• expired

Uber Eats - US$15 Cashback For New Customers (~A$20.80, No Min Spend, Desktop Only, 2022 Anzac Day) @ Cashrewards


Cashback Categories

  • New Uber Eats Customers US$ 15
  • Return Uber Eats Customers US$ 3

Ends at 23:59 AEST (Monday, 25 APR 2022)

Cashback rates are displayed in USD and will be converted to AUD
at the corresponding exchange rate in your Cashrewards account.

Your order must be made on a desktop browser.
Cashback is ineligible on orders via mobile browsers, the Cashrewards app, or the Uber Eats app.

Cashback is eligible on pre-orders, but only after the order is completed without cancellation.
Cashback is eligible on orders paid with Uber Wallet.

Cashback is eligible for pick-ups and deliveries.

You must ensure your order is finalised (marked as picked up or delivered) to be eligible for cashback.

Cashback is ineligible with any other offers or coupons unless specifically listed on this site.
Cashback is ineligible on purchase of gift cards, and on orders made outside of Australia.

Cashback may take up to 14 days to track into your Cashrewards account.

Referral Links

Referral: random (3761)

$10 for referee and $10 for referrer, after referee makes $20 purchase within 14 days.

Related Stores

Uber Eats
Uber Eats

closed Comments

  • +1

    Its now limited to the new users. The sauce guys won’t be happy this time lol.

    • +3

      Cashback Categories
      * New Uber Eats Customers US$ 15
      * Return Uber Eats Customers US$ 3

      • +1

        They may still benefit from the deal then lol.
        Thanks for clarifying this.

  • +3

    Return Uber Eats Customers also upsized cashback to US$3 (previously US$1.5 from memory)

    • Uber Eats playing $2 Up

      • US$ 1.5 = AU$ 2

        • +3

          Yes, and pick-up option is eligible for cashback. So nice for a free or almost free coffee or snack.

  • Stacks with $20 off code?

    • +1

      From my exp, it stacks with any promo, even Bundll $30 off code (cashback approved by SB) .

  • I can just make a new Uber Eats account for this, right?

    • +1

      I think Uber Eats needs a new phone number (AND new credit card?), to be a new account.

      • Say that I can do both of those, I should be good to go?

        • I have not done this, but this is how it should work.

          ( Also, a different Email address could help :-) )

    • New email
      New card
      New number
      Same address and order name ok

  • +1

    Remove the word upsized because its redundant, and have that US$15 NEW USERS ONLY tag front and center.

    • +1


      • Thank you, OP

  • so basically only A$4 credit, not even enough for a cup of free coffee….

    • It's enough for the "$2 promo" on 4&20 BBQ Meatlovers Roll with 99c delivery and $1 service fee.

      Or one could pick up a sushi roll, a side of chips, coffees from some cafes etc.

      • I think you can place as many pre-orders as possible for up to 7 days. Click once via CR for every order.

        • Good idea to preorder, will have to do it from desktop site though which is annoying. Will forcing desktop mode from mobile work?

          • @decc0: One close to free item a day! It seems no limit here.

  • +2

    Update: It's $5 USD for return customers and $20 USD for new customers for MAX customers.

  • Can we reorder as my first order was cancelled by the restaurant as it was scheduled order for tomorrow

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