So visiting Sydney and staying with family in Alexandria. Awesome spot but parking is almost impossible. I’m parked in an half hour spot Monday-Friday 8:30 to 5:30, but the sign says nothing about public holidays.
As tomorrow is a public holiday Monday I’m wondering whether the parking sign applies or whether public holidays are exempted. Surprisingly I can’t find any official guidance online, so wondering if anyone on here know whether the time limits apply?
It may be ok on public holidays though. (YMMV, also IANAL)
Under NSW Road Rule 205A, it says; (205A deals with parking outside the times designated on parking signs)
The only reference I can find in the NSW road rules is with an example is about “loading zones”, but I think any parking zone restriction applies here.
NSW Road Rule 318 (3) says;
Let's break it down and see what we get…
"If information on a traffic control device" - Parking sign
"indicates that it applies on a particular day of the week" - Monday to Friday in your case
"the device does not have effect on a day that is a public holiday" - the sign doesn't apply on public holidays
"unless information on the device states otherwise." - unless the sign specifically says "Including Public Holidays"