Eating Cold Seafood Seems Not Right

Bugs, crays, prawns, mussels, etc. Everytime I see people eat them cold, I can't imagine why. You're hungry, eat a hot meal people! Eat a freshly grilled/ boiled/ fried/ baked/ blanched/ air-fried seafood. I'm pretty sure even Innuits eat only freshly cooked seafood.

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  • Some seafoods are better hot and some are better cold

    As someone else mentioned, cool freshly cooked prawns + dipping sauce is amazing

    Hot fresh seafood usually turns out well 9/10 times
    Grilled fish, prawns, stir fried lobster, scallop

    Fresh Sydney rock oysters + lemon can be so good as well
    Cooked oyster on the other hand can be really weird sometimes

  • +2

    People that live in their parents basement ask these kind of questions

  • yeh i dont eat uncooked anything specially seafood, to each their own

  • Reminds me about visiting China many years back, when they were horrified at us drinking cold water. Or was it "disgusted"? The locals only ever had water at least warm from a thermos, as the tap-water or well water was unsafe unless boiled. But culture moves on.

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