 days, then switching to a more reputable PHI company other than the obvious if you need to claim for something in those 60 days.

      I'm currently sitting a 12 month wait period for a surgery that comes up in December with Medibank - If I left for Qantas, got the points, then returned before December it seems like it would be okay - unless I'm missing something?

      • That will be fine, just make sure the new policy covers you as the waiting periods are carried across for hospital (generally most of the time for extras too, but it's not a mandate)

    • Do you know if it works like that with GU (Grand United) insurance that NIB took over a couple of years ago?

  • Has anyone had any issues if you already have private health elsewhere that you want to keep and taking out a 2nd policy with Qantas for the points?

    I'd be thinking of using the trick linked at the top to sign up for the cheapest extras and upgrade for a few days near the 60 day mark to their top coverage.

    Would it cause any issues?

    • Hasn't for me in the past.

    • Legally you can't have 2 hosp or 2 extras policies, it's fraud

      • Most likely so you cannot claim twice on the same bills. But if you do not do that who will know and how did you commit fraud?

        • Health fund provide data to government for tax reasons. Therefore you may end up claiming more than you should and you will be red flagged. Especially if they work out cause for receiving bonus offers vs unknowingly having 2 policies. Similarly with all types of fraud, eg Centrelink claiming, you'll be caught eventually

          For clarity, I have never held 2 simultaneous policies

      • +1

        I've heard this from my mum before but I haven't been able to find anything about it online.

        Can you cite a reference?

  • +1

    I'm just here providing an update, as that is my comment from OP linked to from a now closed thread

    My points landed on exactly day 60 from online sign up date. The full 120000! Bronze hospital to gold hosp&top extras as family.

    I switched on about day 52 via online website. I called up initially and the call centre agent told me even if I swap from bronze cover, I wouldn't be given the higher points. Just got rid of him and did the switch via the website instead

    • Interesting, ill see how I go. I just went the extra cover, online it will not allow me to add hospital cover.

    • I tried your trick and it worked.

      I am wondering if you have tried this trick with the BUPA plan: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/703407

      I am keen to find out if the BUPA plan operates on the same principle at the NIB/Qantas one.

  • +2

    If you call up to add hospital, just ignore the agent ID they say that. You'll still qualify for the points

    • thanks!

    • Just clarifying, did you go from Basic Extras only to Gold Hospitals and Top Extras?

  • Hey guys, following your protocol. Still, it's a gamble so I hope it works. Signed up under Basic "Extras" the lowest tier, close to the end of the 60 days I will upgrade my insurance to the top tier "Gold Hospitals and Top Extras".

    • Worker for me

      • Do you mean worked? Did you change in the last few days?

        • This worked for me.

          I am wondering if you have tried this trick with the BUPA plan: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/703407

          I am keen to find out if the BUPA plan operates on the same principle at the NIB/Qantas one.

          • +1

            @Tyken: doesn't work with bupa. Qantas the only one I'm aware of, have investigated many of them

  • day 53

    • coool thanks

    • On the first week, I got billed on the first day of joining. Then 3 days later I got billed again. Should I chat with support service?? Had I known that it starts on the Thursday cycle for a weekly plan then I would have registered on the Thursday instead of the Monday.

      • not sure. but if you cancel and you've paid for the cycle in advance, then they'll refund you prorata.

        • yep correct, doesn't matter when'/how much you are billed, you will receive a refund for anything overpaid. you only pay for days covered

          • @leeroys_dad: is that automated or is that something you need to make a dispute?

            • @PeeDee: Usually automated, definitely don't dispute, just ask nicely how the refund is being processed if they don't mention it

  • Mod, Qantas extended their offer to end of Jul

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